Carlisle Massachusetts Births – R Surnames

RAYMOND, William Bradley, s. William and Betsey, Jan. 17, 1812. RICHARDSON, , ch. W[illia]m Q., June 19, 1849. ROBBENS (see also Robbins), Easther, d. Ephraim and Sybil, June 15, 1783. ROBBINS (see also Robbens, Robins), Aaron, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1781. Ann Maria, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1803. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbel, Feb. 8, 1786. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibyl, Apr. 26, 1790. Benjamin, s. Jonas and Sibbel, July 1, 1772. Betty, d. Jonas and Sibbel, July 12, 1778. Charles Harrison, s. John D. and Caroline, Feb. 16, 1838. Daniel Webster, s. John D[ana. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – G Surnames

GREEN, Abel, s. Reuben and Lydia, June 22, 1797. Ai, s. Asa and Esther, Sept. 3, 1801. Amos, s. John and Elisabeth, Mar. 5, 1772. Asa, s. Zacheus and Elisabeth, June 13, 1785. Benjamin, s. Tilly and Patty, Aug. 3, 1813. Calven, s. John and Elisabeth, June 3, 1775. Charles, s. twin, Jesse and Hannah, June 30, 1800. Charles, s. Joseph C. and Lucy, Oct. 19, 1820. Charlottee, d. Nathan, jr. and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1794. Cyrene, d. Nathan and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1806. Eli, s. Samuel and Rebeck[ah], Apr. 21, 1774. Eli, s. Zacheus and Elisabeth, July 1, 1783. … Read more

Free Massachusetts Vital Records

Vital Records of Bellingham Massachusetts to 1850

This is a collection of free vital records books, otherwise known as “Tan Books” for Massachusetts towns. Generally, these records go up to 1849/1850 at which, the genealogist can use the census records to assist in identifying the family connections further. Included with this article is an account of why and how these manuscripts were published along with links to all 198 books which can be freely read or downloaded.

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – S Surnames

SAFFORD, Benjamin, of New Ipswich, and Prudance Melvin, at Concord, Oct. 9, 1754. SANDERS, Ebenezer M. [Saunders. int.], of Billerica, and Lydia Stearns, Jan. 31, 1815.* SANDERSON, William, and Hannah Wheeler, July 8, 1805. William, of Billerica, and Mrs. Azuba Stearns, July 31, 1831.* SAUNDERSON, Sarah F., of Lowell, and Asaph Parlen, int. Apr. 22, 1836. SCOTT, Samuel E. [of Westford. int.], and Lawrie [Louisa E. int.] Forbush, May 12, 1844. P. R. 1.* SEVERANCES, William, of Washington, and Ruth Munroe, int. Feb. 19, 1816. SHAW, Susanna, and Jonathan Briggs, both of Concord, Mar. 11, 1798. SHEAD (see also Shed), … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – E Surnames

EASTE, Ebenezer, of Billerica, and Abigail Nickless, int. Apr. 1, 1804. EASTHERBROOKS (see also Estabrook), Thankful, and Leonard Green, Jan. 28, 1790.* EASTMAN, Caroline L. [of Lowell. int.], and George Bingham, Nov. 25, 1845. P. R. 13.* EATON, Thomas, and Charlotte Stearns, both residents in Carlisle, Feb. 17, 1828.* ELIOT (see also Ellet), John S., of Lowell, and Mrs. Sarah A. Morse, int. Mar. 31, 1834. ELKINS, Elizebeth, of New Durham, N. H., and Warren Heald, int. Sept. 24, 1837. ELLET (see also Eliot), Sally, of Mason, and Thomas Hutchinson, int. Sept. 17, 1803. EMERY, Samuel, and Rebecca Wheler, Apr. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – D Surnames

DAVIS, John, agriculture, b. Hancock, N. H., cancer, Jan. 5, 1845, a. 48 y. 1 m. 29 d. Luke, s. Nehemiah and Dorothy, Oct. 18, 1755. DICKINSON, Persis, w. David, Jan. 15, 1782, in her 37th y. G. R. 1. DURANT (see also Durrant), Martha, d. William and Marina, Nov. 1, 1837, a. 14 m. G. R. 2. DUREN, Alferd, s. Thomas and Anne, Feb. 6, 1773. George, s. Reuben and Sus[ann]a, May 9, 1804, a. 3 m. 20 d. G. R. 1. Isaac, May 27, 1835. G. R. 2. Mary E[lizabeth. P. R. 7.], d. Isaac and Mary, Apr. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – W Surnames

WHEAT, Ai, m., agriculture, bleeding of the stomach, Mar. 10, 1844, a. 42 y. Betsey, w. Lt. Daniel, Nov. 14, 18-9, a. 70 y. G. R. 1. Betsey, d. Lt. Daniel and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1815, a. 17 y. Charles G., s. Ai and Irene G. H., May 24, 1837, a. 5 y. 8 m. G. R. 2. Daniel, Lt., Jan. 17, 1827, a. 72 y. G. R. 1. Melbourne W., s. Ai and Irene G. H., Feb. 13, 1841, a. 14 y. G. R. 2. WHEELER, Abagail, d. Simon and Abagail, Sept. 13, 1819. Abigail, w. Oliver, Aug. 15, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – K Surnames

KEMP, James, s. James and Molley, Oct. 9, 1791. Polly, d. James and Molly, May 5, 1796. Rhoda, d. James and Molly, Aug. 14, 1800. KIBBE, Betty, d. Samuell and Elizabeth, July 18, 1746. Bulah, d. Samuell and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1753. Molley, d. Samuell and Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1751. KIDDER, Mary, d. Amos and Macy, Oct. 17, 1782. KIMBALL, Clarissa, d. William and Mary, May 9, 1801. Ichabud Gibson, s. William and Mary, Apr. 14, 1799. Maria, d. William and Mary, May 23, 1805. Mary, d. William and Mary, Aug. 27, 1796.

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – B Surnames

BALDING (see also Baldwin), Sarah, d. Benjamin and Mary, June 29, 1807. BALDWIN (see also Balding, Baulding), Benjamin, jr., s. Benjamin and Mary, July 31, 1816. Lucy, d. Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 6, 1814. Lydia, d. Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 1, 1819. Rhoda, d. Binjamin and Mary, Sept. 12, 1811. Susanna, d. Benjamin and Mary, Aug. 16, 1809. BARRETT, Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah, July 31, 1797. Benjamin Franklin, s. twin, Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1802. Cinthya, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1791. Hugh Cargill, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1786. John, s. Simeon and Ruth, Sept. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – T Surnames

TAYLER (see also Taylor), Abel, s. Abel and Sarah, May 3, 1805. Sarah, d. Abel and Sarah, May. 7, 1809. TAYLOR (see also Tayler), Adelaide Augusta, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Aug. 28, 1830. Artemas, s. Stephen and Emeline, Apr. 1, 1841. Cephas, s. Abraham and Frances, Apr. 25, 1798. Claramond, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Jan. 7, 1833. Frances Eldora, d. James, farmer, and Mariah [(Proctor). P. R. 3.], Nov. 25, 1849. [1848. P. R. 3.] Frances Mariah, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Mar. 29, 1829. George, s. Stephen, farmer, and Emoline, Apr. 9, 1848. James, s. Abel and Sarah; Jan. 16, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – A Surnames

ADAMS Benjamin, consumption, Apr. 7, 1843, a. 48 y. Benj[amin] Franklin, s. Samuel and Dorcas, typhus fever, Nov. 4, 1847, a. 12 y. 11 m. 19 d. Charlotte Matilda, d. Charles B. and Charlotte Matilda, cholera infantum, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 4 m. 11 d. Esther, wid., old age, Aug. 22, 1843, a. 83 y. Joanna, wid. Timothy, b. Westford, old age, bur. Chelmsford, d. Dec. 15, 1845, a. 88 y. Julia A., d. Sam[ue]l and Darcas, typhus fever, bur. Taunton, d. Sept. 20, 1844, a. 23 y. 2 m. 15 d. Mariah L., d. Benj[amin] and Abi, consumption, Aug. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – R Surnames

REGBE, Mary, wid., Apr. 30, 1755. ROBBINS, Aaron, Capt., July 26, 1821, a. 40 y. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbel, Dec. 26, 1786, a. 10 m. 18 d. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbyl, Oct. 11, 1810, a. 20 y. G. R. 1. Ephraim, Dea., July 29, 1820, a. 62 y. Esther, d. Ephraim and Sibbyl, Feb. 5, 1803, a. 19 y. G. R. 1. Jane, Mrs. [w. John. G. R. 2.], housewife, dysentery, Aug. 28, 1849, a. 63 y. John, 4th, Lt., Aug. 5, 1812, a. 31 y. [a. 34 y. G. R. 1.] … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – M Surnames

MARSH, Palmer Austin, s. Austin, physician, and Mary W. S., Aug. 5, 1846. MASON, John, s. Mary Russell, Feb. 17, 1793. MEEK, Abigail, d. Timothy and Betsey, Nov. 7, 1836. John Kendal, s. Timothy and Bitsey, Aug. 31, 1825. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, July 7, 1831. Timothy, s. Timothy and Betsey, Jan. 17, 1823. MELVEN (see also Melvin), David, s. David and Abigal, Dec. 19, 1751. Joshua, s. Capt. Eleazer and Mary, Mar. 15, 1754. Samuell, s. David and Abigal, Apr. 25, 1754. MELVIN (see also Melven), Polly, d. Polly, Feb. 23, 1798. MONROE (see also Munroe), Emily … Read more

Carlisle MA Vital Records to 1850

Carlisle Massachusetts Map of 1875

Carlisle Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 includes records of births, marriages and deaths, basically all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the cemetery inscriptions; and in private records found in family Bibles, etc. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerk’s record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a married woman.
When places other than Carlisle and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. In all records the original spelling of names is followed, and in the alphabetical arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings.

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – T Surnames

TALBOT, Samuel, of Brookline, N. H., and Eliza P. Hodgman, int. Nov. 25, 1835. TARBOX, Mary, Mrs., and Joel Hodgman, Jan. 9, 1836.* TAYLOR, Abel, and Sarah Hodgman, June 28, 1804.* Abraham, and Frances Blood, July 6, 1797.* Annis, Mrs., of Hollis, and Jacob Robbins of Westford, Jan. 1, 1795. Elizibeth, and Joseph Hartwell, 2d of Bedford, Dec. 30, 1840.* Harriet E., and Alfred Proctor of Chelmsford, a. 24 y., wheelwright, s. Jonas R. and Syebl, of Chelmsford, Sept. 10, 1846.* James, and Mariah Procter of Roxbury, int. Mar. 24, 1847. John, and Abigail Wheeler, Apr. 23, 1789.* John, and … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – J Surnames

JACOBS, Easther, d. John and Mable, Sept. 5, 1802. John, Dea., black vomit, June 27, 1841, a. 82 y. Lydia, d. John and Mable, June 9, 1804. Mable, w. Dea. John, Dec. 26, 1838, a. 75 y. G. R. 2. Maria, w. John, jr., June 16, 1827, a. 25 y. G. R. 2. Ward, s. John and Mable, Oct. 17, 1806. JOHNSON, George W., Sept. 3, 1818, a. 1 y. 10 m. G. R. 1.

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – M Surnames

MEEK, Betsey, w. Timothy, fever, Nov. 9, 1841, a. 48 y. MELVEN, Eleazer, Capt., Oct. 18, 1754, in his 52d y. Mary, wid. Capt. Eleazer, Nov. 20, 1754. Sarah, w. Robert, Feb. 18, 1756. MORGAN, Harriett [Eliza. G. R. 2.], b. Charlestown, d. James [H. G. R. 2.] and Lizey Ann, whooping-cough, Sept. 1, 1846, a. 1 y. MOURDOCK, Hannah, w. David, Mar. 24, 1820. MUNROE, Hannah, w. Joseph, Aug. 23, 1771. Jonas, Sept. 21, 1840, a. 84 y. G. R. 2. Joseph, Oct. 26, 1783. Macy, w. Nathan, Nov. 20, 1785. Reuben, s. Joshua and Ruth, Aug. 17, 1778, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – W Surnames

WALKER, Thankful, and Simeon Parker of Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1787.* WALLAS, Sarah, and William Love, both residents in Carlisle, int. Mar. 20, 1781. WARNER, Elisabeth, Mrs., of Acton, and Zacheus Green, Oct. 21, 1795.* WARREN, Anna, Mrs., and Dea. John Green, Nov. 5, 1818.* Joseph, jr., of Chelmsford, and Mary Spaulding, Feb. 27, 1794.* WASHBURN, Samuel, of Lempster, N. H., and Hannah Jacobs, Nov. 15, 1810.* William, and Rhoda Foster, Oct. 29, 1809.* WATERS, Aphia, Mrs., and Nathan Parlin, jr., Aug. 30, 1812.* John, jr., and Betsey Robbins, Dec. 21, 1803.* Mehetable, and Joseph Blanchard, of Billerica, June 10, 1788.* … Read more