Biography of Dr. William H. Ball

Among the noticeable fine orange groves of Riverside is that owned by the above named gentleman. His grove, of twenty acres in extent, is situated on the southeast corner of Cypress and Bandini avenues, about one and one-half miles south of the business centre of Riverside. Dr. Ball purchased the land in 1875, and the next spring commenced its improvement, first planting 800 seedling orange trees and the balance to deciduous fruits: the last named he has since replaced with citrus fruits. At this writing his orange grove comprises 1,150 seedlings and 800 budded trees of the Mediterranean Sweets, Washington … Read more

Biography of A. D. S. Alkire

A. D. S. Alkire is the well-known and popular City Clerk and Assessor of Riverside, a position he ably fills with credit to himself and honor to that enterprising city. Mr. Alkire is a native of Pickaway County, Ohio, born at Mount Sterling in 1837. His father, William A. Alkire, was a native of Kentucky and a descendant of an old colonial family of Virginia. He was a carpenter by trade, but was engaged also in farming. Mr. Alkire’s mother, Hannah (Osborne) Alkire, was a native of Ohio, and died when the subject of this sketch was but four years … Read more

Biography of Frederick Rose

Frederick Rose is in the grain business and handles his share of the grain that comes to Homer. He has been connected with the grain trade for the better part of his active career, and came to Champaign County about ten years ago, and his name and his enterprise are now known throughout that rich and splendid farming district surrounding Homer on all sides. Mr. Rose was born in New York City, November 3, 1861, a son of Henry and Anna (Smith) Rose. Both parents were natives of Germany and his father came to America in 1846. He had served … Read more