Biography of Joseph Ashurst

Joseph Ashurst, principal and superintendent of the Camargo public schools and present nominee of the Democratic Party for the office of County superintendent of schools, has been a leading educator in the County for several years. He was born in Somerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky, April 16, 1872, and is a son of Henry Clay and Elizabeth (Thurman) Ashurst, who were both horn in Pulaski County, Kentucky. His grandfathers, Henry Ashurst and Joseph Thurman, were natives of Virginia and early settlers in Pulaski County, where they were engaged in agricultural pursuits. His father, Henry C. Ashurst, was one time sheriff of … Read more

Biography of W. L. Watson

W. L. Watson was born Vermilion County, Illinois, on the 22d of December, 1837. His father was William D. Watson, in his early life an itinerant Methodist preacher who traveled extensively through Indiana, having been born in the neighborhood of Vincennes, and in Fountain County, of that state, married Mary Low. His health finally failed him, and coming to Illinois, he located above Georgetown in Vermilion County. William Watson, the grandfather, was born in Kentucky, and when a young man settled in the vicinity of Vincennes, Indiana. W. L. was the oldest son and second child of the family. His … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank W. Hammett

Frank W. Hammett, cashier of the First National Bank of Tuscola, and one of the County’s young men of recognized ability, was born on a farm in Camargo Township. Douglas County, Illinois, February 12, 1 862. (See sketch of his father, James R. Hammett.) Mr. Hammett grew to manhood on his father’s farm and was principally educated in the University of Illinois. For some years after leaving college he was engaged in the manufacture of tiling at Camargo and Long View. In March, 1391, be accepted the position of book-keeper in the First National Bank of Tuscola, and was promoted … Read more

Biography of Albert W. Wallace

Albert W. Wallace is president of the First National Bank of Tuscola, one of the leading banking institutions of central Illinois. The First National Bank was organized in November, 1869, with a paid up capital of one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars. Its first president was William P. Cannon (a brother of Congressman J. G. Cannon) and W. H. Lamb was the first cashier. Mr. Cannon remained president until 1872, when he was succeeded by Henry T. Caraway, who remained president up to January 1, 1898, when he was succeeded by Mr. Wallace. Mr. Lamb remained cashier up to July … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John L. Goff

John L. Goff served as sheriff of Douglas County from 1887 to 1891, and at the time of his death, in 1892, he held the office of supervisor. He was married to Miss ,Josie R. Rice, a daughter of Martin Rice, deceased, of Camargo (see sketch). Mrs. Goff owns a half section of land, part of which is in Camargo and a part in Tuscola Townships. She resides in Tuscola.

Biography of Emmor W. Jeffers

Emmor W. Jeffers, the present circuit clerk of Douglas County, who has occupied that office since February 3, 1899, was born in Pike County, Illinois, November 19, 1861. He is a son of John C. and Elizabeth (Mc-Kinney) Jeffers, both natives of Ohio, who removed to Douglas County and settled in Camargo Township about 1864. His mother died in December, 1893, while his father resides in Bloomington, Illinois. (For further ancestry of the Jeffers family see sketch of George C. Jeffers, of Camargo). James McKinney, our subject’s maternal grandfather, was a native of Ohio. In 1889 E. W. Jeffers was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William A. Wiseman

William A. Wiseman, a well known physician of Camargo, where he has been in successful practice for several years, was born at Waterloo, Lawrence County, Ohio, January 1, 1853, and is a son of Abner and Martha J. (Irwin) Wiseman. His father was a native of Virginia and his mother of Ohio. Isaac Wiseman’s grandfather was also born in Virginia and his maternal grandfather, George Irwin, was born in Virginia. Dr. Wiseman was reared in his native County, where he attended the public schools and subsequently, in 1878, became a student at DePauw University, where he pursued a regular college … Read more