Biography of Hon. Thomas Patton

HON. THOMAS PATTON. – There is scarcely a man in Oregon, who enjoys a greater measure of esteem, both in his own community and abroad, than the gentleman whose name heads this memoir. With the usual substantial and popular qualities of the pioneers, he has a touch of dash and a breadth of view which lift him somewhat above the horizon of even the first business men and thinkers of the Pacific Northwest. He is prominent among those who have given the tone and pose to the peculiarly refined and genial society of the Capital city. He was born in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Ebersole

Ebersole, William George; dentist; M. D. and D. D. S.; born, Carrollton, O., Nov. 18, 1864; son of John E. and Nancy Lyons Ebersole; educated, Grammar and High School of Carrollton; Ohio Norman University at Ada O.; spent a year and a half in the study of law; Western Reserve University, both medical and dental courses; married, Dec. 17, 1890, Carrollton, O., Miss Ora Stemple; one son, Carl Haman, born Oct. 19, 1896; in October, 1898, began the practise of dentistry in Cleveland; two and one-half years demonstrator of operative dentistry at Western Reserve University; 1898-1899 and a part of … Read more

Biography of Joseph Kennedy Hudson, General

Gen. Joseph Kennedy Hudson. One of the ablest soldiers of Kansas and most determined fighter for the free-state movement, the late General Hudson will have a lasting fame not only for what he did in the trying years of Kansas’ youth, but also as founder and for many years editor of the Topeka Capital. It was his resourcefulness as a practical newspaper man and his wonderful ability as an editor and molder of public opinion that gave the Capital its wide influence and standing as a journal, and the history of the Kansas Press had no more notable figure than … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Henry Lotz

Lotz, John Henry; head worker Alta Social Settlement House; born, Carrollton, O., Dec. 2, 1872; son of Daniel S. and Ella Hill Lotz; educated, Mt. Hemron Boy’s School, 1894; Williams College, 1898; Union Theological Seminary, 1904; post-graduate study, Columbia University; married, Middlebury, Conn., Aug. 17, 1904; May Louise Waters; one son; taught St. Paul’s School, Garden City, L. I., 1898-1901; director Bethany Memorial Boy’s Club, New York City, 1901-1904; since 1904 head of Alta House Settlement; member Grargoyle, Williams College, Chamber of Commerce, and City Club, Cleveland. Recreation: Farming.