Biography of Robert Harmon Hazlett

Robert Harmon Hazlett. Kansas is rapidly becoming a creditor state. It produces more than it consumes. It is flourishing, opulent and as progressive in material interests as in the field of legislation, social ideas and politics. Kansas farmers, Kansas business men, Kansas bankers are getting as securely established as factors in national affairs as Kansas politicians and social and civic leaders did in earlier years. One of these successful men whose achievements in some fields at least are well known beyond the borders of the state is Robert H. Hazlett, lawyer, banker, Hereford cattle breeder, and business man of El … Read more

Biography of Milton Wilder Browne

Milton Wilder Browne. The dining and hotel service par excellence and acknowledged without a peer in America is the Fred Harvey system. To hold the position of a manager in this system is about the highest word that can be spoken for any hotel man. Newton, as one of the division points on the Santa Fe road, had received the benefits of this system, and the finest hotel in Harvey County is the Arcade Hotel at Newton, now under the management of Milton Wilder Browne, who had been an employe of Fred Harvey for the past eleven years. Mr. Browne … Read more

Biography of Colonel Elhanan John Searle

Soldier, jurist and publicist, a man of many attainments and widely diversified talent, was Elhanan J. Searle, the subject of this sketch. He was born January 18, 1835, at Royalton, Ohio, coming to Rock Island County with his parents when about two years of age, and died at Rock Island, August 18, 1906. Colonel Searle, or Judge Searle as he was perhaps more familiar known throughout Rock Island County, received his education at the Rock River Seminary, an institution located at Mount Morris, Illinois, and after completing his studies in that school, which was largely preparatory in its scope, he … Read more

Biography of David A. Correll

David A. Correll is the proprietor of the well known Blue Front Grocery Store, one of the pioneer establishments of the city. He is also one of the oldest grocers now in business in Riverside, having been identified with the trade since 1883. Mr. Correll came to Riverside in 1882. His capital was limited, and although broken in health he was possessed of an unlimited stock of energy and well-trained business principles. He first engaged as a laborer with the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, and remained in that employ until the next year, when he secured a position in … Read more

Genealogy of Linzie Otis Stoneburner

Linzie O., son of John M. and Margaret Stoneburner, continued living on a farm near Herrick. On the 25 April 1901 he married Ella Alice Miller, daughter of Benedict and Lucie Spockwell Miller. Linzie and Ella had a family of four children. In January of 1931, “about 40 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of L. O. Stoneburner and family to spend the evening. Following are the names of those present: Charles McKittrick and wife; Hubert Smart and family; Ellis Corley and wife; Arthur Salmons and family; Mrs. Lamora Manuel and children; Lawrence Stoneburner and family; Dorothy Campbell; John … Read more

Biography of George Washington Wingate

George Washington Wingate. The career of George Washington Wingate, of Liberty, Kansas, is an expression of practical and diversified activity, and in its range has invaded the fields of agriculture, business, finance, education, politics and society, all of which have profited by the breadth and conscientiousness which are characteristic of the man and his work. As a business man be developed several enterprises into paying ventures, as a banker he has made an honorable place for himself, in public life his services have been of exceeding value to his community, and as a member of society he has constantly endeavored … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Spears, M. D.

Charles H. Spears, M. D. While the success of the ethical physician does not permit of the analysis to which a career in other lines of business or in other professions might be subjected, there are many things that indicate the standing of the reputable doctor of medicine. His associations in medical circles, his length of practice, his training, all have a bearing upon his relative success. Measured by whatever standard, Dr. Charles H. Spears is one of Champaign County’s foremost physicians. He has been in practice at the city of Champaign for upwards of twenty years. Doctor Spears was … Read more

Genealogy of Lawrence Albert Stoneburner

Lawrence, son of Linzie Otis and Ella Stoneburner, continued the occupation of farming. On 26 February 1924 he married Goldie Ardath Spracklin in Christian Co., Ill. She was the daughter of Grace Belle Austin and George E. Spracklin, also residents of Shelby Co., Ill. On Sunday, July 5, 1925, “Lawrence Stoneburner was given a birthday surprise by his wife. At the noon hour about 40 of his relatives and friends gathered with well-filled baskets and a big dinner was spread under the trees on the lawn. Among the good things to eat were five big cakes. Mr. Stoneburner received a … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Searle

An attorney whose marked ability has been repeatedly recognized not only in Rock Island County, by whose Bar Association he has, at the time this sketch is written, recently been honored by the election as its president, but throughout the State of Illinois, is Charles J. Searle, of Rock Island. A biographical sketch of a man so well and widely known, seems almost superfluous, for there are but few in Rock Island County, and indeed in this section of Illinois, who do not enjoy a personal acquaintance with the gentleman himself. And were these sketches written and published merely for … Read more

Biography of Asa Messinger

Asa Messinger. It is not likely that men within the City of Pittsburg, Kansas, have contributed in greater measure to the making of their surroundings than has Asa Messinger. Look where one will, large buildings and small, modest homes and elegant residences, banking houses and industrial plants, churches and educational institutions, structures for the housing of public utilities–these, and more which contribute to the architectural ensemble of a flourishing town, are the product of his brain and hand. And this is not all. In the capacity of commissioner of streets and public improvements, he has added to the city’s beauty … Read more

Mendenhall, Wesley Barrett – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Wesley Barrett Mendenhall, 64, of Baker City, died Jan. 20, 2002. His memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Robert Whiteman of the Baker City Christian Church will officiate. Mr. Mendenhall was born March 18, 1937, at Mount Auburn, Ill. He was a son of Eva Mae Hardisty and Floyd C. Mendenhall. He was raised and educated in Mount Auburn. He entered the U.S. Air Force in 1953 and was honorably discharged in 1963. On July 3, 1963, he married Kay Borkhardt at Edinburg, Ill. They moved to … Read more

Biography of James J. Bulger

James J. Bulger has been a resident of Kansas since his boyhood and through recourse to the best of educational institutions in the Sunflower State he prepared himself for the legal profession, which he has dignified by his character and achievement and through the medium of which he advanced to judicial position, his service having been on the bench of the District Court of Cherokee County. Since 1912 he has been engaged in the general practice of his profession in the City of Wichita, where he has built up a large and important law business and retains a representative clientage. … Read more