Biography of John Wasson

John Wasson, of Chino, is most widely known as an editor, but this accomplishment has been rather an incident than a design in his career. He was born in Wayne County, Ohio, August 20, 1833, on a farm. He received such education as the very common country schools afforded. Attendance on school was secondary to farm work in summer, and to some extent in winter. He was dissatisfied with farm life, but was notably a good worker with all farming implements. At the age of nineteen he went to California; spent 1852-’53 in the mines of El Dorado County. Sickness … Read more

Biography of Albert E. Payne

Albert E. Payne came to California in August 1883, and located upon a ten-acre tract in Ontario, San Bernardino County, which he purchased in 1882. Immediately upon his arrival he engaged in horticultural pursuits, and in September of the same year established a general merchandise store on the west side of Euclid Avenue. This was the first store established in the Ontario colony, and the pioneer store of the now thriving city of Ontario. Mr. Payne conducted his store and horticultural industry until October 1886, when he sold out both interests and located in Chino Township, in the Chino School … Read more

Biography of George A. Wilbur

George A. Wilbur, an enterprising citizen of Chino, is the founder and sole proprietor of the Chino Store, opened to the public in February, 1888, since which time he has conducted one of the most prosperous enterprises in that section. His large and commodious store is well appointed in all respects, and is well stocked with a choice selection of goods. He deals in provisions, groceries, dry goods and everything in the general merchandise line, furnishing goods, boots and shoes, crockery, tin-ware, hardware, cigars, tobacco, etc. He is thoroughly competent in his business, and justly merits the liberal patronage bestowed … Read more