Hurt, Homer C. – Obituary

Homer C. Hurt, 87, a longtime resident of Baker City and Richland, died Oct. 9, 2002, at Physician’s Hospital at Reno, Nev. His ashes were buried with his wife, Ruth, Saturday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Hurt was born on May 22, 1915, at Chatsworth, Ill. Survivors include his son, David Hurt of Sparks, Nev.; eight grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ruth, of Baker City; and a daughter, Marilyn “Joy” Stover of Decatur, Ala. Used with permission from: Baker City Herald, Baker City, Oregon, October 25, 2002 Transcribed by: Belva Ticknor

John A. Todd of Chatsworth IL

John A. Todd7, (William6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 29, 1837, died about 1885. He married and removed to Chatsworth, Livingston County, Ill. Children: 1654. Daughter, d. when about 18 years of age. 1655. Daughter, d. young of diphtheria. 1656. Son, d. young of diphtheria. 1657. Daughter, she lived at one time in Chicago, Ill.

Lewis, Pauline Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Pauline Lewis, 84, of Baker City, died June 6, 2004, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. Her graveside memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Pine Haven Cemetery in Halfway. Pastor Roger Scovil of the Baker City Christian Church will officiate. Friends are invited to join the family for a potluck at Geiser Pollman Park after the service. In case of bad weather, the potluck will be moved to 2750 College St. Pauline was born in a farm home at Onarga Township, Ill., on May 25, 1920. Her mother died when she was young so she … Read more

Biography of Harry E. Coulter

Harry E. Coulter. One of the old and reliable business establishments of Chanute which has enjoyed a steadily increasing patronage ever since the time of its inception is the Coulter Transfer and Storage Company, in which two generations of a family have been interested. Founded by the father, the policy, of the business under his direction was based upon strict honesty and honorable principles, and this same course has been followed by the son. The present owner of the business is Harry E. Coulter, a man of broad and diversified experience in business, and a citizen who has contributed through … Read more

Biography of A. J. Whitmore

A. J. Whitmore is an old timer in Kansas, having been identified with this state most of the time since 1885. He has been well known both in business and in public affairs, and for a number of years has lived in Tepeka. He was born in Lake County, Illinois, in 1859. His father William D. Whitmore was born in Seneca County, Ohio, in 1836, a son of James Whitmore, who was born in Lockport, New York, in 1794. James Whitmore was an early settler in Ohio, and in 1837 took his family to Illinois and secured a homestead in … Read more