Biography of J. J. Plumer, M. D.

Dr. J. J. Plumer, the physician and surgeon of the De Lamar Mining Company, also engaged in general practice in De Lamar, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Edina, April 8, 1860. He traces his ancestry back to England, whence in the year 1832 members of the family who belonged to the sect of Puritans crossed the Atlantic to America. They braved the dangers so common to ocean voyages in those days in order to have liberty of conscience in the New World, and they and their descendants were connected with the early history of the … Read more

Biography of Mrs. M. Weatherford

MRS. M. WEATHERFORD. – Of all the pioneers of Oregon, none have performed a more devoted part than this now venerable lady, who is well known and esteemed in our chief city. She was born near Beaufort, North Carolina, September 22, 1822. In her fifth year she accompanied her father Josiah Harris and family to Indiana, making a new home. In 1839 she was married to William Weatherford, a young physician from Richmond, Virginia. Thus united they entered upon various scenes, and made their home in a number of different places in the old West, selecting New Haven, Illinois, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Calvin Robb

One of the progressive and influential citizens of the first township is Jesse Robb of Millbrae, manager of the Millbrae Dairy and superintendent of the D O. Mills estate for the past twenty-seven years. Mr. Robb was born at Bonaparte, Iowa, on September 9, 1885 and came to California thirty-nine years ago. After passing ten years in San Francisco he became connected with the country estate of D. O. Mills at Millbrae. Under his supervision this has become one of the show places of California. Although busily engaged looking after this large tract of land, Mr. Robb found time to … Read more

Biography of Lemuel L. Hambelton

In the course of the compilation of the history of Union and Wallowa counties we seldom are favored with the privilege of writing the career of a more worthy citizen and stanch and noble man than at the present time, while we attempt to outline the life of the capable and respected gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. Mr. Hambelton is one of the true pioneers of the country: has always labored for the development and advancement of the same: he is a capable and intelligent citizen, displaying loyalty and patriotism in commendable degree: he has … Read more