Battrick, Robin Louise – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Robin Louise Battrick, 56, formerly of La Grande, died July 31 at her home in Coffey, Mo., following a 10-month battle with cancer. A funeral service and burial will be in Coffey, with memorial services to follow in Corvallis and La Grande. Robin was born July 17, 1951, in Bloomington, Ind. After a transient childhood with stops from Florida to Alaska, her family settled in La Grande in September 1965. She graduated from La Grande High School in 1969 as co-valedictorian. She attended Reed College in Portland and Oregon State University. Robin served a mission for the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Thomas Lewis

Interviewer: Estella R. Dodson Person Interviewed: Thomas Lewis Location: North Summit Street, Bloomington, Indiana Place of Birth: Spencer County, Kentucky Date of Birth: 1857 Submitted by: Estella R. Dodson District #11 Monroe County Bloomington, Ind. October 4, 1937 INTERVIEW WITH THOMAS LEWIS, COLORED North Summit Street, Bloomington, Ind. I was born in Spencer County, Kentucky, in 1857. I was born a slave. There was slavery all around on all the adjoining places. I was seven years old when I was set free. My father was killed in the Northern army. My mother, step-father and my mother’s four living children came … Read more

Biography of William Renwick Curry

William R. Curry. That American agriculture had not kept pace with other grent American industries is due mainly, in the opinion of experts and students of the subject, to lack of intelligent organization. While the problems of Amcrican farming are now being attacked with an energy never before displayed, there is no question that one of the influences that have done most and will continuo to do more to vitalize farming methods is the county agent’s movement, which furnishes at least one of the principal instruments by which better co-operation can he supplied and the available sources of information more … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Ferguson, M. D.

Aaron Ferguson, M. D., deceased, late of Charleston; was born in Wilkes Co., N. C., Dec. 11, 1802; he was a son of Joel and Lydia (Chambers) Ferguson, and the oldest of a family of nine children; when he was quite young, his parents emigrated to Bloomington, Ind.; he obtained a collegiate education in the Bloomington College, after which, he studied medicine under Dr. Maxwell, of that place, and attended a course of medical lectures in Cincinnati; in 1830, he came to Charleston and entered upon the practice of his profession. He was married May 21, 1832, to Miss Susan … Read more

Biography of James Sidney Rollins

James Sidney Rollins, lawyer and statesman, distinguished for extraordinary public services, was born April 19, 1812, at Richmond, Kentucky, and died at Columbia, Missouri, January 9, 1888, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. His parents were Anthony Wayne and Sallie Harris (Rodes) Rollins. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, a graduate of Jefferson College in that state and an eminent physician. He was a son of Henry Rollins, who was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, emigrated to America during the Revolutionary war, enlisted in the Continental army and fought in the battle of Brandywine. The mother, a lady … Read more

Biography of Judge Edgar C. Steele

Edgar Clarence Steele occupies as enviable a position in the public esteem as the most ambitious could desire or as any of our prominent men have achieved. To the citizens of Moscow and the second judicial district he can only be known as being a reputable, prominent man and an honest, able and efficient officer. At the bar he manifests all the qualities of the successful lawyer, and on the bench he displays a rare combination of talent, learning, tact, patience and industry. The successful lawyer and the competent judge must be a man of well balanced intellect, thoroughly familiar … Read more

Biography of William Frank Flack, M. D.

William Frank Flack, M. D. While the medical profession for centuries had enlisted some of the most profound minds of all times, modern discoveries and developments have opened up new fields for the brilliant physician and surgeon, and many of this profession have turned their attention to particular branches, specializing along certain lines. This development had been necessary, for the problems presented in the calling today are so serious and difficult of solution that the average physician had not the expert knowledge to handle all satisfactorily. For some years past William Frank Flack, the pioneer physician of Elk County, had … Read more

Biography of Nick Johnson

Nick Johnson has for nearly forty years been actively identified with business and public affairs in the County of Franklin, and is now serving as sheriff. A splendid demonstration of his efficiency and merit was given at the end of his first term as sheriff. So eminently satisfactory had been his services that when the democratic party proposed his name as a candidate for re-election, the republicans decided that he was deserving of their support also, and consequently he went into office the second time without opposition. He was also elected to the Legislature, and served as a member of … Read more

Biography of George K. Reid

George K. Reid, who had been a resident of Kansas nearly thirty-five years, had built up and maintained what is unquestionably the largest business at Howard in abstracts, loans and insurance. When it is stated that Mr. Reid is the son of a minister, there is no need to explain that he was not reared in a home of luxury or wealth, and as a matter of fact from an early age he had been dependent upon his own resources and had made good. His Reid ancestors at one time lived in England, moved from there to Scotland, thence to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. L. Glascock

Mr. Glascock is principal of the San Mateo Union School. This short statement is perhaps the most interesting faut in Mrs. Glascock’s life; and is the keynote to his chosen vocation, education. He was born in Indiana, and has been a resident of California for a period of seventeen years, four of which have been spent in San Mateo with the school department of that city. Mr. Glascock graduated from the University of Indiana, in Bloomington, with the degree of A. B., having worked his way through that college. His next move was to come out to California and take … Read more

Biography of Hon. P. A. Marquam

Hon. P. A. Marquam was born near Baltimore, Maryland, February 28, 1823, and is the eighth child in a family of nine children of Philip Winchester and Charlotte Mercer (Poole), Marquam. His grandfather was a wealthy merchant of England, employing many ships in carrying on an extensive trade. His father was born in England but at the age of twenty came to America. His mother was a daughter of Henry Poole, a wealthy planter, on whose plantation now stands Poolville, Maryland. On account of sickness and financial misfortune the father of our subject soon after his marriage decided to leave … Read more

Biography of Hon. Philip A. Marquam

HON. P.A. MARQUAM. – Judge Marquam is one of our most substantial citizens, whose faith in the Pacific Northwest, and in Portland in particular, has been rewarded by a fourfold recompense. A genial gentleman, adding to his native force of will and business sagacity refined literary tastes and love of natural beauty, he is now, in his hale, ripe years, a man most delightful to meet, and whose acquaintance or friendship is a valuable possession. His further claims, which are numerous, upon the recognition of society and history, will appear as this sketch proceeds. His father, Philip W. Marquam, a … Read more

Biography of Roley S. Pauley

Roley S. Pauley. The greater part of forty years Roley S. Panley had given to farm ownership and management on a large scale in Marshall County. His achievements classify him as one of the leaders in Kansas agriculture. As a practical man of affairs his advice and counsel have naturally been sought by his fellow citizens, and among other honors a term in the State Senste was conferred upon him, He is also interested in banking and other affairs in his section of the state, but essentially first and last he is a farmer and had always kept in close … Read more