McGranahan, Thomas H. – Obituary

Death came peacefully this afternoon [April 14, 1928] to Thomas H. McGranahan, retired Ellensburg business man, who was stricken with an acute heart attack last Monday night. His health, however, had been poor for the last year or two, especially since the death of Mrs. McGranahan a year ago.. Mr. McGranahan, who was born in Jamestown, PA., April 11, 1852, had resided in Ellensburg since 1901, and formerly was associated with A. C. Butler in the grocery business here. Prior to that he was proprietor of a bank and general merchandise store at Delta, Colorado. The funeral services will be … Read more

Adams, Colletta Delores – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Colletta Delores Adams, 88, formerly of Elgin and La Grande, died Saturday at home in Southlake, Texas. Viewing will run from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday. Recitation of the holy rosary will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday at Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center in La Grande. A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Elgin. Burial will follow at the Elgin Cemetery. A memorial Mass will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine, Texas, at noon on April 26. Colletta was born … Read more

Biography of Robert N. McMillen, M. D.

Robert N. McMillen, M. D. Doctor McMillen began the practice of medicine in Kansas thirty-five years ago, and was among the first physicians in Pratt County. Much of his early practice was among the pioneer homes of that section. For seventeen years his home and offices have been at Iola, and he still carries the burden of a heavy practice at that city. Doctor McMillen represents Scotch ancestry, who came to America many years ago and were pioneers in the State of Kentucky. His grandfather Robert McMillen was a native of Kentucky, was a farmer there, and met his death … Read more

Biography of Jacob J. Fisher

Jacob J. Fisher. The thrift and enterprise that brought snecees to the early Kansas farmers were well illustrated in the case of Jacob J. Fisher, who now resided in a comfortable home at Salina, had abundance of this world’s goods for all his future needs, had reared an honorable and honored family, and had now reached that time in life when he can properly shift the heavier responsibilities to younger shoulders. He was born October 10, 1847, on a farm in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. His father, Oleriet Fisher, was born in Germany. Jacob J. was the third in a family … Read more

Cambria County, Pennsylvania Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Cambria County PAGenWeb Project 1889 Croyle Township Ahavath Achim Cemetery All Faiths Mausoleum Cemetery Amish Bishop Joseph Eash Cemetery Amsbry Union Cemetery Angus Hill Cemetery Assumption of the BVM Cemetery Bakerton Methodist Cemetery Bartlebaugh Cemetery Baum (Revolutionary) Cemetery Baumgardner Cemetery Beaver Valley Cemetery Belsano Faith U. M. Cemetery Belsano U. M. Cemetery Bennington Cemetery Benshoff Hill Cemetery Berkley Hills Cemetery Bethel CemeteryBeulah Cemetery Blough Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown & Devlins Cemetery … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Rowland Hopkins

Hopkins, William Rowland; lawyer; born, Johnstown, Pa., July 26, 1869; son of David J. and Mary Jeffreys Hopkins; educated, Western Reserve Academy, 1892, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, 1896, A. B.; Law School, Western Reserve University, 1897, LL. B.; married Cleveland, June 11, 1903, Ellen Louise Cozad; member City Council, 1897-1899; active in promotion and construction of the Cleveland Short Line B. R., working out a system of rapid transit for Cleveland; director The Cleveland Short Line R. R. Co.; vice pres. and treas. the Belt & Terminal Realty Co.; pres. The Cleveland Underground B. R. Co., the Subway Realty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Arthur Loughry

Loughry, James Arthur; dentist; born, Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 30, 1881; son of Clark Hawkins and Emma Louise Cooper Loughry; educated, Elyria, O., public school, and graduate of High School, 1899; Ohio State University dental education; received degree of D. D. S., 1904; married, Marion, Ind., Dec. 25, 1906, Edith Johnson; one son, James Richard Loughry; member National Dental Ass’n, Ohio State Dental Society, Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n, and Cleveland Dental Society; member Psi Omega Dental Fraternity, and Euclid Club.

Biographical Sketch of John Michael Burns

John Michael Burns has been a business man in Independence since 1905, and by the qualities of push and enterprise which are indicative of his character he had developed what is now the largest bakery establishment of the city. He was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania, December 1, 1878, but spent most of his years in Ohio until coming to Kansas. His father Michael Burns, who now resided at Lima, Ohio, was born in Ireland in 1848, and came to this country when a youth. He first lived in Oil City, Pennsylvania, where he married. By trade he is a … Read more

Biography of Elias Kuhn

ELIAS KUHN. – The venerable pioneer of whom we now have the pleasure of speaking is an esteemed member of society and one of the real builders of Union county, being a worthy member of the sturdy men who drew a halt on the immigrant road here in 1862, since while time his toil and sagicity have been displayed here in a commendable manner and much credit is due him for the praiseworthy labors that he has performed in these years, while his record in long and faithful pilgrimage is untarnished and his example has been an exemplary one. In … Read more

Cambria County, Pennsylvania Census Records

1790 Cambria County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Cambria County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Cambria County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at USGenWeb Census Project 1810 Index Cambria Twp, Conemaugh Twp & Allegheny Twp Hosted at Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives 1810 Index Cambria Twp, Conemaugh … Read more

Biography of Victor A. Hays

Victor A. Hays is an example of the successful American who began as a telegraph operator and has reached a commanding position in industrial affairs. He is president of the Kansas Natural Gas Company and has spent the greater part of his active career in the oil and gas fields of the East and Southwest. Like many other successful men in the oil and gas industry Victor A. Hays is a native of Venango County, Pennsylvania, and of Irish ancestry. He was born near Oil City on April 27, 1863. He was educated in the public and Normal schools and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Evan Henry Hopkins

Hopkins, Evan Henry; lawyer; born, Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 4, 1864; son of David J. and Mary Jeffreys Hopkins; A. B., Adelbert College, 1889; LL. B., Harvard, 1892; married, Frances P. M. Shain, of Cleveland, Dec. 27, 1892; admitted to bar, 1891; in practice at Cleveland since 1892; member law firm of Herrick & Hopkins; member faculty and registrar, 1892-1895, dean law dept., 1895-1910, Western Reserve University; member and sec’y Cleveland Public Library Board, 1892-1898; member Board Park Commissioners, Cleveland, 1900-1901; Presbyterian; Republican; contributor to legal publications; member University Club.

Biography of Gideon Penrod Marner, M. D.

Gideon Penrod Marner, M. D. This is a name known throughout the length and breadth of Marion County because of Doctor Marner’s long and active career as a physician and surgeon. Doctor. Marner had practiced at Marion for a quarter of a century and most of his experience and work in the profession had been in Kansas. He was born January 4, 1856, at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a locality famous as the scene of one of the greatest calamities in history, the Johnstown flood of 1889. However, the Marner family had moved from Western Pennsylvania many years before. His parents, Jonathan … Read more

Biography of William Geiser

William Geiser. An impressive illustration of what may be accomplished through industry, sobriety and persistent endeavor is furnished in the career of William Geiser, one of the well known oil producers of the Mid-Continent field and the directing head of the Geiser & Bogue Machine Shops at Neodesha. Without aid and relying solely upon his own inherent energy, perseverance and sound judgment, he had worked his way upward from the very bottom of the ladder, and had built up a business that is highly creditable to himself and the community of which he is a worthy member. While he had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Milton Freshwater

Freshwater, Milton; paving contractor; born, West Virginia, Sept. 11, 1877; son of E. A. and Clarenda Campbell Freshwater; educated in commercial course at Morgantown, W. Va.; married, Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 31, 1907, Miss C. B. Williams; two children; has worked at the street-paving business since 1893; completing street paving in the following places; Johnstown and Freeport, Pa., Chester, W. Va., Alliance, Richwood, Ada and Cleveland, Ohio; since April, 1909; the paving contracts are man-aged by three members of the firm, while Mr. E. A. Freshwater takes no part in this branch of the business; the firm consists of E. A. … Read more

Biography of James Philip Murray

James Philip Murray. The largest institution of its kind in Kansas City, Kansas, is the Murray Baking Company. As a business it is one of the considerable assets of the community. Its product is known and appreciated by thousands of customers. The business affords employment, and on other grounds could hardly be left out of any list of leading enterprises. The business also had a human interest, since the plant is the outgrowth and product of the technical ability and the energy of one man, James P. Murray. Mr. Murray came to America some thirty-five years ago, poor in worldly … Read more

Biography of Mark D. Mitchell

Mark D. Mitchell, who was born at Franklin, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1871, is a lawyer by profession, but has used his legal knowledge chiefly to further his interests and those of his associates as an oil producer in Kansas. He has operated in various fields both East and West, and is now one of the prominent business men of Independence. His father, John L. Mitchell, was born in Center County, Pennsylvania, in 1836, a son of Thomas Mitchell, also a native of Pennsylvania, but who died at Ashtabula, Ohio. John L. Mitchell died in Franklin, Pennsylvania, in 1898, having spent … Read more

Biography of Col. William F. Prosser

COL. WILLIAM F. PROSSER. – This gentleman was born near Williamsport, on the west branch of the Susquehanna River, in the State of Pennsylvania, of Welsh parentage, on the 16th of March, 1834. Shortly after his birth, his father removed with his family to Cambria County in the same state, where most of his earlier years were passed in occupations usual to boys whose parents are in moderate circumstances. His early educational opportunities were limited, and were only such as were afforded by a winter attendance upon the public schools of that day, and three terms of five months each … Read more