Biography of Charles Birch

Charles Birch. The farming community around Rantoul has no more progressive and public spirited citizen than Mr. Charles Birch, whose home is in section 21 of Rantoul Township. Mr. and Mrs. Birch have a model country home, and though still comparatively young they have surrounded themselves with ample comforts and have been able to liberally provide for a growing family of children. Mr. Birch was born in Piatt County, Illinois, a son of Thomas and Jane (Thompson) Birch. His parents were natives of Ireland and came to this country in early life. Mr. Charles Birch received his education in the … Read more

Biography of Joseph M. Mullikin

Joseph M. Mullikin has made a name for himself in the farming enterprise of Champaign County and has been a land owner and progressive agriculturist for the past thirty years. His efforts in business and his attitude in civic matters have been in every way commendable, and there are few country places around Champaign which will better repay inspection than that of Mr. Mullikin, located on Route No. 1 out of the city of Champaign. Mr. Mullikin was born in Johnson County, Indiana, February 7, 1863, but has lived in Champaign County since early infancy. He is a son of … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Mullikin

Charles J. Mullikin is a native of Champaign County, has been a farmer, merchant, real estate and insurance man, and all his activities have done him credit. He is one of the most influential Democrats of this section of Illinois, and is now serving his term as postmaster of Champaign. Mr. Mullikin was born in this county, April 4, 1867. He is a son of George C. and Nancy (Jones) Mullikin, the former a native of Indiana and the latter of Kentucky. The branch of the Mullikin family to which the subject of our sketch belongs came from Scotland, first … Read more