Biography of Alford Jonathan Harwi

Alford Jonathan Harwi was one of the great merchants of Kansas. Beginning as an obscure hardware dealer in Atchison he built up a busines which now stands as a monument to his energy and foresight, the A. J. Harwi Hardware Company being one of the leading wholesale concerns of the Missouri Valley. Life extended to him only the opportunities which it extends to every one. It was his own personal character, his enterprise, and a vigorous and resourceful mind which enabled him to seize and develop possibilities into realities of a large and imposing character. While he would be mentioned … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Darius E. Ward

(See Ward and Oolootsa) -Darius Edwin, son of James and Esther Susan (Hoyt) Ward was born on Beatties Prairie, Delaware District, November 23, 1854. Educated in Nazareth Hall, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Married at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania November 20, 1875 Sarah Caroline, daughter of Mrs. John Ritter, born September 27, 1857 in Bucks County, Penn. She died February 29, 1896. They were the parents of Minnie Esther, born September 2, 1876, married Boone Forst Cray; Jay Herbert, born February 10, 1879, James Darius, born October 20, 1880, Hindman Hoyt, born December 14, 1885 and died June 13, 1906; Sidney Rueds, born January … Read more

Biography of James A. Wendell

To the subject of this sketch more than to any other person, perhaps, is due the fact that the finest plant in the United States for the manufacture of table oil cloth is now located in Rock Island. During a long career as traveling salesman for an eastern manufacturer he was impressed with the advantages of the upper Mississippi valley as a site for a factory, and it was the soundness of his reasoning which impressed the officers of the Standard Oil Cloth Company and led to the location of the present factory on the Father of Waters at Rock … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Albert Coleman

Coleman, Frederick Albert; pres. the J. D. Smith Foundry Supply Co.; born, Ocenta, Wis., Feb. 26, 1869; son of Spencer A. and Mary Hart Coleman; graduated from Lehigh University, 1892, with degree of C. E.; married, Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 19, 1894, Luicie Abbott; issue, Spencer Albert and Elizabeth Abbott; member American Society of Civil Engineering, Cleveland Engineering Society, Zeta Psi fraternity and University Club.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Harlow Bates

Bates, Albert Harlow; patent lawyer; born, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 24, 1869; son of Cyrus S. and Lavena S. Bates; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O.; Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland; Lehigh University; graduated, 1889, Mechanical Engineer, Ohio State University; graduated, 1892, LL. B.; married, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11, 1904, Kathleen Jones; two daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth; one son, Darwin Bates; in 1892-3, in legal dept. of The Brush Electric Co., Cleveland; 1893-96, with Robert H. Parkinson, patent lawyer, Chicago, Ill.; 1897-1905, member the firm of Thurston & Bates, patent lawyers, Cleveland; 1906-9, member firm of Bates, Fonts & Hull, patent lawyers, … Read more

Biography of Edwin C. Ernst, M. D.

Dr. Edwin C. Ernst, a Roentgenologist of St. Louis, was born in this city June 26, 1885. His father, the late Charles W. Ernst, was a native of Germany but came to America with his parents in 1856, when but twelve years of age. The grandfather, William Ernst, settled in St. Louis, where he continued to spend his remaining days, and his son, Charles W. Ernst, was here reared and educated. In early life he became a wood carver and later engaged in the real estate business, which he followed to the time of his death, which occurred in 1909 … Read more