Wendt, Betty Jane LaMadin Mrs.

Haines, Oregon Betty Jane Wendt, 77, a former longtime Haines resident, died Sept. 3, 2004, at her home in Lebanon. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Robin Harris of the Cornerstone Baptist Church in North Powder will officiate. Visitations will be held at Gray’s West & Company Pioneer Chapel until 5 p.m. today. Betty Jane was born March 27, 1927, in Carlinville, Ill., to Claude and Ollie May LaMandin. Betty had done many things in her life. She went to college and received her master’s degree, worked at a reserve … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Crispin

Thomas H. Crispin, farmer; P. O. Rardin; born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, May 5, 1833, where he attended school and assisted his father in the mason trade until 14 years of age, when he went to Bellefontaine, Logan Co., where he learned and worked at the trade of mason and plasterer until 1852, when he emigrated to Carlinville, Ill., and followed his trade for six years; he located in Coles Co. in the spring of 1859, on Sec. 30, Morgan Tp., where he engaged in farming one year, then six years upon Sec 9; he located upon his present place … Read more

Biography of William Henry Jordan

William Henry Jordan is a printer and newspaper man, and for over thirty years had been identified with the publication of the Seneea Tribune, founded in 1879 by Wren and Clawson. Mr. Jordan, now the sole proprietor and editor, is a native of England, born at Rye, March 7, 1854. His father, Henry Jordan, was born in the old cathedral city of Canterbury in 1822, was reared there, and was married at Rye to Miss Elizabeth Head. She was born at Rye in 1831. After the birth of two of their children they immigrated to the United States in March, … Read more

Biography of Gov. John M. Palmer

John M. Palmer

John M. Palmer was born in Scott County, Kentucky, September 13, 1817, and soon after his birth his father, who had been a soldier in the war of 1812, removed to Christian County, where lands were then cheap. John M. is still remembered by many of the old citizens as a bright, intelligent boy, fond of reading, and who lost no opportunity to improve his mind. He received such education as the new and sparsely settled country afforded, and in 1831 his father removed to Illinois. Shortly after a college was opened at Alton on the “manual labor system,” and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of X. X. Crum

Crum, X. X.; real estate; born in Macoupin County, Ill.; educated, public schools Lombard University and Blackburn University, degree of A. B.; in 1883, married Miss Marcia Phelps; issue, two sons; supt. of schools for five years in Carlinville, Dl.; teacher of sciences in Keokuk, Ia.; supt. of schools of Lincoln, Neb.; came to Cleveland in 1881, as sec’y and treas. of the Board of Trade, later known as the Chamber of Commerce; wrote the history ,of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Life of Cleveland; organized the National Safe & Lock Co.; charge of Safe Dept. of MacNeale … Read more

Biography of J. F. Drish

J. F. Drish, dealer in general hardware and agricultural implements, Mattoon; was born in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va., May 8, 1833; his father came west to Illinois in 1836 or 1837, and first settled in Whitehall, Greene Co., where he engaged in the practice of his profession-that of a physician and surgeon; at the age of 19, the subject of this sketch left home and crossed the plains to California; here he engaged in speculating and contracting; in 1854, he returned by way of the Isthmus of Panama and New York City; he next settled in Carlinville, and engaged in … Read more