Slave Narrative of Samuel Simeon Andrews

Interviewer: Rachel A. Austin Person Interviewed: Samuel Simeon Andrews Location: Jacksonville, Florida Age: 86 For almost 30 years Edward Waters College, an African Methodist Episcopal School, located on the north side of Kings Road in the western section of Jacksonville, has employed as watchman, Samuel Simeon Andrews (affectionately called “Parson”), a former slave of A.J. Lane of Georgia, Lewis Ripley of Beaufort, South Carolina, Ed Tillman of Dallas, Texas, and John Troy of Union Springs, Alabama. “Parson” was born November 18, 1850 in Macon, Georgia, at a place called Tatum Square, where slaves were held, housed and sold. “Speculators” (persons … Read more

Biography of Samuel W. Bigham

Samuel W. Bigham, one of the most successful and best known farmers of the Potlatch country, living on American Ridge, four miles southwest of the picturesque and prosperous town of Kendrick, came to this locality in 1881 and took up government land, which he has transformed into one of the most desirable farms in this section of Idaho. He was born in Canada, July 24, 1842, and is of Irish descent, his grandfather, Andrew Bigham, having emigrated from the Emerald Isle to Canada at an early day. His son Thomas Bigham, the father of our subject, was born in what … Read more

Biography of James Fleming

James Fleming, a prominent lumber manufacturer and dealer at San Bernardino, came from Canada to San Bernardino County California, in June, 1880, with the intention of spending a year on the Pacific coast and then returning to the British Dominions; but, being highly pleased with the country and climate and favorably impressed with the prospective future of Southern California, he has passed ten pleasant and prosperous years in the county for which he has formed such an attachment, and has acquired such extensive business and property interests that his permanent residence is assured. For several years after his arrival he … Read more

Moser, Wolfgang Richard – Obituary

Wolfgang Richard Moser, 71, of Baker City, died April 21, 2006, after a massive cardiac event. His memorial service will be at 11 a.m. July 1 at the Baker City Church of the Nazarene Church, 1250 Hughes Lane. Mr. Moser was born in Munich, Germany, on Aug. 2, 1934. He moved to Canada in 1954 as a lithographer and immigrated to the United States in 1969. He owned his own business in Seattle, Wash., until his retirement in 1991, when he moved to Joseph. He enjoyed being part of the Wallowa Valley Photo Club, taking motorcycle trips, watercolor painting and … Read more

Biography of Henry Dunn

There was a romantic side to early western history, romantic in the reading, and romantic and perilous in the living, which will always have a place in American literature. The men who participated in it were of the quality of manhood of which good soldiers are made, with a dash of the explorer, the adventurer and the pioneer. They were the avant heralds of advancing civilization, and when civilization came they were quick to avail themselves of the advantages it offered, and were more farseeing than some other men when it came to penetrating the future and sizing up its … Read more

Montagnais Tribe

Montagnais Indians, Montagnais People, Montagnais First Nation (French ‘mountaineers’, from the mountainous character of their country). A group of closely related Algonquian tribes in Canada, extending from about St Maurice river almost to the Atlantic, and from the St Lawrence to the watershed of Hudson bay. The tribes of the group speak several well-marked dialects. They are the Astouregamigoukh, Attikiriniouetch, Bersiamite, Chisedec, Escoumains, Espamichkon, Kakouchaki, Mauthaepi, Miskouaha, Mouchaouaouastiirinioek, Nascapee, Nekoubaniste, Otaguottouemin, Oukesestigouek, Oumamiwek, Papinachois, Tadousac, and Weperigweia. Their linguistic relation appears to be closer with the Cree of Athabasca lake, or Ayabaskawininiwug, than with any other branch of the Algonquian family. Champlain … Read more

Nanaimo Tribe

Nanaimo Indians, Nanaimo People, Nanaimo First Nation (contraction of Snanaímux). A Salish tribe, speaking the Cowichan dialect, living about Nanaimo Harbor, on the east coast of Vancouver Island and on Nanaimo Lake, British Columbia.  Population 161 in 1906. Their gentes are Anuenes, Koltsiowotl, Ksalokul, Tewethen, and Yesheken.

Wappinger Tribe

Wappinger Indians (‘easterners,’ from the same root as Abnaki). A confederacy of Algonquian tribes, formerly occupying the east bank of Hudson River from Poughkeepsie to Manhattan Island. and the country extending east beyond Connecticut River, Conn. They were closely related to the Mahican on the north and the Delaware on the south. According to Ruttenber their totem was the wolf. They were divided into 9 tribes: Wappinger proper Manhattan Wecquaesgeek Sintsink Kitchawank Tankiteke Nochpeem Siwanoy Mattabesec Some of these were again divided into subtribes. The eastern bands never came into collision with the Connecticut settlers. Gradually selling their lands as … Read more

Puntlatsh Tribe

Puntlatsh Indians. A Salish tribe on Baynes sound and Puntlash river, east coast of Vancouver Island.  In 1893 they numbered 45; in 1896, the last time their name appears in the Canadian Reports on Indian Affairs, the “Punt-ledge, Sail-up-Sun, and Comox” numbered 69, since which time they have apparently been classed with the Comox.  The Puntlatsh dialect embraces the Puntlatsh, Saamen, and Hawahwatl.

Etchareottine Tribe

Etchareottine Indians, Etchareottine Nation (‘people dwelling in the shelter’). An Athapascan tribe occupying the country of Great Slave lake and upper Mackenzie river to the Rocky mountains, including the lower Liard valley, British America. Their range extends from Hay river to Ft Good Hope, and they once lived on the shores of Lake Athabasca and in the forests stretching northward to Great Slave lake. They were a timid, pacific people, called ‘the people sheltered by willows’ by the Chipewyan, indicating a riparian fisher folk. Their Cree neighbors, who harried and plundered them and carried them off into bondage, called them Awokanak, … Read more

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Canada

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was Canada at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Acous to Atlkum Beauport to Burrard Saw Mills Indians Cabbasagunti to Cumshewa Dadens to Douglas Ecorce to Ewawoos Flowpahhoultin to Friendly Village Gachigundae to Gyitwulnakyel Hachaath to Hwotsotenne Iahenhouton to Ittatso  

Biography of John Coram

One of the most extensive landowners and stockmen of Camas prairie is John Coram, who, through his well directed efforts has achieved a most creditable success in his business career and has not only won a handsome competence but has gained the confidence and respect of all, by reason of his honorable methods and reliability. A native of Bristol, England, he was born August 1 , 1841, his parents being William and Jane (Dunn) Coram, both of whom were natives of England. They were married in that country and in 1847 emigrated to Canada, becoming respected farming people of the … Read more

Kwakiutl Tribe

Kwakiutl Indians, Kwakiutl People, Kwakiutl First Nation (according to their own folk etymology the name signifies ‘smoke of the world’, but with more probability it means ‘beach at the north side of the river’). In its original and most restricted sense this term is applied to a group of closely related tribes or septs living in the neighborhood of Ft Rupert, British Columbia. These septs are the Guetela, Komkutis, Komoyue, and Walaskwakiutl, and their principal village Tsahis, surrounding Ft Rupert. Other former towns were Kalokwis, Kliksiwi, Noohtamuh, Tsaite, and Whulk, of which the last two were summer villages shared with the Nimkish … Read more

Biography of William J. McClure

To the pioneer rightfully belong the honors of the land which he finds out and enriches and beautifies. The sturdy manhood which animates the pioneer is the kind that is required in the administration of the laws which have been made operative over his territory chiefly by his enterprise and devotion to the course of civilization. The makers of the new country should be, and if they want to be usually are, the governors. William J. McClure was born in Canada, in 1843, a son of Theophilus and Maria (McCracken) McClure. His parents, of Scotch-Irish descent, were natives of Ireland. … Read more

Moravian Tribe

Moravian Indians. Mahican, Munsee, and Delaware who followed the teachings of the Moravian brethren and were by them gathered into villages apart from their tribes. The majority were Munsee. In 1740 the Moravian missionaries began their work at the Mahican village of Shekomeko in New York. Meeting with many obstacles there, they removed with their converts in 1746 to Pennsylvania, where they built the new mission village of Friedenshuetten on the Susquehanna. Here they were more successful and were largely recruited from the Munsee and Delaware, almost all of the former tribe not absorbed by the Delaware finally joining them. … Read more

Biography of Frank T. Vaughan

Frank T. Vaughan, one of the younger lawyers of Newport, was born May 4, 1864, in Woodstock, Vt., son of Edwin and Elizabeth L. (Tenney) Vaughan. The father, who graduated at the Albany Law School, New York, followed the legal profession, and at the time of his death was Judge of Probate. Edwin Vaughan commenced his law practice in New York City; but in 1859 he removed to Claremont, N.H., and entered into partnership with Colonel Alexander Gardner. In 1861 he enlisted in the New Hampshire Battalion of the First Rhode Island Volunteer Cavalry, and was afterward transferred to the … Read more

Collver, Stephen P. – Obituary

Stephen P. Collver, of High Valley, Oregon, died at the hospital at Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 21, his death being due to a combination of diseases. Mr. Collver was born in Canada, March 2, 1843 and was at the time of his death 65 years and 19 days old. When a lad about twelve years old, he, with his parents, moved to Iowa for a short time; then to Missouri, staying there about three years, going later to Iowa, where his young manhood was spent. On September 13, 1866 he married Delilah O. Barnett, and to them seven children were … Read more

Jack Indians

Jack Indians. An unidentified tribe mentioned by Dobbs, who states that in 1731 they came to trade at the mouth of Albany River, Northwest Territory, Canada

Biographical Sketch of George Brackett

GEORGE BRACKETT. – Mr. Brackett, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Canada East, May 22, 1842. There he resided until eighteen years of age. He then with his parents moved to Maine, his father being a native of that state. There they lived for six years, and then moved Eu Clare, Wisconsin, and embarked in the lumber business, which he followed until December, 1869.Then George came west to Washington Territory, and first found employment in Pierce county. In 1870 he came to Seattle, and in 1872 began logging on Salmon Bay, which business he followed until 1877, … Read more

Quebec First Nations

The following information are contact information and webpage addresses for First Nations of Quebec. Abenaki   Abénakis de Wôlinak Bande d’Odanak Grand Conseil de la nation Waban-Aki Innus de Ekuanitshit Alderville First Nation Innu-Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-Utenam Algonquin of TimiskamingP.O. Box 336NOTRE-DAME-DU-NORD QC J0Z 3B0 Listuguj First Nation17 Riverside Drive WestListuguj, PQ, G0C 2R0 Atikamekw Nation Council290 St. Joceph, C.P. 848La Tuque, Quebec G9X 3P6 Keewaytinook Okimakanak Bande de Betsiamites Manawan (Manouane (French) Bande des Montagnais Essipit Micmac Nation of Gespeg783 boulevard Pointe-NavarreC.P. 69Fontenelle, Québec, Canada, G0E 1H0 Bearskin Lake Mohawks of KahnawakeP.O. Box 720,Kahnawa’kehró:non Raonenhóntsa, J0L 1B0 Chisasibi Mandow … Read more