Biography of David A. Correll

David A. Correll is the proprietor of the well known Blue Front Grocery Store, one of the pioneer establishments of the city. He is also one of the oldest grocers now in business in Riverside, having been identified with the trade since 1883. Mr. Correll came to Riverside in 1882. His capital was limited, and although broken in health he was possessed of an unlimited stock of energy and well-trained business principles. He first engaged as a laborer with the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, and remained in that employ until the next year, when he secured a position in … Read more

Biography of Isaac Newton Wade

Isaac Newton Wade. There are doubtless a number of men and women now in mature years who knew Isaac Newton Wade in Champaign County as a teacher. He was one of the early educators, and afterwards for a long period of years was a traveling salesman for a text book house. Mr. Wade is now living retired at Champaign, in which city he has had his home for the past forty-five years. He was born in Lockland, Ohio, May 13, 1846, a son of Moses and Rachel (Ferris) Wade. His mother was a native of Mount Arie, Ohio, and died … Read more