Biography of Orlin M. Balch

Orlin M. Balch. The mercantile interests of the thriving and prosperous Town of Earleton, in Neosho County, are well represented by Orlin M. Balch, who has resided in this community all his life and is known to its citizens as a business man of ability and a citizen who has played his part in the town’s development. Mr. Balch has other interests here, being president of the Earleton State Bank, and his record is one that is creditable both to himself and to his community. Orlin M. Balch belongs to a family of Scotch-Irish origin, which was founded in America … Read more

Biography of James A. Templeton

James A. Templeton. One of the most important industries of the southeastern part of Kansas is the production of oil, a business that has enlisted the best talents of skilled men from every part of this and other states, and of the men who are devoting their energies to this line of endeavor few are better known than is James A. Templeton, of Caney. Mr. Templeton has been engaged in this business from early youth and his success therein has been brought about through a combination which includes a thorough knowledge of conditions, business talent of a high order and … Read more

Biography of John Francis Hughs

John Francis Hughs. During the past five years Prof. John Francis Hughs had been superintendent of the city schools of Chanute, and in this time had gained a strong and lasting place in the confidence of the people of the community. His interest in his work had been deep, sincere and unabating, and the splendid school system of the city at the present time may be largely accredited to his efforts. His labors have been progressive and practical in character and have proved of the greatest benefit to Chanute. Professor Hughs was born at Fort Scott, Bourbon County, Kansas, August … Read more

Biography of Fernando A. Parsons

Fernando A. Parsons. The career of Fernando A. Parsons, of Chanute, is remarkable in many ways, but principally because of the number of fields which it had invaded and the success which had attended the ventures in which its author had been engaged. From his youth, when he paid his own way through college, Mr. Parsons had pushed steadily forward, always assisting his community’s interests while advancing his own. With a handsome fortune gained through his good business ability and persistent labors, and at an age when most men are content to retire, Mr. Parsons still continues as an active … Read more

Biography of Calvin Arthur Davis

Calvin Arthur Davis. The superintendent of the Cudahy Refining Company at Chanute, Kansas, Calvin Arthur Davis, is one of the sons of the Sunflower state who has worked his own way to position and independence. A product of the farm, when he started upon his career his equipment consisted of ambition, determination and good common sense, and these qualities he directed so well that he soon became recognized as a man from whom large things could be expected. Promotion naturally followed, and his career has since been one of constant advancement. Mr. Davis was born on a farm south of … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Morrison, Hon.

Hon. Joseph L. Morrison. Few men are more prominent or more widely known in the northern part of Neosho County than is Hon. Joseph L. Morrison, mayor of the City of Chanute, who had been an important factor in business affairs and whose success in his undertaking had been so marked that his methods are of interest to the commercial world. He is energetic, prompt and notably reliable, and tireless energy, keen perception, honesty of purpose, and a genius for devising and executing the right thing at the right time are his chief characteristics. As the chief executive of Chanute … Read more

Biography of Henry Edward Reece, M. D.

Dr. Henry Edward Reece, born December 27, 1877, in Jefferson, Iowa, was a prominent physician in Thayer, Kansas. After graduating from the University Medical College of Kansas City in 1900, he practiced medicine across Oklahoma and Kansas before settling in Thayer in 1911. Renowned for his dedication to medical ethics, Dr. Reece maintained a flourishing practice, contributing significantly to the community’s health. He was active in several medical societies and fraternal organizations. Dr. Reece married Elizabeth Quinton in 1901, and they had two children, Halley and Ethel.

Biography of James Burton Turner

James Burton Turner has covered a wide field, including nearly all the states between the Allegheny and Rocky Mountains, as a worker, operator and producer in the oil fields. He was a pioneer operator in the Mid-Continental fields of Southern Kansas and Oklahoma. Mr. Turner is prominently known among the leading oil men of the country and since January, 1903, has been a resident of Chanuta. From that city he has extended his various operations as a producer and contractor, and has drilled hundreds of wells in the fields of Kansas and Oklahoma. At the present time Mr. Turner has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert Cavaness

Herbert Cavaness, president of the Tribune Company at Chanute, was born at Chetopa August 23, 1877. He was graduated from the Chetopa High School in 1893, and took the full literary course in Baker University, where he was graduated A. B. in 1899. While in university he was a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity and the Athenian Literary Society. There was hardly a break between his college career and his work as a newspaper man, which he had followed with great enthusiasm and success. In September, 1899, he went to work on the Chanute Tribune, and gives practically all … Read more

Biography of Oscar C. Baird, M. D.

Oscar C. Baird, M. D. Kansas is justly notable for the skill, learning and high character of the men who compose its medical fraternity and the profession here numbers among its members those whose scientific attainments are far beyond the ordinary. Among those well known during the past sixteen years is Dr. Oscar C. Baird, of Chanute, whose career is typical of modern advancement, his having been a broad field of medical service. Doctor Baird is a native of Van Buren County, Iowa, and was born December 29, 1871, his parents being Nathan and Lorinda (Jones) Baird. Doctor Baird is … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Merritt

Joseph C. Merritt, chairman of the board of directors of the First National Bank of Chanute, the largest financial institution in Neosho County, is a pioneer Kansan. He came to Iola in 1871, and for a number of years was engaged in the cattle business. His home had been in Chanute since 1878. For more than thirty years, until he sold out in 1909, Mr. Merritt conducted a hardware store at the corner of East Main and Harlan Avenue. As successful merchant, it was only natural that he should participate in other business affairs in the city, and he early … Read more

Biography of Samuel Baughman

Samuel Baughman. In the career of Samuel Baughman, now one of the leading real estate and insurance men of Chanute, there are found those qualities which make for success in business life. Industry, perseverance, a wise direction of talents and a quick grasp of opportunities have always characterized his actions, and throughout his life he has governed his operations by principles of fair dealing, so that his reputation in business matters is one which places him in an enviable position. He has been interested in a number of lines of endeavor, and in each has made a success, and the … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Bernauer

Joseph R. Bernauer. Since assuming the management of the Fredonia Window Glass Company’s plant at Caney, Joseph R. Bernauer has been successful in showing excellent financial results, and has evidenced a broad knowledge of mechanical science as well as a wealth of executive ability. Many years of practical experience contribute to his equipment, and during his career he has been connected with some of the leading concerns of this kind in the West. Mr. Bernauer was born in Baden, Germany, August 13, 1863, and is a son of Raymond and Brigeta (Schlagel) Bernauer. His grandfather, Quirin Bernauer, was born in … Read more

Biography of Joel H. Rickel

Joel H. Rickel. Among the citizens of Chanute, one who had had a most interesting career is Joel H. Rickel, a resident of this city since 1896, and now the owner of a carriage and repair shop and the owner of a valuable farm. Mr. Rickel is a veteran of the Civil war, and had been a prominent figure in Grand Army circles, being a past commander of several posts in Kansas and a past department commander of the State of Kansas. He was born in Ashland County, Ohio, December 8, 1844, and is a son of John S. and … Read more

Biography of Earl A. Davis, M. D.

Earl A. Davis, M. D. A native son of Kansas, who is assisting to maintain the prestige of his state in the field of medical achievement, Dr. Earl A. Davis had attained a position of distinction among the physicians and surgeons of Chanute, where he had been engaged in the practice of his calling since 1903. He is the son of a physician, Dr. J. Davis, and was born May 20, 1875, at Ottawa, Franklin County. The family of which Doctor Davis is a member originated in Wales and came from that country to America during the colonial period, the … Read more

Biography of Seth J. Bailey

Seth J. Bailey. The gratifying success which had crowned the efforts of Seth J. Bailey, of Chanute, clearly and emphatically evidence the business skill, perseverance and enterprise of this individual, who had been engaged in business here since the fall of 1900. This is a utilitarian age, one in which advancement and progress come through activity in the industrial and commercial interests of life. There is nothing to which America owes her pre-eminence among the nations of the earth so much as to her inventions, and each year sees additions to the list which bear marked impress upon the world … Read more

Biography of John C. Carpenter, Col.

Col. John C. Carpenter, retired attorney, veteran of the Civil war, Kansas pioneer, ex-state senator, successful business man and public-spirited citizen, had flgured so conspicuously and honorably in connection with the public interests, business activity and substantial development of Neosho County for forty-six years that no history of this locality would be complete without the record of his career. Throughout his entire life he had been looked upon as a model of integrity and honor, one who had always stood as an example of what determination, combined with the highest degree of integrity, can accomplish for a man of natural … Read more

Biography of Herschel C. Porterfield

Herschel C. Porterfield. Thirty-five years in the oil fields and thirty years as a contractor and producer constitute the record of this veteran of an industry which has brought Kansas untold wealth. Like hundreds of men of this class, he has found Independence as the most satisfactory city for residence and business headquarters. In another respect he is typical of perhaps a majority of the oil men of the country–his native state is Pennsylvania. Born in Butler County, August 10, 1856, he was one of several brothers to become identified with the oil industry in one way or another. Up … Read more

Biography of John Wilbur Lapham

John Wilbur Lapham. The life record of John W. Lapham, postmaster, attorney and ex-mayor of Chanute, Kansas, stands in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is never without honor save in his own country, for Mr. Lapham is a native son of the county and city in which he has directed the efforts of his successful career. The son of a leading member of the Neosho County bar, he has followed in his father’s footsteps in the legal profession, as well as making a success in business life and as a public official. John W. Lapham was born … Read more

Biography of Hugh Philip Farrelly, Hon.

During a period of thirty years Hon. Hugh Philip Farrelly had been a member of the Kansas bar, and few men have a better record for straightforward and high professional conduct, or for success earned with honor and without arimosity. Mr. Farrelly, who had practiced at Chanute since 1887, is a man of scholarly attainments and exact and comprehensive knowledge of the law, and, while an active democrat and an ex-member of the Kansas State Senate, is at present concerned chiefly with the pressing and constantly broadening duties of his profession. Hugh Philip Farrelly was born September 2, 1858, on … Read more