Biography of E. L. Matlock

E.L. MATLOCK. – This successful merchant and respected citizen of Heppner, Oregon, was born August 25, 1844. He came to Oregon in 1853, and located in Lane county, near Eugene. There he engaged in farming, stock-raising and mining. He was with his father when he died at Bannack City in 1863, and laid to rest all that was mortal of that good man and beloved parent. Returning to the home near Eugene, he conducted his father’s affairs there until 1866. In January of that year he was married to Miss E.J. Bennet of Lane county. After that event he engaged … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nelson Jones

NELSON JONES. – Mr. Jones, one of the largest stock-raisers of Eastern Oregon, having besides his interest at Heppner, Oregon, large holdings on the main Malheur, was born in 1840 in Fleming county, Kentucky. Remaining there until 1849, he moved with his parents to Iowa, where he lived until 1858. In that year he left the paternal roof, and made the journey to Pike’s Peak, but continued on to Shasta county, California. In that county he engaged in mining, but in 1860 sought a more tranquil life, coming to Polk county, Oregon, and engaging in farming until 1866. In the … Read more

Johnson, James

News of the sudden death of James Johnson of Dale, Oregon, reached Mrs. W.W. Kuhn last Thursday. She and sister, Mrs. H.A. Kuhn, and nephew, Marion Pearce, departed for the funeral which was held at Pendleton Friday, December 6, with interment in the Pendleton cemetery. Mr. Johnson was born on Butter Creek January 16, 1875, to Felix and Katherine Johnson who came from Ireland during their youth, and after settling in central Oregon they engaged in cattle raising. “Jimmie” was married to Rebecca McCubbin May22, 1903, and immediately departed for his home near Crane in Grant county. He and wife … Read more

Moody, Ralph P. – Obituary

R. P. Moody found dead in his chair—had lived in this part of the state for forty years and 15 years on McKay creek ranch where death occurred—wife was stricken with paralysis five weeks ago. R. P. Moody, one of the eastern Oregon’s pioneers, and one of the best known ranchers in the McKay Creek District, was found dead in his chair in his home 23 miles from this city late last evening [October 16, 1908]. The death was a sudden shock to the community in which he lived. Mr. Moody was supposed to be in the best of health … Read more

Biography of Benton Killin

Benton Killin, one of Portland’s prominent citizens, was born in Des Moines, Iowa, on the 5th day of August, 1842. When only three years old his parents crossed the plains, and settled on the old homestead, on Butter Creek, Clackamas county, Oregon, in the spring of 1847. Here his aged mother still lives, enjoying, in the evening of life, a rest from the severe toils of her earlier years. On this farm the next twelve years of young Killin’s life was spent in the hard labors of a farmer’s boy. But while thus surrounded, with but little to arouse his … Read more

Bowman, LeRoy – Obituary

Funeral services for LeRoy Bowman, well-known Butter Creek rancher, will be conducted at 3 p.m. tomorrow at Folsom Chapel, here by the Rev. O. D. Harris, Christian Church minister. Ted Roy will sing. [Interment at Olney Cemetery.] Mr. Bowman, 55, died at St. Anthony’s hospital yesterday [May 14, 1947]. He was born Feb. 15, 1892 near Pendleton to the late Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Bowman, Umatilla County pioneers, who came to Oregon with their parents when they were both small children. Mr. Bowman was educated in the Pendleton and Portland schools and Feb. 28, 1914 married Gladys Van Orsdall, … Read more