Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John C. Duncan

Duncan, Mrs. John C. (See Grant, Duncan and Sanders)—Joanna Coody Rogers daughter of Charles Rogers Coody and Nancy (Patton) Rogers was born in Cooweescoowee District in 1861. Educat­ed in the Cherokee Nation Schools, graduating from the Female Seminary, June 30, 1881. Taught school. In 1885 she mar­ried at Fort Gibson, John Clinton, son of John Thompson and Elizabeth Ann (Sanders) Duncan, born in 1859 in Flint District, Cherokee Nation. He was educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Male Seminary. Fortunate in having splendid educations, discriminative and appreciative minds, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have always been unobtrusive

Biography of Judge James Daniel Wilson

Judge James Daniel Wilson, who has been justice of the peace of Tahlequah, Cherokee county, since 1913, was born in Tahlequah, Indian Territory, on the 2d of February, 1861. His parents were Anderson and Nancy (Daniel) Wilson, both of the Cherokee Nation, the father being a half-breed and the mother one-eighth Cherokee. For many years Anderson Wilson was engaged in the conduct of a mercantile establishment in Tahlequah, but in 1863 removed to the Choctaw Nation, locating at Dooksville, where his demise occurred in 1865. The following year his widow returned to Tahlequah, where she made her home until her … Read more

Biography of H. B. Lowery

An alert and enterprising citizen of Nowata is H. B. Lowery, who since May, 1921, has been active in the office of chief of police. He was born eight miles east of Fort Gibson, in what is now Cherokee county, Oklahoma, on the 9th of July, 1875, a son of Henry and Polly (Parris) Lowery. The paternal grandparents removed to Indian Territory at an early day and Henry Lowery was born in this section of the country, as was his wife, her parents having come to the territory from Georgia. In the acquirement of an education H. B. Lowery attended … Read more

Biography of Dutch White Turkey

Dutch White Turkey, long identified with the farming interests of Washington county and in more recent years connected with the oil development of this part of the state, was born on the 18th of June, 1857, in Kansas, seven miles east of Lawrence on the Delaware reservation. He was the eldest in a family of eight children, the others being: Sam; Robert; Albert; George; Katie, who became the wife of James Day of Bartlesville; Lilly, the wife of Dolph Fugate of Dewey; and Lucinda, deceased. Both of the parents were full-blooded Delawares and their name was really Simon. White Turkey … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Walter Scott

(See Grant and Ross) -Nannie Ratliff born December 29, 1856, married Thomas Fox French, and they were the parents of Bernice Martha French who married James Milner Howard; Margaret French who married Charles McDonald, and Nannie French who married Lewis G. Girtley Sleeper. Thomas Fox French died and Mrs. French married Rufus Wyatt McCracken and they were the parents of Walter Scott McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken were divorced and she married Walter Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are well-to-do farmers near Fort Gibson, Oklahoma.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Albert Lewis

(See Hendricks), Hettie, daughter of Henry and Mary (Hendricks) Walkabout was born at Tahlequah. Oct. 19, 1879. Educated at Park Hill Mission. Married at Inola May 29, 1902, Albert son of Ira H. and Sarah E. Lewis, born Aug. 14, 1879 in Washington County, Ark. They are the parents of Grace E. Lewis born Aug. 21, 1903; Ira A. born June 2, 1905; Beatrice, born Oct. 17, 1906; Velma born April 28, 1909; Mildred born Feb. 18 1913; Edgarita, born Jan. 3, 1916; Hilda; born Sept. 13, 1916; and Vernon, born April 10, 1919. Mrs. Lewis’ Cherokee name is Ahniwake, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John T. Mounts

(See Thompson and Thornton)—Evaline, daughter of Lawson and Elsie Jane Martin Runyan, born near Fort Gibson in 1882. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Female Seminary. Married at Fort Gibson in 1912, John Thompson, son of David Albert and Caroline Harriette (Thompson) Mounts, born Thursday February 26, 1880. They are the parents of Thelma J. Mounts.

Biographical Sketch of George W. Griffin

(See Conrad and Hendricks)-George W., son of Isaiah and Katie (Rich) Griffin was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee March 4, 1861; Married at Tahlequah Aug. 8, 1899 Jenetta, daughter of James R. and Elizabeth (Hendricks) Gourd, born Jan. 24, 1868. They are the parents of Alice, born Oct. 15, 1901; Ira, born Oct. 3, 1908, and Blanche Griffin born Oct. 25, 1911. Mr. Griffin is a farmer near Hulbert, Oklahoma.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Samuel Benge Jr.

(See Hildebrand, Ghigau, Oolootsa and Grant.)-Samuel Houston, son of Samuel Houston and Josephine J. (Walker) Benge, was born at Fort Gibson in 1898. Educated at Fort Gibson. Married in 1918, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand. They are the parents of Samuel Houston Benge. Mr. Benge is a farmer near Fort Gibson. Samuel Houston, son of Martin and Eliza (Lowrey) Benge was born January 28, 1832. Elected Councilor from Sequoyah District Aug. 3, 1857, and elected solicitor of the same District in 1859. He was First Lieutenant of Company A, Third Indian Home Guards, and a signer of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Clark

Clark, William A.—William Andrew Clark, born near Tahlequah June 2nd, 1861, educated at the Cherokee Orphan Asylum. Married at Pryor, June 17, 1891, Lillie Berry, born October 29, 1872, in Athens, McMinn county, Tennessee. They are the parents of: Joseph James, born November 12th 1893, graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, June 28th, 1917; served through the World war as Lieutenant on U. S. S. North Carolina and is at present (1921) on the U. S. S. Brooks in Asiatic waters; Lucy Jane, born February 21, 1895, graduated with A. B. from the University of Oklahoma June 4, … Read more

Biography of Robert L. Clark

Robert L. Clark, a native son of Oklahoma and a representative of one of the honored pioneer families of the state, has filled a number of public positions of honor and trust and is now devoting his attention to general farming, conducting his operations on an extensive scale. He was born in Tahlequah, Cherokee County, December 2, 1881, his parents being Silas D. and Elizabeth (Griffin) Clark, who were of exactly the same age: The father was born in Indian Territory, while his parents, who were of Cherokee extraction, were natives of Georgia, being among the first of that tribe … Read more

Biography of Eldee Starr

(See Ghigau and Adair) George Harlan Starr married Nannie Bell and they were the parents of Ezekial Eugene Starr who married Margaret, the daughter of Caleb and Lucinda (Griffin) Starr. Ezekial E. and Margaret Starr were the parents of Charles Lucien, Eldee, Mary Bell, Joel Mayes, Caroline Lucinda, Trixie, and EzekialBlake Starr. Charles Lucien Starr married Amy Benge; Mary Bell Starr married Albert Moore Campbell; Joel Mayes Starr married Caroline Ferguson; and Caroline Lucinda Starr married James Robert Wyly. Eldee Starr was educated in the Female Seminary and the Forest Park University in St. Louis, Missouri, graduating from both institutions. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sue Austin

(See Cordery)-Sue, daughter of Charles Harris and Pearl Victoria (Haas) Sisson, born December 14, 1898, at Ft. Gibson; educated at Ft. Gibson, Muskogee and Claremore. Married at Claremore June 5, 1920 Ervin F. son of Henry and Sallie Austin. Mr. Austin is engaged in wholesale dry goods business at Clarmore. Thomas Cordery, an Irishman married Susannah, a full blood Cherokee of the Blind Savannah Clan. Their daughter Nannie married Parker Collins and they were the parents of Jennie Collins who married Charles Harris of Spartanberg district, S. Carolina Charles and Jennie Harris were the parents Narcissa, born in 1841, married … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hendricks, Sr.

Hendricks, Thomas Sr. (See Hendricks)— Thomas Hendricks was born Aug. 29, 1839. He served during the Civil War in the Indian Home Guards under Captain Blunt. Married at Park Hill in 1869, Nellie Ragsdale, born September 22, 1839. They were the parents of Rufus, Thomas, Susie and Janana Hendricks. Thomas Hendricks was elected Councilor from Tahlequah District August 3, 1885.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. C. White

(See Grant and Duncan) -Helen Duncan, daughter of George W. and Mary (McLaughlin) Hughes, born at St. Gibson April 21, 1874. Educated at Tahlequah and the Female Seminary. Married at Ft. Gibson December 25, 1890, Jackson Calhoun, son of Joseph and Harriett White born February 17, 1862 in Calhoun County, Mississippi. They are the parents of Buena Vista White, born October 22, 1891. Graduated from the Henry Kendall college June 9, 1901; graduated from Hardin College, Mexico, Missouri, May 28, 1912 with B. L. degree and Voice. Has done much special work in voice with composer Daniel Prothero of Chicago; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Cleo Hail

(See Ghigau and Sanders) -Margaret, daughter of John Bell and Delilah (Roach) Smith was born at Tahlequah Oct. 4, 1895, educated in Tahlequah District and Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas. Married at Tahlequah March 9, 1918, A. Cleo, son of John and Mary Hall, born near Tahlequah in 1897. They are the parents of Morris Hail, born Jan. 26,1920. Mr. Hail is a farmer near Tahlequah. George, son of Joshua and Almira (Harlan) Roach married Nannie Pritchett and they were the parents of Delilah (Roach) Smith. George Roach was elected Sheriff of Tahlequah District August 1, 1887. Reverend Samuel Smith, the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Johnson Thompson

Person Interviewed: Johnson Thompson Place of Birth: Texas Date of Birth: December 1853 Just about two weeks before the coming of Christmas Day in 1853, I was born on a plantation somewheres eight miles east of Bellview, Rusk County, Texas. One year later my sister Phyllis was born on the same place and we been together pretty much of the time ever since, and I reckon there’s only one thing that could separate us slave born children. Mammy and pappy belong to W.P. Thompson, mixed-blood Cherokee Indian, but before that pappy had been owned by three different masters; one was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Tucker

Levi, son of William Tucka was married at Tahlequah in 1894 to Annie McKay, daughter of Alfred and Lucinda (Ketcher) McKay. They are the parents of: William, Ollie, Susie, Sallie, Eliza, Madison, Levi, and Mary Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were educated in Tahlequah District and are representative citizens of Cherokee County.

Biographical Sketch of R. B. Garrett

(See Grant and Ward) Robert Bruce Garrett, born December 2. 1876 near Baptist Mission, Going Snake District educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and graduated from Male Seminary May 31, 1901. Appointed principal of the Cherokee Orphan Asylum in 1902. Married October 3, 1903, Cherokee Dora Edmondson, born October 23, 1879 in Delaware District, educated in the National Schools and graduated from Female Seminary June 23, 1897. They are the parents of Kathleen Butler Garrett, born January 22. 1906. James Robert Garrett, born June 29, 1850 in Carroll County, Tennessee married March 17, 1875, Elizabeth Greer, born August 30, 1854. … Read more