Biographical Sketch of George Taylor Bishop

Bishop, George Taylor; owner of electric railways; born, Ravenna, O., Oct. 11, 1864; son of Clark B. and Arvilla A. Taylor Bishop; public school education; married, Brownsville, Pa., Nov. 26, 1891, Anna L. Swearer; pres. and director Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis R. R. Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co.; director National Bank of Baltimore, Baltimore, Md.; director Munsey Trust Co., Washington, D. C.; member Union, Country, Mayfield, Cleveland Automobile Clubs; Cleveland, Maryland and Baltimore Country Clubs; Baltimore, Columbia Country Club, Washington, D. C., Ohio Society of New York.

Biography of Samuel A. Pursel

SAMUEL A. PURSEL. – Union county’s list of business men comprises a wide awake and energetic class that has wrought well for the advancement of the county and among the number are some that have manifested extraordinary ability in financiering and in manipulating the resources of the county. One of this distinguished number is the gentleman, of whom we have the pleasure now to write, and his enterprise and industry have been well known for a third of a century in the walks of business life in this country, while his capabilities have been shown to be second to none … Read more

Biography of Mrs. A. C. Stich

Mrs. A. C. Stich by her inheritance of some of the best of old American stock and as head of the home over which she presided for so many years, is a Kansas woman of whom some special note should be made. Her great-grandfather William Henry Stoy was the founder of the family in America, having emigrated from Germany. He was a ministor of the Episcopal Church, and spent many years in preaching in Pennsylvania, where he died. Her paternal grandfather Heury William Stoy was born in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, in 1782 and died in West Virginia in 1858. He was … Read more

Biography of Ed. F. Winn

No work that might attempt to tell the story of the settlement and civilization of Idaho would be complete if it should contain no account of the hard, brave work performed by Deputy Sheriff and Deputy United States Marshal Ed. F. Winn, in ridding the country of the gangs of thieves, cut-throats and outlaws that once infested it. A book devoted to the exploits of Winn and other Federal and civil officers in this part of the country would be of thrilling interest. Ed. F. Winn is a native of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and was born October 29, 1857. His parents, … Read more

Notes on the McCoy Family

Notes on the McCoy Family

James McCoy (1720-1802), of Scottish lineage, immigrated about 1735 from Ireland to Pennsylvania, and served with Capt. Hyte in Kentucky or Tennessee. He later returned to Pennsylvania, and married Anne Bruce (born 1725 in Leochel-Cushnie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland and a descendant of Robert the Bruce), settling at Brown’s Fort (now Brownsville), Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Descendants and relatives lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri and elsewhere. Includes McCoy, Brown, Christian, Huston, Little, Mccormick, Mull, Payne, Taggart and related families.