Biography of Judge E. F. Howcroft

JUDGE E. F. HOWCROFT. Not without justice, Judge E. F. Howcroft is conceded to hold an enviable position among the prominent and successful men of Christian County, for he has not only rendered it valuable service as a reliable public official, but as an industrious farmer and law-abiding citizen. He is a native of the Old Bay State, born at Fall River, November 18, 1838, to the marriage of David and Ruth (Bindley) Howcroft, and like other British-American citizens, has done good stalwart work in the cultivation and development of this section. His father, David Howcroft, who for many years … Read more

Biography of James W. Robertson

JAMES W. ROBERTSON (deceased). There is little need to portray the virtues or defend the memory of this gentleman, for he lives in the affection of his family and friends as a devoted husband, kind neighbor and public-spirited citizen. During the many years he resided in Christian County he was to the people all that is required in good citizenship, public enterprise and sympathetic friendship. In the love of his estimable wife he found his cares lightened, and in the respect of his fellow-citizens received the reward of his faithfulness. Mr. Robertson was born in middle Tennessee May 15, 1830, … Read more

Biography of W. K. Johnson

W. K. JOHNSON. The public services of Mr. Johnson, the efficient and capable treasurer of Christian County, Missouri, have been characterized by a noticeable devotion to the welfare of his county, and his ability and fidelity in his present position have been seen and appreciated by all. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Grainger County September 22, 1837. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Dent) Johnson, both natives of Tennessee, the father born in Hawkins and the mother in Grainger County. They came to Christian County, Missouri, in 1868, and here both passed the remainder of … Read more

Biography of C. P. Gibson

C. P. GIBSON. Among the most noted and representative business men of the flourishing city of Ozark stands the name of C. P. Gibson, who is senior member of the firm of Gibson Bros., tobacco manufacturers. He is a man of keen business ability and his high reputation and material prosperity came as the reward of unusual natural abilities, industriously applied. Mr. Gibson was born in Tennessee, and is a son of John A. and Mary J. (Wilks Gibson, and the grandson of John K. and Ann (Knox) Gibson), natives of the State of North Carolina, but early settlers of … Read more

Biography of James P. Lee

JAMES P. LEE. The above worthy gentleman is a member of the well known firm of Merrick & Lee, general merchants at Swan, Missouri, and is noted for honorable, upright dealing. He is a business man of high ability, a most reliable authority on all matters connected with his line, and a popular citizen, who deservedly enjoys the confidence and respect of a wide and constantly increasing circle. He is also engaged in farming and is as successful in that as he is in his business. Mr. Lee was born in Washington County, Penn., in 1855, and is a son … Read more

Biography of Dr. E. B. Brown

DR. E. B. BROWN. The gentleman, the salient points of whose history we shall endeavor to give below, is one of the most prominent physicians of Christian County, and his experience in civil life has been supplemented by the crucial one of witnessing death and the most terrible wounds with their attendant surgical operations. Dr. E. B. Brown commends himself most pleasantly to those with whom he comes in contact. He is a man of great force of character and one whose very presence would soothe a nervous and weakened patient. He is well read and informed, not only as … Read more

Biography of Isaac Adams

ISAAC ADAMS. Among the prominent business men of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of Isaac Adams, who is a practical, experienced man thoroughly conversant with merchandising in all its branches and a most reliable one with whom to enter into commercial relations. He was born in Letcher County, Kentucky, in 1850, the youngest in order of birth of five children born to George and Sarah (Frazier) Adams. He was but four years of age when he was brought by his parents to Taney, now Christian County, Missouri, but owing to the breaking out of the Civil War his educational … Read more

Biography of William French

WILLIAM FRENCH. The French family are among the prominent of the early families of Christian County, Missouri, and have for many years ranked among the leading agriculturists, in following which calling the male members of the family have been pronouncedly successful. William French, one of the early citizens of the county near Billings, is a native of Kentucky, born in Caldwell County, in 1835, to the union of Joseph and Lucy (Scott) French. The father was also a native of Kentucky and was a son of William and Jane (Ross) French, the former a descendant of German ancestors. The French … Read more

Biography of Joseph Meyer

JOSEPH MEYER, manager and president of the Billings Mercantile Company at Billings, has been a resident of this city since 1886, and his reputation stands high in commercial circles for sound integrity and honorable business methods. He is a native of south Indiana, born March 6, 1852, and is a son of Joseph and Barbara (Boehm) Meyer, both natives of Germany. The father emigrated from that country to America in 1845, and made a location in Troy, Indiana, but resided one year in New Orleans, La., previous to that. He is still living and is engaged in the manufacture of … Read more

Biography of Martin V. Tyndall

Martin V. Tyndall is also a native of Christian (then Greene)County, Missouri born March 7, 1864, on the old farm. His parents, William V. and Hannah (Huff) Tyndall, were natives of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively, the father born April 19, 1818, and the mother in Fulton County. Our subject’s great-grandfather came from England to this country at an early date, and settled at Baltimore, Md. His son, the grandfather of our subject, was a soldier in the War of 1812. William V. Tyndall, father of the subject, remained in his native State until three years of age, and, when grown, … Read more

Biography of Isaac A. Tyndall

ISAAC A. TYNDALL. The gentleman who occupies the honorable position of assessor of Christian County, Missouri, was first elected to that office in 1890, and reelected two years later. He is one of the most prominent citizens, and has held many official positions of trust. Mr. Tyndall was born in Christian (then Greene) County, May 10, 1856. His parents, William V. and Hannah (Huff) Tyndall, were natives of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively, the father born April 19, 1818, and the mother in Fulton County. Our subject’s great-grandfather came from England to this country at an early date, and settled at … Read more