Biography of James Harlin Hale

JAMES HARLIN HALE. In all ages of the world industry, perseverance and energy, where intelligently applied, have achieved results which could only have been gained by having one end in view, and by improving every opportunity of ultimately attaining that object. Mr. Hale is an example of what can be accomplished when the spirit of determination is exercised, in connection with the every-day affairs of life. His farming and stockraising operations have resulted most satisfactorily, and he is one of the substantial men of his section. Like so many of the representative men of Christian County, Mr. Hale is a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Napper

GEORGE NAPPER. Many of the residents of Christian County, Missouri, are of British birth and have engrafted upon western ways the habits of the sturdy Saxon race. George Napper was born in England about fifty-nine years ago, and when young learned the blacksmith’s trade, following the same for about thirty-two years. For some years he was in the service of the British Government, but about 1870 he came to the United States and for about three years resided at Rock, Wisconsin, where he worked at his trade. Thence he moved to Christian County, Missouri, and located north of Billings, where … Read more

Biography of Taylor Bray

TAYLOR BRAY. The Bray family is of Irish extraction and the family tree took root on American soil at an early date. Our subject’s grandfather, William Bray, was a native of North Carolina, in which State he passed his entire life. His son, Mark Bray, father of our subject, was also a native of the Old North State, born December 21 796, and died December 19, 869. The latter was married in his native State to Miss Margaret Patterson, also a native of North Carolina, and there their nine children were born. About 1840 or 1841 they, in company with … Read more

Biography of Hon. Simeon W. Bunch

HON. SIMEON W. BUNCH. The fortunate possessor of 205 acres of as good and as there is in the beautiful township of Sparta, our subject is one of the progressive farmers and representative citizens of Christian County, Missouri, where he has long made his home. He came originally from Simpson County, Kentucky, born in 1832. His parents, William and Malinda (Roark) Bunch, were probably natives of Tennessee, where they were reared and married. About 1831 the parents moved to Simpson County, Kentucky, and there the father died about 1833, when in the prime of life. He was a farmer by … Read more

Biography of Washington M. Wade

WASHINGTON M. WADE. Washington M. Wade, ex-clerk and recorder of Christian County, and a prominent banker of the county, was born in Carroll County, Arkansas, January 21, 1858, and was the youngest of ten children born to the union of Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade. The father was born in Warren County, Kentucky, near Bowling Green, March 4, 1814, and the mother was born in Lawrence County, Ala., in 1816. The latter was the daughter of Mr. and Rachel Sivley, and was the only one of the family to come to Missouri. Our subject’s paternal grandparents were Joseph Wade and … Read more

Biography of James H. French

JAMES H. FRENCH. The agricultural part of any community is the bone and sinew from which comes the strength and vigor necessary to carry on the affairs of manufacture, commerce and the State. When the farming people are composed of men and women of courage, enterprise, intelligence and integrity, prosperity will attend all departments of activity, and this is preminently the case in Christian County, Missouri, and among those who hold high rank as a tiller of the soil is Mr. French, who springs from one of the pioneer families of this section. He is the youngest but one of … Read more

Biography of George B. Gideon

GEORGE B. GIDEON. George B. Gideon, at present deputy circuit clerk of Christian County, Missouri, has been a resident of this county all his life and the people have had every opportunity to judge of his character and qualifications. He was born on the old farm, in this county, October 10, 1862, and here grew to manhood and received his education. When starting out for himself he followed teaching for some time in this county, and also in Texas, where he resided for about four years. After this he enlisted in the regular United States service, in 1885, and, after … Read more

Biography of Thomas Gold

THOMAS GOLD. This worthy gentleman, who is one of the pioneers of Stone County, Missouri, is now retired from the active duties of life and resides in Billings, where he has a comfortable and pleasant home and where he expects to pass the remainder of his days. As the case with many of the best citizens of Christian County, Missouri, he came originally from Tennessee, where his birth occurred August 12, 1819, and where he was reared, growing to manhood in Lincoln County. His father and mother, Jonathan and Sarah (Riles) Gold, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. … Read more

Biography of John A. Gibson

JOHN A. GIBSON. No theme has greater interest to the biographer than that of pioneer times, and the life history of those who have passed through that trying period and have made their way to comfort and prosperity through hardships and privations, is appreciated by every reader. Such a history do we have in the life of the one whose name is given above and who has been a resident of this county since the age of ten years. Mr. Gibson was born in Giles County, Tennessee, December 14, 1824. His parents, John K. and Ann (Knox) Gibson, were natives … Read more

Biography of James F. Adams

JAMES F. ADAMS. James F. Adams, clerk of Christian County, Missouri, and a young man of much intelligence, force of character and determination, was born near Sparta, this county, April 21, 1861. He is the youngest child born to Leroy and Mary A. (Cummins) Adams (pioneer settlers of this region), the family coming from middle Tennessee to this county as early as 1833. Of the nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. Adams only three are now living: John N., who resides on the old homestead; Thomas D., also on the old homestead, and our subject. It was a good … Read more

Biography of Jasper N. Farmer

JASPER N. FARMER. The peculiar responsibility which attaches to the compounding and dispensing of prescriptions and kindred functions, imparts to the calling of the druggist an interest and importance somewhat unique in this respect among the arts and sciences, and therefore it is that accuracy and vigilance become elements closely akin to knowledge and skill in the laboratory. In such connection we make due reference to Mr. Jasper N. Farmer, the prominent drug man at Sparta, whose neat and popular pharmacy com-mends itself to all. This prominent business man was born in Christian County, on the old home place, July … Read more