Biographical Sketch of Bernard T. Duffey

Duffey, Bernard T.; insurance; born, Rockford, Ill., July 5, 1869; educated, public schools of Rockford; married, Beloit, Wis., August 15, 1892, Lillian Knapp; married, Chicago, Ill., June 15, 1910, Bertha Agnes Nye; children, Bernard P., Jr., John Nye; engaged in fire insurance with Rockford Insurance Co., Rockford, Ill., 1887, continuing with that company until 1900; then with Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, England; now state agent in Ohio for that company; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biography of Hon. Orvin Kincaid

HON. ORVIN KINCAID. – Mr. Kincaid’s life has embodied very much of the rough romance of an untamed and mining country, and in its entirety would read like a tail of Arabia. He is a native of the granite state, having been born in Grafton, New Hampshire, in 1821. His father, a man of powerful physique, a blacksmith of Scotch-Irish parentage, gave him a training both at school and at the forge, and took the boy with him on his removals to Massachusetts and Vermont. Upon reaching his majority young Kincaid spent eighteen months in Ohio and the old West, … Read more

Biography of Edwin Ruthven Heath

Edwin Ruthven Heath, a prominent physician and specialist of Kansas City, Kansas, had a record among Kansas citizens that is unique. As a boy he knew the terrors, excitements and thrilling incidents of life in California following the discovery of gold in ’49. As a traveler both in North and South America he had contributed a part of the world’s knowledge of geography, peoples and science. He spent twelve years in South America, practiced medicine in remote construction camps and among wild and semi-barbarous tribes, and he helped build some of the pioneer railways of that continent. To as great … Read more

Biography of Edwin W. Lee

A member of the bar for twenty-two years Edwin W. Lee has throughout the entire period engaged in practice in St. Louis and his course has been marked by steady advancement. In fact his professional training was received in the St. Louis Law School and ever since he has been a member of the bar of this city, his course being characterized by a steady progress that has brought him to a point of prominence. He is a native son of Wisconsin, his birth having occurred in the city of Beloit, July 1, 1875, his parents being Bradley D. and … Read more

Biography of De Witt C. Tyler, M. D.

De Witt C. Tyler, M. D. Though he is now retiring from the work which had engaged his attention for so many years Doctor Tyler is properly credited with being the oldest physician and surgeon of Clifton, where he began practice thirty-six years ago. By intense devotion to his work Doctor Tyler long enjoyed a splendid practice in Clay and Washington counties, and though much of his service had gone unremunerated he had exercised fine business ability and owned a large amount of property in this section of the state. Doctor Tyler was born at Roscoe, Illinois, March 13, 1850, … Read more

Biography of Edwin Tucker

Edwin Tucker. Of pioneer Kansans and of men who made the state what it is today Greenwood County contributed no character of wider influence and of finer personality than the late Edwin Tucker. He was one of the very first pioneer settlers in the county, one of the builders of Eureka, achieved a splendid success in business affairs as a land owner and cattleman, participated in the public life of his home county and state at large, and many of the interests which he established and maintained are now being continued through his worthy son. The late Edwin Tucker was … Read more

Biography of Louis C. Pollock

No business enterprise has contributed in larger measure to the up building and development of Bartlesville than has that of the Home Savings and Loan Association, of which Louis C. Pollock is secretary, and his broad experience, keen business sagacity and carefully formulated plans have been valuable assets in the success which has attended the activities of the organization. He was born in Ashton, Lee county, Illinois, June 29, 1877, and acquired his education in Beloit College of Wisconsin, from which he was graduated with the class of 1900, at which time the B. A. s conferred upon him. He … Read more

Biography of Edwin Hart

Among the leading horticulturists of Riverside colony none are more deserving of mention than the subject of this sketch. Mr. Hart is a native of Cortland County, New York, born in 1835, and reared and received his education in his native place. At the age of eighteen years he started for the great West, and located in Beloit, Wisconsin. His boyhood days, when not attending school, were spent in his father’s store, and was somewhat schooled in mercantile life, but upon his advent in Wisconsin he engaged in farming. He spent eight years in that State, and in 1862 moved … Read more