Biography of John H. Townsend

John H. Townsend was born at Smyrna, Costa (now Kent) county, Delaware, March 16, 1843. When seven years of age his parents removed to Madison county, Indiana, and settled at Collinsville, where he lived with them until he reached the age of eighteen years, and was there educated. On leaving home in 1861 he went to Placerville, California. On his arrival there he had but six dollars. On the first day after his arrival he was employed as a clerk by B. Meacham, a dry goods merchant, at a salary of six hundred dollars per year and board, and remained … Read more

Biography of Hon. B. F. Burch

HON. B.F. BURCH. – B.F. Burch was born on the second day of May, 1825, in Chariton county, Missouri, where he lived during the first twenty years of his life, and received what was then considered a good, common-school education. It was complete enough to secure him the position of teacher for the families of Honorable Jesse Applegate and neighbors the first winter after his arrival here, – 1845-46. He also taught the first school in what is now known Polk county. In 1846, in company with Jesse Applegate, Lindsey Applegate, David Goff, William J.G. Parker, William Spotsman, John Jones, … Read more

Biography of Walter A. Long

Among the bright and promising young attorneys of Christian County, Missouri, is Walter A. Long, who has secured a satisfactory degree of worldly success by reason of his personal traits and the exercise of unmistakable business ability. His natural acumen, added to the thorough education he received in his youth, makes him judicious in law, and his desire to reach the highest possible position in the profession keeps him ever on the alert to add to his knowledge by observation and study. For the past six years he has practiced his profession in this and other counties of the State, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David H. Coulson

David H. Coulson, son of John D. Coulson, was born in Chariton County, Missouri, near the town of Keytesville, November 16, 1830. He remained in the place of his birth until he was about seven years of age when his father moved to Howard County, Missouri, where the family remained about two years. In 1839 the family came to Daviess County and settled in Union township. David remained at home until he was about twenty-one years of age. Mr. Coulson was engaged in farming in Union township, Daviess County, Missouri, for three years. He then moved to Liberty Township, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred A. Lowdermilk, M. D.

Dr. Lowdermilk is the son of William and Martha (Rhodes) Lowdermilk, and was born in Greene county, Tennessee, June 24, 1848. In 1856, his parents moved to Sangamon county, Illinois, taking young Alfred with them. At fourteen years old, he started out to make his own living and learned the trade of tinsmith, which he followed till he was twenty-one years old. He then, in 1869, entered and took a course of lectures in the Louisville Medical College. The next year he began the practice in Vernon and Barton counties, this State, thus acquiring the means to complete his professional … Read more

Biography of J. E. Zimmerman

J. E. Zimmerman. President of the Citizens State Bank of Bronson, Mr. Zimmerman had been a factor in the citizenship of Bourbon County for the past fifteen years, and had been an extensive farmer, stock man and oil producer as well as a banker. He was born in Ashland County, Ohio, October 10, 1873, descended from a family which as the name indicates came out of Germany and were early settlers in the State of Ohio. D. H. Zimmerman, his father, was born in Ohio in 1838, spent his early life in that state, was married in Ashland County, and … Read more

Biography of Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley

Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley, pastor of the Holy Trinity church at Fourteenth and Mallinckrodt streets in St. Louis, was born in Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1873, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Selter) Lubeley, both of whom were natives of Germany, where they were reared and married. Immediately after that important event in their lives they sailed for the United States, taking up their abode at Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, where the father taught school and also served as organist in the church. In 1877 he came to St. Louis and was made teacher and organist in St. Liborius parish, with which … Read more

Biography of Otto F., Dierker, M. D.

Otto F. Dierker, M. D. Among the well-established physicians and surgeons of Lincoln County, Kansas, no one is held more trustworthy than Dr. Otto F. Dierker, who had been suecessfully engaged in the practice of his profession at Sylvan Grove, Kansas, since 1905, coming here shortly after his graduation from college and the securing of his degree. It is creditable both to Doctor Dierker and to the people of this pleasant little city that the cordial relations established at this time have never been severed, there being warm friendship, trust and appreciation on both sides. Doctor Dierker had built up … Read more

Houses of the Missouri Tribe

In the narrative of the Lewis and Clark expedition appears this record: “June 13, 1804. We passed a bend of the river. Missouri and two creeks on the north, called the Round Bend creeks. Between these two creeks is the prairie, in which once stood the ancient village of the Missouri. Of this village there remains no vestige, nor is there any thing to recall this great and numerous nation, except a feeble remnant of about thirty families. They were driven from their original seats by the invasions of the Sauks and other Indians from the Mississippi, who destroyed at … Read more

Tuttle, Adah Emily – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Adah Emily Tuttle of Summerville, a retired homemaker, died Monday at a local nursing home following an extended illness. She was 82. Funeral services were held this morning at the Summerville Chapel under the auspices of the First Church of Christ Scientist. June Steffen officiated and burial followed at the Summerville Cemetery. Services and arrangements were handled by Dempsey’s Funeral Chapel. Mrs. Tuttle was born August 15, 1890 in Sumner, Missouri, the daughter of James L. and Missouri Frances Andrews. She was a resident of Summerville most of her life. She married Cap H. Tuttle October … Read more

Biography of Walter R. Long

Walter R. Long has spent a very busy and influential career in Kingman, where he is the present postmaster. Most of his life had been spent in this county, and when not in public office he was a farmer and business man. Mr. Long was born in Chariton County, Missouri, February 10, 1875. His ancestors were Scotchmen who came to Virginia in colonial days. His father, Gabriel Long, was born in Virginia in 1833. He grew up in his native state, and when a young man removed to Chariton County, Missouri, where he married and where he engaged in farming. … Read more

Biography of John D. Coulson

John D. Coulson was born near McMinnville, Warren county, Tennessee, February 9, 1807, and was there reared and educated. He attended the old time subscription schools, taught in a log cabin with dirt floor, warmed from a huge fireplace, seats of split logs raised on pegs, and the only window being the space left by an absent log; thus he acquired his early education, and there he lived until he attained his twenty-third year. Leaving his old home in 1829, he journeyed toward the West, and arrived at St. Louis on the 3d of March, the eve of General Jackson’s … Read more

Biography of Maj. Willis L. Brown

Maj. Willis L. Brown, of Kingman, is one of the eminent Kansas whose records serve to illustrate and adorn the history of the commonwealth. Mr. Brown had been through nearly everything that is significant of Kansas life for forty years. He was at one time a poverty stricken homesteader and while the general public knows him chiefly through his broader business and civic relations, he is still in close touch with Kansas farming and through his work and initiative had probably done as much as any man in Kingman County to promote intensive and high class farming and stock raising. … Read more

Biography of Arthur Ogden Archer

Arthur Ogden Archer, who is president of the Archer Petroleum Company of St. Louis, in which city he has resided since 1912, was born in Stock township, Noble county, Ohio, and spent his youthful days upon his father’s farm. He represents one of the old and highly respected families of the Buckeye state, its men always being inspired by courage, fidelity and loyalty to duty. His grandfather, Absalom Archer, was a son of Simon Archer and was born in Stock township, where he devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. He wedded Rhoda Swainey, who belonged to one of the pioneer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph A. Wickham

Joseph A. Wickham was born in Monroe, Michigan, November 14, 1844. When he arrived at the age of ten years his father died, and he left his native place and went to Brunswick, Chariton county, Missouri, to live with an uncle. There he lived for five years and attended the common schools of that place. In 1861 he served in the Missouri State Guards under General John B. Clark, and in 1862 went to Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, to finish the jeweler’s trade under James A. Wilkinson, with whom he worked a year before leaving Brunswick. In 1863 he enlisted … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of Anthony Wayne Fairchild, M. D.

Anthony Wayne Fairchild, M. D. The work which he had done as a member of the medical profession in Fall River had already attracted much attention to Doctor Fairchild, whose attainments and abilities are much above the average. Not only does a large clientage esteem him for his services, but his wife, Mrs. Fairchild, is likewise a graduate physician and had a considerable practice, specializing in discases of the eye. The Fairchild family originated in England, coming to America in Colonial times. Doctor Fairchild’s grandfather was Minor Fairchild, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1818, and became a pioneer farmer … Read more