Carlisle Massachusetts Births – K Surnames

KEMP, James, s. James and Molley, Oct. 9, 1791. Polly, d. James and Molly, May 5, 1796. Rhoda, d. James and Molly, Aug. 14, 1800. KIBBE, Betty, d. Samuell and Elizabeth, July 18, 1746. Bulah, d. Samuell and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1753. Molley, d. Samuell and Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1751. KIDDER, Mary, d. Amos and Macy, Oct. 17, 1782. KIMBALL, Clarissa, d. William and Mary, May 9, 1801. Ichabud Gibson, s. William and Mary, Apr. 14, 1799. Maria, d. William and Mary, May 23, 1805. Mary, d. William and Mary, Aug. 27, 1796.

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – I Surnames

INGALS, David, s. James and Margaret, Oct. 20, 1792. Moses, s. James and Margaret, Apr. 26, 1798. Nancy, d. James and Margaret, July 24, 1795. Sarah, d. James and Margaret, June 1, 1788.

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – D Surnames

DAVIS, John, agriculture, b. Hancock, N. H., cancer, Jan. 5, 1845, a. 48 y. 1 m. 29 d. Luke, s. Nehemiah and Dorothy, Oct. 18, 1755. DICKINSON, Persis, w. David, Jan. 15, 1782, in her 37th y. G. R. 1. DURANT (see also Durrant), Martha, d. William and Marina, Nov. 1, 1837, a. 14 m. G. R. 2. DUREN, Alferd, s. Thomas and Anne, Feb. 6, 1773. George, s. Reuben and Sus[ann]a, May 9, 1804, a. 3 m. 20 d. G. R. 1. Isaac, May 27, 1835. G. R. 2. Mary E[lizabeth. P. R. 7.], d. Isaac and Mary, Apr. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – F Surnames

FARRAR, Hephzibah, d. Olever and Mary, Jan. 4, 1756, a. 1 y. 9 m. 19 d. Lucy, w. Stephen, bilious disorder, Feb. 9, 1843, a. 70 y. Simon, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Sept. 13, 1754. FARROW, Stephen [Farrar. G. R. 2.], farmer, old age, June 14, 1848, a. 84 y. FLAGG, Nathan, Dec. 9, 1755. Sarah, w. Joseph, Apr. 19, 1755, in her 56th y. FLETCHER, Aaron, s. Henry and Deborah, Jan. 13, 1775. Albert, s. Capt. Aaron and Sarah, May 20, 1816. [May 19, in his 8th y. G. R. 1.] Benjamin Franklin, s. Capt. Aaron and Sarah, Sept. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – W Surnames

WHEAT, Ai, m., agriculture, bleeding of the stomach, Mar. 10, 1844, a. 42 y. Betsey, w. Lt. Daniel, Nov. 14, 18-9, a. 70 y. G. R. 1. Betsey, d. Lt. Daniel and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1815, a. 17 y. Charles G., s. Ai and Irene G. H., May 24, 1837, a. 5 y. 8 m. G. R. 2. Daniel, Lt., Jan. 17, 1827, a. 72 y. G. R. 1. Melbourne W., s. Ai and Irene G. H., Feb. 13, 1841, a. 14 y. G. R. 2. WHEELER, Abagail, d. Simon and Abagail, Sept. 13, 1819. Abigail, w. Oliver, Aug. 15, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – P Surnames

PAGE, Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1817. PALMER, Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, June 2, 1754. PARKER, Artimus, s. Maj. Jonas and Olive, Nov. 2, 1815. Asa, s. William and Lucy, May 4, 1792. Catharine, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, July 10, 1806. Charlotte, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, Aug. 16, 1810. Eli, s. William and Lucy, Apr. 22, 1787. Emeline, d. Maj. Jonas and Olive, Jan. 16, 1812. Frederick, s. Maj. Jonas and Olive, Sept. 2, 1813. Joann, d. Jonas and Anna, Dec. 11, 1819. John, s. William and Lucy, Sept. 3, 1798. Jonas, s. Maj. Jonas and Olive, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – R Surnames

REGBE, Mary, wid., Apr. 30, 1755. ROBBINS, Aaron, Capt., July 26, 1821, a. 40 y. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbel, Dec. 26, 1786, a. 10 m. 18 d. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbyl, Oct. 11, 1810, a. 20 y. G. R. 1. Ephraim, Dea., July 29, 1820, a. 62 y. Esther, d. Ephraim and Sibbyl, Feb. 5, 1803, a. 19 y. G. R. 1. Jane, Mrs. [w. John. G. R. 2.], housewife, dysentery, Aug. 28, 1849, a. 63 y. John, 4th, Lt., Aug. 5, 1812, a. 31 y. [a. 34 y. G. R. 1.] … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – C Surnames

CARTER, Andrew, m., laborer, s. Enoch and Rebeca, consumption, July 9, 1845, a. 29 y. Rebeca, w. Enoch, consumption, Oct. 17, 1845, a. 52 y. CLARK, John, m., farmer, consumption, Aug. 15, 1847, a. 65 y. Jonathan P., s. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1817, a. 2 y. G. R. 1. CROSBY, Rhoda, dysentery, bur. Chelmsford, d. Aug. 19, 1848, a. 79 y. Sarah, d. Benjamin and Mary, Aug. 22, 1775.

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – R Surnames

RAIMOND (see also Raymond), Joseph, and Elisabeth Lamson, both of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1794. RAYMOND (see also Raimond), Nancy, of Westford, and Benjamin Slater [now resident in Carlisle. int.], May 19, 1818.* William, and Betsey Wheeler, Oct. 6, 1811.* READ (see also Reed), Nancy, of Acton, and John Wilson, int. Jan. 4, 1824. REED (see also Read), Betty [resident in Carlisle. int.], and Benjamin Parker [of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, Oct. 28, 1784.* Harriot S., of Bedford, and Ens. James Nickles, int. Apr. 25, 1824. Huldah, and Isaac King, both residents in Acton, Mar. 27, 1807. Jacob, of Acton, and … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – A Surnames

ADAMS Benjamin, consumption, Apr. 7, 1843, a. 48 y. Benj[amin] Franklin, s. Samuel and Dorcas, typhus fever, Nov. 4, 1847, a. 12 y. 11 m. 19 d. Charlotte Matilda, d. Charles B. and Charlotte Matilda, cholera infantum, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 4 m. 11 d. Esther, wid., old age, Aug. 22, 1843, a. 83 y. Joanna, wid. Timothy, b. Westford, old age, bur. Chelmsford, d. Dec. 15, 1845, a. 88 y. Julia A., d. Sam[ue]l and Darcas, typhus fever, bur. Taunton, d. Sept. 20, 1844, a. 23 y. 2 m. 15 d. Mariah L., d. Benj[amin] and Abi, consumption, Aug. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – M Surnames

McBRIDE, John, jr., of Bolton, and Mrs. Rachel Barrett, Sept. 5, 1813.* MANNING, Jacob, jr., of Billerica, and Lucy Andrews, Apr. 26, 1796.* MANSFIELD, Asa, of Chelmsford, and Rachel Crosby, int. Nov. 10, 1800. Gardner Stilman, and Eliza Robbins, int. Apr. 2, 1831. MARCH, Sibbel, and Samuel Heald, jr., int. Mar. 7, 1814. MARSH, Austin, and Mary W. Skelton of Lowell, int. Apr. 21, 1839. MASON, John, and Meriam Hodgman, Nov. 28, 1816.* Molley, and John Temple of Bowdoinham, Apr. 25, 1786.* Tilly, and Hannah Wetherbee, Feb. 28, 1788.* MEEK, Timothy, and Betsey Munroe, July 21, 1822.* Timothy, a. 51 … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – L Surnames

LAKIN, Caroline, d. John G. and Elisebeth, Apr. 27, 1808. LAMSON, Anna, d. twin, Paul and Azubah, Oct. 6, 1780. Paul, s. Paul and Azubah, Oct. 26, 1784. Polley, d. Paul and Azubah, at Acton, Apr. 22, 1778. Sally, d. twin, Paul and Azubah, Oct. 6, 1780. LANE, d. Amasa, farmer, of Bedford, Aug. 30, 1847. LAUGHTON, Elizabeth, d. John and Esther, Mar. 14, 1749. Esther, d. John and Esther, Nov. 26, 1754. Jacob, s. John and Esther, Nov. 15, 1751. James, s. John and Esther, Nov. 21, 1741. John, s. John and Esther, July 29, 1743. Sarah, d. John … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – D Surnames

DAVIS, Abel, s. Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1755. Dolly, d. Nehemiah and Dorothy, June 22, 1755. George, s. Thaddius and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1812. John Proctor, s. John and Rebeckah, Jan. 28, 1830. Luke, s. Nehemiah and Dorothy, June 16, 1754. Rebekah, d. John and Rebeckah, Oct. 2, 1824. DURANT (see also Duren), Isaac, s. Reuben and Susanna, June 6, 1795. Sibbel, at Billerica, Feb. 29, 1744. DUREN (see also Durant), Abi, d. Thomas and Anne, Feb. 17, 1769. Alferd, s. Thomas and Anne, Dec. 12, 1771. Anna, d. Willard and Mary, July 20, 1799. George, s. Reuben and … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – F Surnames

FARRAR, Ebenezer, s. Henery and Sarah, Oct. 9, 1745. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Mary, Dec. 17, 1755. Hephzibah, d. Olever and Mary, Mar. 15, 1754. (also recorded at Concord.) Nathan, s. Henery and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1742. FLAGG, ch. George, Oct. -, 1849. FLECTHER (see also Fletcher), Ellen Rhuhamah, d. Charles G. and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1848. James Billings, s. Simon T., merchant, and Almira, Feb. 27, 1849. FLETCHER (see also Flecther), Aaron, s. Henry and Deborah, Oct. 14, 1774. Aaron, s. Henry and Deborah, Nov. 18, 1777. Albert, s. Capt. Aaron and Sarah, at Chelmsford, Nov. 21, 1808. Benjamin … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – C Surnames

CHAMPNEY, Lewis Edwin, s. Ebenezer, machinist, and Sarrah, Nov. 15, 1849. CLARK, Hannah Abbot, d. John and Lydia, July 22, 1837. Joseph Perkins, s. George, laborer, and Mariah F., Nov. 5, 1848. Rebeccah, w. Reuben Monroe, May 12, 1788. P. R. 2. COWDERY, Isaac Brown, s. Joseph and Lucy, May 10, 1814. CROSBY, Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, Sept. 18, 1780. Hannah, d. Benjamin and Mary, May 22, 1773. Molly, d. Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 1, 1767. Rachel, d. Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 30, 1779. Rhoda, d. Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 2, 1769. Sarah, d. Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 18, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – H Surnames

HALLET, Allen Laroia, s. Allen and Sarrah, Dec. 14, 1849, a. 4 d. HANDLEY, Samuel, May 12, 1827. HARTWELL, Frances, s. Silas and Sally, Apr. 1, 1825, a. 22 y. G. R. 1. Jonas, s. Silas and Sally, Sept. 14, 1813. [a. 2 y. 6 m. G. R. 1.] Rachel, w. Asa, Mar. 31, 1839, a. 70 y. G. R. 1. Rufus, s. Asa and Rachel, Sept. 14, 1801. [a. 5 y. 1 m. 11 d. G. R. 1.] Sally, w. Silas, Nov. 7, 1819, a. 42 y. G. R. 1. HEALD, Adeline, d. John, jr. and Dorcas, Apr. 29, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – T Surnames

TAYLER (see also Taylor), Abel, s. Abel and Sarah, May 3, 1805. Sarah, d. Abel and Sarah, May. 7, 1809. TAYLOR (see also Tayler), Adelaide Augusta, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Aug. 28, 1830. Artemas, s. Stephen and Emeline, Apr. 1, 1841. Cephas, s. Abraham and Frances, Apr. 25, 1798. Claramond, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Jan. 7, 1833. Frances Eldora, d. James, farmer, and Mariah [(Proctor). P. R. 3.], Nov. 25, 1849. [1848. P. R. 3.] Frances Mariah, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Mar. 29, 1829. George, s. Stephen, farmer, and Emoline, Apr. 9, 1848. James, s. Abel and Sarah; Jan. 16, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – B Surnames

Marriages BACON, Elvira, of West Cambridge, and Amos Leighton, int. Oct. 13, 1839. BAILEY, Olive, of Billerica, and Jonas Parker, Jan. 1, 1809.* BALDWIN (see also Bauldoin), John F[rye. int.], of Billerica, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Joel and Mary B., of Billerica, and Fanny A[licia. int.] Parker, a. 20 y., d. Jonas and Anna, Dec. 24, 1846.* Lucy, Mrs., and Oliver Spaulding, Aug. 30, 1835.* Susanna, and Jacob Blaisdell, int. July 7, 1838. BALL, Isaac, of Corinth, and Lucy Hodgman, Feb. 2, 1817.* BARKER, Asa, of Chelmsford, and Sally Foster of Westford, Sept. 18, 1794. Daniel, of Littleton, and … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – E Surnames

ESTABROOK Abraham, s. Robert and Olive, Mar. 12, 1744. (also recorded at Concord.) Hannah, d. Robert and Olive, Feb. 17, 1755. (also recorded at Concord.) John, s. Robert and Olive, Dec. 15, 1750. (also recorded at Concord.) Jonathan s. Robert and Olive, July 15, 1753. (also recorded at Concord.) Olive, d. Robert and Olive, Oct. 25, 1745. (also recorded at Concord.) Sarah, d. Robert and Olive, June 15, 1748. (also recorded at Concord.)

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – W Surnames

WEBSTER, John Blanchard Davis, s. Samuel and Lucy H., Dec. 7, 1825. Samuel Elbert, s. Samuel and Lucy H., Feb. 4, 1827. Sarah Jane, d. Samuel and Sally, Dec. 2, 1823. WHEAT, Ai, s. Lt. Daniel and Betty, Sept. 2, 1801. Betsy, d. Daniel and Betty, Apr. 26, 1798. Lucindia, d. Daniel and Betty, Nov. 9, 1794. Susanna, d. Daniel and Betty, Nov. 16, 1790. WHEELER (see also Wheler), Abagail, d. Simon and Abagail, Aug. 16, 1799. Abel, s. Nathan and Ruth, June 10, 1791. Amos, s. Nathan and Ruth, Jan. 22, 1788. Ansil, s. William and Sarah, May 14, … Read more