Biographical Sketch of Horace Arthur Fuller

Fuller, Horace Arthur; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Samuel Augustus and Julia Clark Fuller; educated, Cleveland public schools, and one year Western Reserve University; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1886, Alice Tenney Ingersoll; issue, Antionette F., Pierrong and Marian Fuller; began business in January, 1883, with Condit, Fuller & Co.; this was a partnership; about two years later, entered the employ of The Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1888, as asst. sec’y, in 1891, elected treas. and gen. mngr., and pres. in 1911; vice pres. of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1891; pres. since January, 1912; pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses J. Gries

Gries, Moses J.; rabbi; born, Newark, N. J., Jan. 25, 1868; son of Jacob and Katie Gries; educated, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College; married, Cleveland, June 15, 1898, Frances Hays; issue, two sons; pres. Central Conference of American Rabbis; member Board of Governors, Hebrew Union College, Board of Editors, Department of Synagogue and School Extension; member committee on Municipal Arts and Architecture of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce (group plan); member board of trustees Cleveland Associated Charities; trustee Cleveland School of Art; Federation of Jewish Charities; director of The City Club of Cleveland; also … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry A. Adams

Adams, Harry A.; real estate; born, Tuscarawas Co., O., April 30, 1861; son of William and Catherine Kohr Adams; public school education; married, Akron, O., May 9, 1889, Minnie Bell Helfer; in drug business in Akron, 0., for seven years; Canal Dover, O., 1890, becoming pres. and mgr. the Adams, Reed & Rattan Co.; pres. Dover Land & Improvement Co., director of State Savings bank, member of Dover Board of Mdse., director of Dover Building & Loan Co.; came to Cleveland in 1905, entering the field of real estate development; vice pres., treas. and mgr. The Adams Realty Co., owner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick L. Baker

Baker, Frederick L.; diet. agent Empire Line; born, Wooster, O., Aug. 5, 1876; public and high school education; married, Chicago, June 10, 1911, Irene Carr; one child; fifteen years with the Empire Line; being district agent for the past seven years; member Traffic and Country clubs; three years member of Troop A; Mason.

Biographical Sketch of William W. Chamberlain

Chamberlain, William W.; shoe mfr.; born, April 19, 1859, Cleveland; son of Norman W. and Mary Elizabeth Hogadom Chamberlain; public and high school; married, Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1905, Carrie G. Simpson; eight years with the pioneer shoe firm of Childs & Co.; one year with W. E. Schmitz & Co.; wholesale boots and shoes, Pittsburgh; with S. L. Pierce & Co., Cleveland, since 1886; now sales manager; director Union Savings & Loan Co.; member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Euclid Club; Cleveland Athletic Club. Recreations: Baseball and Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of D. Jay Collver

Collver, D. Jay; district passenger agt., N. Y. C. Lines; born, Stanhope, N. J., Aug. 20, 1846; educated, public schools, Clyde, O.; engaged in the dry goods business in Clyde; came to Cleveland about 1875; entering the service of the Bee Line R. R. Co., now part of the Big Four system of the N. Y. Central Lines; originator of long-distance excursions and high-class tours in the U. S.; enlisted Co. A, 72d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, November, 1861; discharged, March, 1863; re-enlisted, 1864, 196th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Hospital Steward) ; chief clerk at headquarters Duryea; brigade to close of war; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter R. Horning

Horning, Walter R.; electric engineer and mfg.; born, Allegheny, Pa., Sept. 2, 1882; son of Charles F. and Anna M. Walter Horning; educated, common schools, Howe Military Academy (Military degree), Case School Applied Science, special and electrical course; married. Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1908, Leoy May Oakley; Sergt. Maj. 5th Regiment, O. N. G., 1910-1912; first technical position held as electrical engineer The Williams Telephone & Mfg. Co.; afterwards road erector for Electric Controller & Mfg. Co., and in 1906, started the business of which he is now the pres., The Horning Electric & Mfg. Co.; pres. and treas. member American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Lee Caulkins

Caulkins, David Lee; insurance; born, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1869; son of John Guernsey and Nancy Lee Caulkins; educated at the University of Chattanooga; married, Ludlow, Ky., May 29, 1893, Dora Leota Hoover; one son, Robert Sharp Caulkins, born Oct. 23, 1897; district chief railway mail service, Louisville & Cincinnati, for seven years; prior to coming to Cleveland, in 1905, general agt. for Northeastern Ohio for The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; since 1905, trustee City Rescue Mission; elder Calvary Presbyterian Church; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Frank J. Ulchek

Ulchek, Frank J.; manufacturer; born, Bohemia, Jan. 4, 1871; son of John Ulchek; educated, public schools, Bohemia, graduating at the age of 12; two years at Manual Training School; learned tool-smithing at Storian Mills, 14 to 16; married, Cleveland, July 3, Mary Birhanzl, issue, two sons, and one daughter; Feb. 4, 1895, started as blacksmith with one helper; 1900, moved to a larger shop, 8023 Central Ave., employing six men; was burned out in 1909; re-established business in new and larger quarters, 19709 Quincy Ave.; incorporated business in 1913; employs sixty-five men, and is contemplating enlarging plant; pres. and gen. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren Bicknell

Bicknell, Warren; pres. Cleveland Construction Co.; born, Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1868; son of Charles T. and Susan Payne Bicknell, educated, public schools of Morrisville, N. Y., and Massillon, O.; graduated from Adelbert College in 1890; married, St. Paul, Minn., February, 1900; issue, Frances Louise born, November, 1900, Warren, Jr., born, 1902, and Elizabeth, – born, – February, 1904; business career, for a time studied law in. the office of Boynton, Hale & Herr; a year and half sec’y Cleveland Athletic Club; one year in the coal business in New Castle, Pa.; sold. interests there and became auditor of … Read more

Biography of Fred L. Stephenson

Fred L. Stephenson is president of the Commercial State Bank of Yates Center. He had many other interests that connect him with that community, and for many years had been one of the live and energetic citizens, ever ready to co-operate in any plan for the advancement of local welfare. Mr. Stephenson had spent most of his life in Kansas and he owes to his individual energies and the opportunities of the state his prosperity and his position in affairs. His ancestors were English people who came to New York in Colonial days. His grandfather was Thomas Stephenson, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Alvaro Smith

Smith, John Alvaro; lawyer; born, Union County, O., Dec. 12, 1848; son of John W. and Esther A. Keys Smith; educated, O. W. U., Delaware, O., 1871, A. M. & B. A.; B. L., Ohio Law College, Cleveland, 1872; admitted to U. S. Courts, July 4, 1872; married, Cleveland, July 18, 1876, Marietta Edmondston; one son, John William Smith, attorney; member Cleveland Library Board six and one-half years; member City Council one term; 1888-1890, pres. of East Cleveland Council, and Vice Mayor; 1911-1913, director, member of executive committee and atty. The Pearl St. Savings & Trust Co.; director in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Klein

Klein, Louis; cigar business; born Austria, Sept. 25, 1871; son of Benj. and Augusta Klein; attended public schools in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Aug. 14, 1894, Fanny G. Gottlieb; issue, Cecile Penrose, and Ruth Helen; with Halsey & Montgomery, cigar dealers; Excelsior Laundry Co., Cleveland Steam Laundry Co., nine years with J. R. Quinn, in the cigar business; in 1907, incorporated and pres. the Louis Klein Cigar Co., with nine retail stores in the city; also wholesale business; member Elks, H. B. S. U., and the Cleveland Independent Aid Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of A. B. Sprosty

Sprosty, A. B.; jeweler and optician; born, Cleveland, 1873; grammar and high school education; watchmaker by trade, and has been in the jewelry business for fifteen years; pres. The Electra Pure Water Co.; councilman from the 13th ward, 1910-1911; member of K. of P. and past chancellor; member of the Orders of Moose and Eagles and the Bohemian Order, C. S. P. S., and of the Bohemian Turners Sokol Cece.

Biographical Sketch of Frank P. Shumaker

Shumaker, Frank P.; real estate and insurance; born near Galion, O., Dec. 20, 1858; son of Joseph H. and Susan Walton Shumaker; educated, district school, Mt. Union College, Alliance, O., degree M. S., 1886; married, Alliance, O., June 18, 1889, Maggie M. Atwell; issue, two girls and one son; councilman and mayor of Chagrin Falls, O.; member of the Ohio State Senate from Cuyahoga County, 1904-1905; teacher District School, Principal Mt. Union Public Schools, 1866-1867; supt. Chagrin Falls schools, 1888-1901; granted life high school certificate in 1886; director The Chagrin Falls Banking Co.; member Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange; pres. Chagrin … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Bridson Christian

Christian, George Bridson; retired; born, Douglas, Isle of Man, June 23, 1846; son of Robert and Elizabeth Bridson Christian; educated, Cleveland public schools and B. & S. Commercial College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 9, 1890, Eliza J. Worswick; one daughter, Elizabeth B. Christian; always voted with the Republican party; never had public office; in the fall of 1863, became a member of the 23rd Ohio Militia, which, in April, 1864, was merged into the 150th Regiment, and in Co. F served 100 days, mostly in the forts about Washington, being at Fort Totten at the time of the early raid, July … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lyman W. Childs

Childs, Lyman W.; physician; born, Lee, Ill., Oct. 1, 1867; son of Charles and Ann Eliza Smith Childs; graduate, Illinois State Normal University, 1890, at Western Reserve Medical College, 1894, studied in University of Vienna, 1899-1900; married, Waterloo, Ia., 1902, Colene C. Hogg; issue, Evelyn L., Frances B., Eleanor M., Lyman W., Jr.; member sanitation committee, Chamber of Commerce, for three years; instrumental in introduction of medical inspection in Cleveland public schools; introduced first fresh air school in Cleveland in 1911; house physician, City Hospital, 1894; medical examiner, Cleveland Public Schools, 1910-1913; member Cleveland Medical Society and American Medical Ass’n; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Wilcox Treadway

Treadway, Francis Wilcox; lawyer; born, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 7, 1869; son of Augustine Russell and Mary L. Mansfield Treadway; educated, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, B. S., 1890; Yale University, LL. B., 1892; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1907, Esther L. Frisbie; Frances Sessions and Augustine Russell Treadway, children; law firm, Treadway and Marlatt, since 1893; treas. Cleveland Bar Ass’n, 1907 to 1912; United States Commissioner, 1902-1903; member Ohio House of Representatives, 1904-1905; nominated vice mayor of Cleveland, 1907; pres. Tippecanoe Club, 1906-1907; director Chamber of Commerce, 1911-1913; lieut. gov. of Ohio, 1909-1910; director Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Peck, Stow & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward A. Merritt

Merritt, Edward A.; sec’y and treas. The Cleveland Stone Co.; born, Marquette, Mich., Feb. 12, 1862; son of Daniel H. and Harriett L. Merritt; educated, public schools and Racine College, Racine, Wis.; came to Cleveland, took course in Bryant Stratton and Smith Business College; returned to Marquette, and was in business with his father; married, Dec. 15, 1886, Matildia Huntington, of Cleveland; issue, one daughter, deceased; came back to Cleveland in 1888, as asst. treas. for the Cleveland Stone Co.; also auditor and stockholder and director, connected with the Company for over twenty-four years.

Biographical Sketch of James Broggini

Broggini, James; granite carver; born, Brenno, Italy, June 9, 1850; son of John and Lucia Paretti Broggini; public school education; married, New York, May 10, 1879, Maria Comolli; at the age of 9 years went to work in Italy; came to this country in 1871; worked for the United States Government 8 years and then came to Cleveland and started in his present business; has been in the same location for 33 years.