Biography of James Fleming

James Fleming, a prominent lumber manufacturer and dealer at San Bernardino, came from Canada to San Bernardino County California, in June, 1880, with the intention of spending a year on the Pacific coast and then returning to the British Dominions; but, being highly pleased with the country and climate and favorably impressed with the prospective future of Southern California, he has passed ten pleasant and prosperous years in the county for which he has formed such an attachment, and has acquired such extensive business and property interests that his permanent residence is assured. For several years after his arrival he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Roberts Stilts

John Robert Stilts, a native of Canada, settled in Steuben county, New York, where he became a successful farmer, and was highly respected for his excellent character. He married Flizabeth Hennion, and their children were : Rhoda, Mary, Ann, Rebecca, Sophronia, Jacob and Thomas Henry. The family records were accidentally burned many years ago, and information is meagre.

The Discovery Of This Continent, it’s Results To The Natives

Columbus Landing on Hispaniola

In the year 1470, there lived in Lisbon, a town in Portugal, a man by the name of Christopher Columbus, who there married Dona Felipa, the daughter of Bartolome Monis De Palestrello, an Italian (then deceased), who had arisen to great celebrity as a navigator. Dona Felipa was the idol of her doting father, and often accompanied him in his many voyages, in which she soon equally shared with him his love of adventure, and thus became to him a treasure indeed not only as a companion but as a helper; for she drew his maps and geographical charts, and also … Read more

Biography of Hector Ross

In the town of Sherburne, and near the village of the same name, Chenango county, is a locality known as the “Quarter,” taking its name from the fact that it comprises one-quarter of the town. Here is located a thriving little manufacturing and trading settlement. By far the greater part of the life and prosperity of this place are due to the business capacity and the energy of the man whose portrait appears above. Hector Ross was born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1811. His father’s name was John Ross, who was a molder. living in Greenock. His mother’s maiden name … Read more

Kawchodinne Tribe

Kawchodinne Indians, Kawchodinne People, Kawchodinne First Nation (ka ‘hare’, cho ‘great’, dinne ‘people’: ‘people of the great hares’). An Athapascan tribe dwelling north of Great Bear Lake, Mackenzie Territory, Canada, on Mackenzie river, the lakes east of it, and Anderson river. Mackenzie said they were a small tribe residing on Peace river, who spoke the language of the Chipewyan and derived their name from the Arctic hare, their chief means of support. At another time he placed them on Porcupine river, Alaska. Franklin placed them immediately north of the Thlingchadinne on the north side of the outlet of Bear lake. Back located … Read more

Tsilkotin Tribe

Tsilkotin Indians, Tsilkotin People, Tsilkotin First Nation (‘people of young-man’s river’). An Athapascan tribe of British Columbia, occupying a territory lying chiefly in the valley of Chilcotin River at about lat. 52°. Their nearest relatives are the Takulli, or Carriers, whose territory is adjacent on the north, and who are the only Athapascan people with whom they come in contact. Toward the west a pass leads through the Coast range to Bellacoola, and intercourse with the tribe of that name, which was formerly frequent is still kept up to some extent. In early days there was also some communication with the Kwakiutl … Read more

Ntlakyapamuk Tribe

Ntlakyapamuk Indians. One of the four great Salish tribes inhabiting the interior of British Columbia and popularly called Thompson Indian from the river on which a large part of them live. Internally they are divided into the Lower Thonlpsons living from a short distance below Spuzzum on Fraser river, nearly to the village of Cisco, and the Upper Thompson, whose towns extend from tile latter point nearly to Lillooet on the Fraser, to within a short distance of Ashcroft on the Thompson, and over all of Nicola valley. The Upper Thompsons are subdivided by Teit into 4 minor bands, the … Read more

Tatsanottine Tribe

Tatsanottine Indians, Tatsanottine People, Tatsanottine First Nation (‘people of the scum of water,’ scum being a figurative expression for copper). An Athapascan tribe, belonging to the Chipewyan group, inhabiting the northern shares and eastern hays of Great Slave lake, Mackenzie Dist., Canada. They were said by Mackinzie in 1789 to live with other tribes on Mackenzie and Peace rivers. Franklin in 1824 said that they, had previously lived on the south side of Great Slave lake. Gallatin in 1836 gave their location as north of Great Slave lake on Yellow Knife river, while Back placed them on the west shore of Great … Read more

Maskegon Tribe

Maskegon Indians, Maskegon First Nation, Maskegon People, Swampy Crees (Mŭskīgōk, ‘they of the marshes or swamps.’- W. J. ). An Algonquian tribe so closely related to the Cree that they have appropriately been called a subtribe. According to Warren the Maskegon, with the Cree and the Monsoni, form the northern division of the Chippewa group, from which they separated about eight generations before 1850. The traders knew them as Swampy Crees. From the time the Maskegon became known as a distinct tribe until they were placed on reserves by the Canadian government they were scattered over the swampy region stretching … Read more

Cree Tribe

Cree Indians, Cree First Nation (contracted from Kristinaux, French form of Kenistenoag, given as one of their own names). An important Algonquian tribe of British America whose former habitat was in Manitoba and Assiniboin, between Red and Saskatchewan rivers. They ranged northeastward down Nelson river to the vicinity of Hudson Bay, and northwestward almost to Athabasca lake. When they first became known to the Jesuit missionaries a part of them resided in the region of James Bay, as it is stated as early as 1640 that “they dwell on the rivers of the north sea where Nipissing go to trade … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Mulhern

Mulhern, George C.; ex-sheriff of Cuyahoga County; born, Canada, Feb. 9, 1843; educated, public schools, Canada; came to Cleveland in 1861; clerked in grocery store until 1863; then entered the street railway business; has occupied every position from laborer to supt.; supt. Rocky River Steam R. R., 1870-1878; supt. the West Side lines for a number of years, and until his election to sheriff, in 1904, was actively engaged in the street railway business; member Clifton and Gentleman’s Driving Clubs; Republican.

Assiniboin Tribe

Assiniboin Indians, Assiniboin First Nation, Assiniboin People (Chippewa: u’sin i ‘stone,’ u’pwäwa– ‘he cooks by roasting’: ‘one who cooks by the use of stones.’). A large Siouan tribe, originally constituting a part of the Yanktonai. Their separation from the parent stem, to judge by the slight dialectal difference in the language, could not have greatly preceded the appearance of the whites, but it must have taken place before 1640, as the Jesuit Relation for that year mentions the Assiniboin as distinct. The Relation of 1658 places them in the vicinity of Lake Alimibeg, between Lake Superior and Hudson Bay. On Jefferys’ … Read more

Quebec First Nations

The following information are contact information and webpage addresses for First Nations of Quebec. Abenaki   Abénakis de Wôlinak Bande d’Odanak Grand Conseil de la nation Waban-Aki Innus de Ekuanitshit Alderville First Nation Innu-Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-Utenam Algonquin of TimiskamingP.O. Box 336NOTRE-DAME-DU-NORD QC J0Z 3B0 Listuguj First Nation17 Riverside Drive WestListuguj, PQ, G0C 2R0 Atikamekw Nation Council290 St. Joceph, C.P. 848La Tuque, Quebec G9X 3P6 Keewaytinook Okimakanak Bande de Betsiamites Manawan (Manouane (French) Bande des Montagnais Essipit Micmac Nation of Gespeg783 boulevard Pointe-NavarreC.P. 69Fontenelle, Québec, Canada, G0E 1H0 Bearskin Lake Mohawks of KahnawakeP.O. Box 720,Kahnawa’kehró:non Raonenhóntsa, J0L 1B0 Chisasibi Mandow … Read more

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Canada

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was Canada at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Acous to Atlkum Beauport to Burrard Saw Mills Indians Cabbasagunti to Cumshewa Dadens to Douglas Ecorce to Ewawoos Flowpahhoultin to Friendly Village Gachigundae to Gyitwulnakyel Hachaath to Hwotsotenne Iahenhouton to Ittatso  

Tierney, Francis C. – Obituary

Francis C. Tierney Enterprise, Oregon Died at his residence in this city, Thursday morning. His death came as a shock as he was in the best of health and spirits seemingly when he retired at night and in the morning was found lifeless. He was born in Canada having come to this city about three years ago from Idaho where they still have a large ranch. His death was due to chronic valvular heart disease. He was 68 years, two months and fifteen days old. He is survived by his wife, two daughters and a son. The funeral services were … Read more

Onondaga Tribe

Onondaga Indians, Onondaga Nation, Onondaga First Nation, Onondaga People (Onoñtǎ’´ge‘,’on, or on top of, the hill or mountain’). An important tribe of the Iroquois confederation, formerly living on the mountain, lake, and creek bearing their name, in the present Onondaga County, New York, and extending northward to Lake Ontario and southward perhaps to the waters of the Susquehanna. In the Iroquois councils they are known as Hodiseñnageta, ‘they (are) the name bearers.’ Their principal village, also the capital of the confederation, was called Onondaga, later Onondaga Castle; it was situated from before 1654 to 1681 on Indian hill, in the … Read more

Micmac Tribe

Micmac Birchbark Box with Porcupine Quills

Micmac Indians, Mi’kmaq First Nation. (Migmak, ‘allies’; Nigmak, ‘our allies.’ Hewitt). Alternative names for the Micmac, which can be found in historical sources, include Gaspesians, Souriquois, Acadians and Tarrantines; in the mid-19th century Silas Rand recorded the word wejebowkwejik as a self-ascription. An important Algonquian tribe that occupied Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and Prince Edward Islands, the north part of New Brunswick, and probably points in south and west Newfoundland. While their neighbors the Abnaki have close linguistic relations with the Algonquian tribes of the great lakes, the Micmac seem to have almost as distant a relation to the group as the … Read more

Nahane Tribe

Nahane Indians, Nahane People, Nahane First Nation (‘people of the west.’). An Athapascan division occupying the region of British Columbia and Yukon Territory between the Coast range and the Rocky mountains, from the north border of the Sekani, about 57° north, to that of the Kutchin tribes, about 65° north. It comprises the Tahltan and Takutine tribes forming the Taliltan division, the Titshotina and Etagottine tribes forming the Kaska division, and the Esbataottine and Abbatotine (considered by Petitot to be the same tribe), Sazeutina, Ettchaottine, Etagottine, Kraylongottine, Klokegottine, and perhaps Lakuyip and Tsetsant. They correspond with Petitot’s Montagnard group, except … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Kelly

HON. JOHN KELLY. – Prominent in almost every department of business and public life, Honorable John Kelly is known throughout the length and breadth of our state as a man of great abilities and irreproachable integrity. As a pioneer, none has a more deserving record, nor has sustained amore honorable part. Born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1818, he crossed the Atlantic to Canada in 1838, and in 1840 came to Franklin, Vermont. Three years later he began a career at the West, coming to Wisconsin, and there exercising his natural bent for business and capacity for organization, by which he … Read more