Biography of Dunham O. Munson, M. D.

Dunham O. Munson, M. D., is one of the leading specialists of Southeastern Kansas. He has practiced at Pittsburg upwards of twenty years, and while the earlier part of his practice was devoted to general medicine and surgery, for the past five years he has given his time exclusively to the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is a man of splendid attainments in his profession and undoubtedly inherits much from his fine old Ameriean ancestry. He was born at Brockport, New York, June 27, 1859, but a part of his early life was spent in Ontario, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Bowerman

(VIII) William, son of Brice W. Bowerman, was born in Victor, New York, October 3, 1874. He attended the public schools in his native town and at Brockport, New York. Since 1896 he has been engaged in farming. He had a farm of one hundred and fourteen acres at Brockport on which he kept a fine dairy and owned a milk route. In 1900 he came to Victor and since then has conducted the homestead containing one hundred and eight acres. In politics he is a Republican; in religion a Methodist. He married, February 14, 1898, Marian E. Goffe, born … Read more

Biography of Charles Roswell Hall

CHARLES ROSWELL HALL AMONG the young men of Albany, who, by a steady and unfailing devotion to the principles of professional and official duty, deserve a just recognition for representative character, is Charles R. Hall, deputy superintendent of the banking department of the state of New York. He is another example of many of those descendants of Connecticut pioneers who have helped so much to develop the resources and advance the civilization and prosperity of this country. He was born on the 17th of September, 1853, in the town of Guilford, Chenango county, N. Y., where his father, John P. … Read more