Creek Burial Customs

The Creeks had burial customs resembling those of the Chickasaw, and, in some instances, deposited the remains of their dead beneath the floors of their habitations. To quote from Bartram: ” The Muscogulges bury their deceased in the earth. They dig a four-square deep pit under the cabin or couch which the deceased lay on, in his house, lining the grave with Cypress bark, where they place the corpse in a sitting posture, as if it were alive; depositing with him his gun, tomahawk, pipe, and such other matters as he had the greatest value for in his life time.” … Read more

Calhoun County Florida Cemetery Records

Florida Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Florida county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Calhoun County Cemetery Records Hosted at Calhoun County FLGenWeb Abe Springs Baptist Church Cemetery (New Cemetery) Abe Springs Cemetery (Old Cemetery) Atkins Family Cemetery Ayers Cemetery Bailey Cemetery Barton Cemetery Boggs Cemetery Burke Family Cemetery Chipola Cemetery Clarksville Baptist Cypress Creek Cemetery  Partial Edenfield Cemetery Frink Community, Private Cemetery Gospel Church Cemetery Graves Creek Cemetery, African American Herndon Cemetery Laramore Cemetery … Read more