Biography of George A. Crawford

George A. Crawford, the founder of Fort Scott, a well known editor and public man and several times a gubernatorial candidate, was born in Clinton County, Pennsylvania, July 27, 1827, of Scotch-Irish-German stock. After recejving an aendemie education and graduating from Jefferson College, he taught school in Kentucky and Mississippi, when he returned to Pennsylvania to study law. While still reading for the bar, he became edjtor and proprietor of the Clinton Demoernt. During the early ’50s he took an active part in politics against the Know-Nothings and in 1855 was a delegate to the Pennsylvania Demeratie State Couvention. In … Read more

Fort Horn, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Fort Horn was erected on a high flat extending out to the river and commanding a good view of the river up and down, as well as the north side of the river; is about midway between Pine and McElhattan Stations on the P. & E. R. R., west of Fort Antes. It was a place of refuge for those hardy settlers on the Indian lands on the north side of the river, as well as the residents on the Pennsylvania lands on which it was built. The river lands on the north side were outside the purchase of 1768, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Harris Welch

William Harris Welch was born at Erie, Pennsylvania, December 15, 1862. He moved from there to Lock Haven with his parents the following year, and was educated in private and public schools, finishing with a special one year’s course in the State Normal at that place in 187980. During the next five years he studied and practiced civil engineering with his father, Edwin H. Welch, on the Pennsylvania railroad. In February, 1885, he entered the maintenance of way department of the Northern Central railway at Elmira as rodman. In June of the same year he came to Canandaigua as assistant … Read more

Clinton County, Pennsylvania Census Records

1790 Clinton County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Clinton County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Clinton County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1810 U.S. Census Guide 1820 Clinton County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1820 Census Form for your Research Hosted at … Read more

Biography of Illiam Francis Allison

Illiam Francis Allison was born September 7, 1847, in Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, and, like many men who achieve success in business or distinction in public life, his early years were passed on a farm, where are instilled habits of industry, and the seeds of a sturdy, selfreliant manhood are sown which ripen into true grandeur of character. Young Allison’s inclination being rather toward mercantile pursuits than agricultural, he left the farm and took a course in Commercial College at Poughkeepsie, New York. Though not of legal age, he exemplified his patriotism by enlisting in the Union army, and it was the … Read more

Clinton County, Pennsylvania Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Clinton County Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives Sunnyside Cemetery No. 1, Fairpoint Surnames A-E: Some Clinton County Cemeteries Surnames F-K: Some Clinton County Cemeteries Surnames L-R: Some Clinton County Cemeteries Surnames S-Z: Some Clinton County Cemeteries Nelsonville Cemetery (aka Rohn/Rhone), Keating Mountain Cemetery Photos Hosted at Clinton County Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives Dunnstown Cemetery Cemeteries Hosted at Clinton County Pennsylvania Political Graveyard Cemeteries Hosted at Interment Dunnstown Cemetery Noyes Cemetery Cemeteries Hosted at Pennsylvania … Read more

Biography of Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley

Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley, pastor of the Holy Trinity church at Fourteenth and Mallinckrodt streets in St. Louis, was born in Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1873, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Selter) Lubeley, both of whom were natives of Germany, where they were reared and married. Immediately after that important event in their lives they sailed for the United States, taking up their abode at Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, where the father taught school and also served as organist in the church. In 1877 he came to St. Louis and was made teacher and organist in St. Liborius parish, with which … Read more

Biography of Barney W. Frauenthal

Barney W. Frauenthal, general traffic agent of the United Railways Company of St. Louis, was born in White Haven, Pennsylvania, February 27, 1869. He attended the public schools at White Haven and completed his education at the Central State Normal School at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. In May, 1883, Mr. Frauenthal entered the service of the Union Depot Company in the telegraph department of the old Union depot at Twelfth and Poplar streets, where he was steadily promoted to higher responsibilities in the telegraph and ticket departments. In 1893 he accepted a position with the Wabash Western Railway Company in a … Read more

Fort Reed at Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Fort Reed was the most westerly of the line of defenses thrown out in advance of Fort Augusta, for the purpose of covering that place and as a rallying place for the inhabitants and the scouts when hard pressed. The Continental Army had drawn largely upon the young active men of the region, leaving those less ht for active service at home to cope with an enemy, the most active and wily in border warfare of this kind in the world. In this forest country, with the inhabitants isolated by the size of their land claims, he could lay in … Read more

Slave Narrative of John Anderson

Interviewer: Byers York Person Interviewed: John Anderson Location: Kentucky Place of Birth: Clinton County PA A story resulting from an interview with John Anderson, an old Negro slave: “I was born in Pennsylvania, on Shiptown road, Clinton County, close to Mercersberg. When I was growing up my mammy always believed in making her own medicine, and doctored the whole family with the roots she dug herself. She use to bile down the roots from may-apple, snake root and blood root, and make her medicine. This was good for the blood and keep us from gettin’ sick. While the wah was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert James Boggis

Boggis, Herbert James; mfr.; born, Lock Haven, Pa., March 22, 1862; son of Robert H. and Helen Taylor Boggis; educated, Yale, 1885; married, Philadelphia, Feb. 18, 1886, Sarah W. Parsons; issue, Mrs. R. H. Wright, Oct. 20, 1888, Henry P., May 21, 1895, Mildred, Feb. 9, 1900; began work with McIntosh-Huntington Co.; entered employ of the Taylor & Boggis Foundry Co. in 1886, be-coming sec ‘y of company in the fall of 1887; took charge of No. 2 foundry in 1890, and in 1910, upon death of Mr. Boggis, Sr., took charge of foundry; vice pres. the Taylor & Boggis … Read more

Kathi Reid’s Pennsylvania Websites

Kathi Reid has placed online her websites various Pennsylvania genealogy material. This page links directly to that material. Her website contains various history and biographical material for Bucks, Butler, Centre, Clinton, Erie, Fayette, Lycoming, and Schuylkill counties as well as Pennsylvania military records.

Biography of George W. Staver

George W. Staver, president and founder of one of the largest mercantile corporations on the Pacific Coast was born in Brush Valley, Center county, Pennsylvania, November 18, 1836. He is of German and Scotch-Irish ancestry and was reared upon a farm. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Sugar Valley, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, and remained on the same farm until 1854, when they came ‘to Illinois, but a year later settled near Monroe, Green county, Wisconsin. Here his father, Frederick Staver, still resides, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. Our subject received from his father a most thorough … Read more

Biography of J. M. Massey

J. M. Massey. One of the live and prosperous communities of Southeastern Kansas which is offering unsurpassed opportunities for the development of men and large business interests is the growing City of Chanute. In this locality may be found many of the raw materials, or they can be easily obtained through railroad shipments. Here is an immense local market, and here are the men, solid, reliable and aggressive, ready and willing to push ahead to the ultimate end whatever enterprise they connect themselves with. Once an individual establishes himself in the line for which he is best fitted, if he … Read more