Biographical Sketch of W. T. Whitaker

Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of David and Mary Ann. (Bigby) Taylor was born in Cherokee County, North Carolina Oct. 18th, 1819, Married April 2, 1834 to Stephen Whitaker who was born in the same County and State on February 9, 1814. They were the parents of William Thomas Whitaker, born February 14, 1854 in same County and State. William Thomas came to Indian Territory in 1871, remaining 4 years, returned to his native state and on April 25, 1875 married Stacy L. Hood who was born in the same county and State on May 25, 1860. They removed to the Indian … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John M. Carroll

(See Raper, Townsend)-Mary C. daughter of Thomas Martin and Marcella Fernandas (Townsend) Raper, was born in Georgia June 5, 1876, educated in Georgia, Indian Territory and North Carolina. Married January 8, 1893, John M. son of Jesse R. and Mary Jane Carroll, born Nov. 24, 1870 in Cherokee County, N. Carolina. They are the parents of: Myrtle J. born March 31, 1894. Married J. L. Nall, has one daughter Ella Clementine Nall, born April 20, 1914; Clem, born February 13, 1896; Gillie May, born March 24, 1898, married to James Ellis Sloan, Dec. 1, 1917; Jesse L. born July 11, … Read more

Biography of William T. Whitaker

William T. Whitaker, owner of the Pryor Bottling Works at Pryor, was born in Andrews, North Carolina, on the 14th of February, 1854, a son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Taylor) Whitaker, both natives of that state. The mother was of Cherokee descent and their marriage occurred before their removal to Indian Territory. For many years the father was engaged in the land business, also in farming, and he achieved substantial success. William T Whitaker’s education was mostly self acquired and at an early age he started out into the world on his own account. In 1871 he located in Tahlequah … Read more

Cherokee County, North Carolina Cemetery Transcriptions

North Carolina Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Carolina county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemetery transcriptions hosted by USGenWeb Archives. Harshaw Methodist Church Cemetery – Part 1 Harshaw Methodist Church Cemetery – Part 2 Cemetery transcriptions and photographs hosted by FindAGrave A R S Hunter Pyramid Adams Family Cemetery Allen Cemetery Allmon Family Cemetery,  Coalville Bates Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Bates Creek Bates Private Cemetery Beal Family Cemetery, Murphy Bear Paw … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles P. Brooks

HON. CHARLES P. BROOKS. This well-known official is very favorably regarded all over Cleburne County, and fills the office of circuit clerk in an able and very acceptable manner. He was born in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., July 12, 1848, to Jesse B. and Nancy F. (Porter) Brooks, the former of whom was born in South Carolina and the latter in Tennessee. They were married in Claiborne County, of the last named State, and after residing there for a time moved to North Carolina. In 1868 the family located in Blount County, East Tennessee, and resided in that section … Read more

Tamali Tribe

It is in the highest degree probable that this town is identical with the Toa, Otoa, or Toalli of the De Soto chroniclers, the –lli of the last form representing presumably the Hitchiti plural –ali. Be that as it may, there can be little question regarding the identity of Tamałi with the town of Tama, which appears in Spanish documents of the end of the same century and the beginning of the seventeenth. In 1598 Mendez de Canço, governor of Florida, writes that he plans to establish a post at a place “which is called Tama, where I have word … Read more

Biography of Dumont D. Howell, M. D.

For sixteen years Dr. Dumont D. Howell was numbered among the capable, prominent and successful physicians of Nowata, where he passed away on the 6th of December, 1919. He was born in Murphy, North Carolina, January 14,1874, and was a son of D. M. and Margaret (Sudderth) Howell. The Howell family was long connected with the history of North Carolina and of Georgia and the Sudderths were also of an old family of the former state. In the acquirement of his education Dumont D. Howell supplemented his public school course by study at the Young Harris College of Georgia and … Read more