Roll Of Capt. Robert Morrison’s Company

(Probably from Belmont County) Served from July 29, until September 8, 1813. Capt. Robert Morrison Lieut. Thomas Wason Ensign David Young Sergt. Robert Findlay Sergt. Robert Young Sergt. Abraham Thomas Sergt. Alexander Baldridge Corp. James Winter Corp. John McClure Corp. William Smith Corp. Alexander Liget Drummer, William Hamilton Fifer, David Smith Privates Alexander, Benjamin Alexander, Gabriel Alexander, James Bailey, James Bair, George Bilbee, John Bisship, Peter Bovel, John Brown, John Burnett, Lewis Caskey, James Clark, John Coppel, Daniel Craig, Robert Cross, Richard Cross, William Crust, Henry Edginton, George Eginton, Joseph Eyler, Joseph Findley, Samuel Findley, William Foster, John Gleze, Nathan … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gaston

Gaston, William; clergyman; born, Columbiana County, O., April 19, 1835; son of James W. and Rebecca Conke Gaston; A. B., Washington College, Pa., 1858; grad. Western Theological Seminary, 1861; (D. D., 1887, LL. D., 1892, Richmond College Ohio); married, Julia M. Cunningham, of Smith’s Ferry, Pa., May 4, 1855 (died March, 1896); second wife, Jennie L. Wise, of Washington, Pa., Aug. 2, 1898; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1861; pastor, Smith’s Ferry, Pa., 1861-1865; First Church, Bellaire, O., 1865-1880; North Church, Cleveland, 1880-1907; Emeretus, 1907; chaplain U. S. Christian Comma in Civil War, director University of Wooster, O.; Republican; Presbyterian; has traveled … Read more

Roll Of Captain William Stephenson’s Company

(Probably Belmont County) Served from September 3, 1813, until March 20, 1814. Capt. William Stephenson Lieut. Daniel Berry Ensign John Bell Sergt. James Quigley Sergt. Hugh Brady Sergt. John Hardesty Sergt. Robert Yost Corp. William McCormack Corp. James Logan Corp. Thomas Holmes Corp. William McCraghill Musician, James H. Ball Musician, James Tuttle Privates Barton, William Boneharn, Aaron Boy, John Bramhall, William Brem, Benjamin Bright, Nicholas Brooke, Benjamin Bundy, Joseph Burk, Thomas Burney, John B Caruthers, Christopher Clifford, William Coss, George Decker, Simon Dun, George Elliott, Samuel Engle, Michael Farnon, Alpheus Findley, William Forrest, Gabriel Gilham, Thomas Grimes, John Harriman, David … Read more

Biography of James C. Murray

Prominent among the enterprising and substantial business men of Jamesport is the subject of this sketch. James C. Murray was born in Belmont county, Ohio, April 8, 1847. He is the son of John and Rose (Moneghan) Murray, natives of Ireland. His education was acquired in the schools of his native State and immediately after leaving school, at the early age of sixteen years, he enlisted under the stars and stripes in Company E, Ninety-eighth Ohio Infantry, but had great difficulty in getting into the army on account of youthfulness, being several times dismissed and ordered home by the drilling officers, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Benjamin Mapel’s Company

(Probably from Belmont County) Served from February 7 until March 7, 1815. Capt. Benjamin Mapel Lieut. Jacob Winnings Ensign Augustine Andrew Sergt. James Swindler Sergt. James Bashford Corp. James Jobes Corp. John Sprangler Drummer, John Marshall Privates Abrams, Anthony Alexander, James Augustine, George Bassett, Ebenezer Bennet, Thomas Boyles, Nurman Brenner, Jacob W Burk, Moses Cole, Ezekial Collear, Joseph Fowler, John Franks, Michael Grove, William Lewis, Thomas B. Lutcblenwatter, Jacob Lyle, William Miller, Samuel Pinewell, Elias Rukeson, Jacob Russell, David Russell, Joshua Spedle, William Swinehart, Daniel Taylor, Abner Welday, Abraham Welsh, John West, Adam Yeckne, Charles

Biography of Robert N. McMillen, M. D.

Robert N. McMillen, M. D. Doctor McMillen began the practice of medicine in Kansas thirty-five years ago, and was among the first physicians in Pratt County. Much of his early practice was among the pioneer homes of that section. For seventeen years his home and offices have been at Iola, and he still carries the burden of a heavy practice at that city. Doctor McMillen represents Scotch ancestry, who came to America many years ago and were pioneers in the State of Kentucky. His grandfather Robert McMillen was a native of Kentucky, was a farmer there, and met his death … Read more

Biography of Robert A. Watt

Robert A. Watt has been closely identified with the business life of Edna for a number of years and is now serving as postmaster of the town. He is widely known throughout Labette County, and had lived there about forty-five years. He is of Scotch descent and his grandfather, Thomas Watt, was probably the immigrant ancestor. Thomas Watt became a farmer in Belmont County, Ohio, where he died. It was in Belmont County, Ohio, that Robert A. Watt was born August 7, 1866. His father, John T. Watt was born in the State of Ohio March 10, 1844. Reared in … Read more

Biography of Hon. James H. Koontz

HON. JAMES H. KOONTZ. – It is a mistake to suppose that all the fortunes are made in the large places. Many of the most considerable competences on the coast have been gained from trade in the small towns. The career of Mr. Koontz is to the point. Born in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1830, young James, upon coming to his physical strength, learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner, thereby acquiring a foundation for a life of independence. Living a time at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, he joined the Ellis train, and in 1862 came across the plains to … Read more

Roll Of Capt Daniel Conner’s Company

(Probably from Belmont County) Served from January 13, until March 17, 1814. Capt. Daniel Conner Lieut. Thomas Dunn Ensign, Alfred Weeden 3ergt. Thomas Henry Sergt. Absalom Waddell Sergt. James EdwarcLs Sergt. Henry Van Fossen Sergt. Ell Nichols Corp. William Clifford Corp. William West Corp. David Milar Corp. Samuel Perkins Fifer, Isaac Midkiff Drummer, Peter Hanson Privates Bonehan, Aaron Boyd, John Bundy, Joseph Clark, James Conklin, David Decker, Simion DeWitt, John Ferrier, John Findley, William Gassway, Robert Grove, Barnet Harper, Francis Harrington, Charles Hart, John Heaney, John Holmes, Samuel Honnel, Richard Howel, Daniel Hupp, Phillip Joyques, John Lanham, EUsha Lloyd, James … Read more

Biography of William D. Paul

William D. Paul, who died January 22, 1912, was one of the pioneer citizens of Shawnee County, and left a permanent memorial to his name and to his enterprise in the Town of Pauline in that county, which he founded. He resided continuonsly in Kansas from 1870 until his death, but had first come to Kansas when it was a territory. He was born August 6th, 1836, on a farm in Belmont County, Ohio, a son of Dunbar W. Panl. When he was quite young his parents died, and thus left an orphan he grew up in the homes of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James E. Hyett, M. D.

James E. Hyett, M. D., who had been successfully engaged in practice at St. Marys since 1909, came to Kansas with his parents in 1875. He early learned the lessons of self reliance, and depended upon his own efforts to acquire both a college and a professional training. He was born in Belmont County, Ohio, April 18, 1870. He attended the St. Marys public school, and afterwards was a student in the Academic Department of Washburn College, from which he graduated in 1894. He received his degree of B. S. from Washburn in 1897. Before going to college Doctor Hyett … Read more

Roll Of Capt. John Howell’s Company

(From Belmont County) Served from September 3, 1813, until January 3 and March 16, 1814. Capt. John Howell Lieut. Jacob Moore Ensign Mathew Howell James Brown Sergt. Gilbert McCoy Sertg. James Westlake Sergt. Robert Millawy Sergt. Robert Hathaway Sergt. Isaiah Shepherd Corp. Richard McElhiney Corp. John Arick Corp. John Shepard Corp. Moses DeLong Drummer, Phines Shephard Fifer, Joseph Reed Privates Alban Geo. Ault, Jacob, Sr. Ault, Johann Aurs, Reuben Belville, James Bonor James Brown, James Carpenter, David Carpenter, John Carpenter, Joseph Cobman, Samuel Crow, John Devall, John Dinford, William Dunfleld, Joseph Ferier, John Grimes, Arthir Hartley, David Henthorn, Adam Hubbs, … Read more

Biography of Captain R. Pickering

The veteran soldier who risked his life in defense of the flag, all things else being equal, takes high rank as a citizen. This may be partly because of the quality of the patriotism of the American public, but there is another reason for the preeminence of the veteran. The man who has the form of character to rise to distinction as a soldier possesses the resourceful perseverance so necessary to success in other fields. Captain R. Pickering, who has been a prominent resident of Genesee from its earliest history, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, May 3, 1842, and … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Absalom Martin’s Company

(From Guernsey or Belmont County) Served from August 26, until November 12, 1812. Capt. Absalom Martin Lieut. Wyatt Hutchison Ensign, James Shuman Sergt. John Broton Sergt. George Scadan Sergt. Thomas Mullen Sergt. William Israel Corp. Christopher Donouer Corp. James Edwards Corp. Edward Davis Corp. Henry Wolford Drummer, Thomas DeBatnon Fifer, Edward Milner Privates Atkinson, Michael Beard, Moses Beard, Thomas Bell, Joseph Berry, Thomas Bowers, Joseph Brown, David Burys, David Carnes, William Carroll, Henry Cogle, Joseph Davis, Henry Delong, Darel Everett, James Fink, William Hanna, William Hart, Jacob Heage, Aaron Hill, Henry Lambert, Lewis Launtz, George Maple, William McGiffin, John McGiffin, … Read more

Carter, Annabel – Obituary

The Passing of Mrs. Carter On Saturday evening June 26th came the close of one of the noblest lives of Enterprise. Though she had been battling against a dreadful disease for many months and had been expected for days, the fact that she had at last entered the Great Beyond came with a shock of personal bereavement to the large circle of friends. By the little children who had the privilege of knowing her she was endearingly called “Grandma Carter” and she was a lovely example of that noblest type of woman, a Christian mother to the community. Annabel Fulton … Read more

Biography of Joseph Gaston

JOSEPH GASTON. – Joseph Gaston, the pioneer railroad man of Oregon, was born in Lloydsville, Belmont county, Ohio, in 1833. His ancestors on is father’s side were Huguenots, who were expelled from France by the Roman Catholic King in the sixteenth century, on account of their adhesion to the protestant reformation. They settled first in Ireland, and from thence in 1562 removed to North Carolina, from whence numerous branches of the family scattered out over the United States. William Gaston, the granduncle of Joseph, was chief justice of North Carolina, and for many years member of Congress from that state, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Todd

Todd, George C.; railroad division supt.; born, Flushing, O., June 7, 1867; started as telegraph operator with the C. L. & W. Ry., in August, 1883; train dispatcher, October, 1887, to September, 1889; train dispatcher, Northern Pacific Ry., September, 1889, to Jan. 1, 1890; from that date to April, 1902, train dispatcher N. Y. S. & St. L. Ry.; chief train dispatcher, 1902 to 1907; chief dispatcher to April, 1908; train master to June, 1912; supt. telegraph to date; now division superintendent same road.

Biography of Archibald Steel Johnson

Archibald Steel Johnson, a resident of Kansas nearly forty years, has one of the very interesting places historically considered. It is located a few miles from North Topeka on rural route No. 6 in Shawnee County, and is a farm of eighty acres which he bought in 1907. The history of this farm is especially interesting. The site comprises the old historic Town of Indianola. This town was established when the Territory of Kansas was new. It was the home of a large number of abolitionists, though there were two or three pro-slavery families in the same community. When this … Read more

Biography of William Edward Hogueland

William Edward Hogueland, who had lived in Kansas since 1869, had the unusual distinction of being admitted to the bar when he was nineteen years of age and had been in active practice at Yates Center for the past thirty-six years. He had been elected to a county office just about the time he attained his twenty-first birthday, and having established his home at the county seat while in office he had remained there in the practice of law. Mr. Hogueland’s ancestors came out of Holland in very early times. There were three brothers, one settling in New York, one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. John N. Raley

John N. Raley is a native of Belmont county, Ohio, and was born April 11, 1829; his parents were natives of Virginia. He was educated at the Mount Pleasant Seminary, of Mount Pleasant, Ohio, and lived upon a farm until he was twenty-two years old, then began clerking on a steamboat on the Illinois River, where he was engaged for two years. He was next employed in keeping books for grain merchants on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, in Illinois, and after a few years there moved to the State of Iowa and engaged in farming for two years. In … Read more