Biography of J. E. Zimmerman

J. E. Zimmerman. President of the Citizens State Bank of Bronson, Mr. Zimmerman had been a factor in the citizenship of Bourbon County for the past fifteen years, and had been an extensive farmer, stock man and oil producer as well as a banker. He was born in Ashland County, Ohio, October 10, 1873, descended from a family which as the name indicates came out of Germany and were early settlers in the State of Ohio. D. H. Zimmerman, his father, was born in Ohio in 1838, spent his early life in that state, was married in Ashland County, and … Read more

Biography of Owen M. Thomas

Owen M. Thomas. The Citizens State Bank of Bronson, of which Owen M. Thomas is vice president, is an institution which had grown rapidly and prospered since it was established less than ten years ago, and its success is largely due to the character of the men entrusted with its executive management. Mr. Thomas had been actively identified with banking for ten years, both in Oklahoma and in Kansas. Though a young man, his career had apparently been one of rapid accomplishment, and he had achieved as much in ten years as many men do in their entire active life. … Read more

Biography of Frederick H. Ireland

Frederick H. Ireland. For many years Fort Scott had been recognized as one of the leading commercial centers of Kansas, being splendidly fitted for such preeminence by its location in regard to transportation facilities. This supremacy, which is recognized even in the old eastern cities, had been brought about and maintained by the aggressive business men who have chosen this city as the field of their operations, many of which are far-reaching in their results. Among the men belonging to this class of citizens is Frederick H. Ireland, of the Ireland & Rollins Planing Mills Company, whose career is one … Read more

Biography of William Irvin Hammel

William Irvin Hammel is a young business man at Moran, and since establishing himself in that town had built up a very prosperous enterprise as a grain dealer and owned a half interest in the only elevator in that locality. He had also distinguished himself by a very progressive administration of the local city affairs in the office of mayor. Mr. Hammel was born in Sangamon County, Illinois, July 30, 1876, but had spent his life since early boyhood in Kansas. His people, the Hammels, came out of Germany and were Pennsylvania settlers in the colonial times. His grandfather, Samuel … Read more

Biography of Joseph J. Wilson

Joseph J. Wilson has been a prominent factor in the business and civic activities of Moran for the past fifteen years. He is now serving as postmaster, and in business affairs he is most widely known as a grain merchant. His Wilson ancestors were colonial settlers in America. His grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Wilson, was born in Kentucky in 1787, the year the Constitution of the United States was framed in Philadelphia, and he remained a resident of Kentucky all his long life. He died in 1891, when in his nineties in Hart County, Kentucky. Thomas Benton Wilson, father of Joseph … Read more

Biography of Lloyd Minot Collins

Lloyd Minot Collins. While the superintendent of schools of Longton, Kansas, Lloyd Minot Collins, had but recently entered upon the duties of his office, he had already created a favorable impression upon the people of the community, and during the short period of his regime had demonstrated the possession of those qualities which make the successful educator and the abilities that combine for capable executive handling of affairs. Mr. Collins had been a teacher all through his active career, and is energetic and progressive in his methods and thoroughly grounded in the elementals that are necessary for the proper moulding … Read more

Biography of James Scott Cummings, M. D.

James Scott Cummings, M. D. A former president of the State Board of Health, a member of the Legislature, and otherwise prominent in local and state affairs, Doctor Cummings is a pioneer physician of Bronson in Bourbon County, and both through his profession and as a citizen he had found many ways in which to make his career count for benefit to his community. Doctor Cummings represents a pioneer family in Southeastern Kansas. He was born in Parke County, Indiana, June 8, 1851. His Cummings ancestors were emigrants from the North of Ireland to Virginia in colonial times. Doctor Cummings … Read more