Biographical Sketch of James Hamlin

(II) James (2), second son and fourth child of James (1) and Anna Hamlin, was born in England and baptized April 10, 1636, at St. Lawrence parish, Reading, Berkshire. He came to Plymouth colony, New England, with his mother and sisters, prior to 1642, and married, November 20, 1662, at Barnstable in that colony, Mary, daughter of John and Mary Dunham. John Dunham, who was an inhabitant of Marlborough, Massachusetts, in 1623, was deputy to the general court several years and died in 1692, aged seventy-two years. He was a son of Deacon John Dunham, who came from England to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Ebenzer Hamlin

(III) Deacon Ebenezer, eighth child and fifth son of James and Mary (Dunham) Hamlin, was born July 29, 1674. He occupied the homestead farm at Coggin’s Pond until about the time of his second marriage when he removed to Rochester, Massachusetts, now (1910) Wareham. He was one of the original members of the Wareham church which was organized December 25, 1739. He was chosen deacon, February 18, 1740. He was dismissed to the church at Sharon, Connecticut, May 30, 1742, which is about the date of his removal to that town and state. In his will he bequeathed “twenty-four pounds, … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Northup

Henry H. Northup, of Portland, was born in Berkshire, Massachusetts, February 27, 1839. His father was a farmer as were his ancestors for several generations. He attended the public schools, and when of sufficient age, which in those days was nine or ten years, was kept at home during the summer to assist in the work upon the farm. When he had reached the age of twelve years his father died, leaving, with slender property, a widow and three children of whom the subject of this sketch was the only son. From that time commenced a struggle for existence. His … Read more