Biographical Sketch of C. Brenton Cook

Cook, C. Brenton; automobile business; born, Frankfort, Ind., Nov. 30, 1882; son of Jonathan and Dorcas Cook; educated, public schools, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1901-1905; married, Toledo, O., Feb. 3, 1910, Francis Florence Smith; one daughter, Francis Catherine; 1905-1906, graduate engineering apprentice; 1906-1909, sales engineer Bullock Electric Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.; 1909-1912 mgr. Allis-Chalmers Co., Toledo, O.; 1912, branch mgr. Stevens-Duryea Co.; member American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Bachelor of Science (B. S.); member Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Josiah Ross

Josiah Ross, one of the first settlers of Santa Ana, was born in Clinton County, Indiana, in 1844. His parents were Jacob and Elizabeth (Thompson) Ross, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. For a number of years the subject of this sketch has been a quiet but successful tiller of the soil on his fine farm one mile west of Santa Ana. Most of his attention has been given to horticulture, and his well kept orchards show many varieties of deciduous and semi-tropical fruits. He has not cared to take an active part in political matters, but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. H. McLure

A. H. McLure is a native of Clinton county, Indiana, and was born May 14, 1838. His parents, Thomas and Ruth McClure, were both natives of Virginia. When the subject of our sketch was one year old his parents moved to Howard county, Indiana, and thirteen years later they moved to Warren county, Iowa, where he was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools. He enlisted June 13, 1861, in Company D, First Regiment Iowa Cavalry, and was soon after appointed company bugler, and was regiment bugler the last year of his time. He was in the … Read more

Biography of Samuel M. Gee

Samuel M. Gee, farmer and dairyman residing two and one-half miles northwest of Nowata, Nowata County, was born in Clinton County, Indiana, on the 23d of May, 1864, a son of Moses G. and Catherine (Maish) Gee. The father was a native of Ohio, where he lived until he removed to Indian Territory. He died at Council Hill in 1910. Mrs. Gee was born in Pennsylvania and died in Missouri in 1907. In January, 1902 Samuel M. Gee came to Indian Territory and located at Adair, where he rented four hundred acres of land, which he farmed for four years. … Read more

Biography of J. M. Gideon, M. D.

J. M. GIDEON, M. D. There is generally a wide diversity of opinion among people outside of the medical profession in their estimate of the skill and ability of a particular physician. A family is likely to pin its faith on one practitioner and distrust all the rest. If there is a member of the profession in Ozark who has successfully fought down this prejudice and now stands secure in the confidence and high esteem of the general public, that man is Dr. J. M. Gideon, a man whose research in the field of science has produced such remarkable results … Read more