Biographical Sketch of E. M. Whitworth

E. M. Whitworth, a farmer of Coffee County, was born August 3, 1840, in Bedford County. His father, Benjamin F., was born in Marshall County January 8, 1814, and died October 12, 1876. In the fourth generation back were three brothers who were among the famous Jamestown, Virginia, settlers, and the next generation came to Tennessee. His mother, Minerva L. (Morton) Whitworth, was born in 1820, in Tennessee, daughter of Jacob and Annie (Fisher) Morton; the former was in the war of 1812 under General Jackson. Reared on his father’s farm until of age he then began his present successful … Read more

Biography of James Hailey

JAMES HAILEY. This gentleman is the oldest resident of Ava, and during the long term of years that he has spent in this section, his good name has remained untarnished and he has won for himself many friends. He was born in Bedford County, Tennessee, February 7, 1824, a son of Tavner and Joyce (Tomison) Hailey, the former of whom was born in Henry County, Virginia, was an early pioneer of Tennessee, and in 1839 settled in Webster County, Missouri, where he followed the occupation of farming until his death in 1867. He was a Whig in politics. His wife … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. W. Booth, M. D.

A. W. Booth, M. D., a prominent citizen and leading physician of Tullahoma, Tennessee, was born in Bedford County, Tennessee, in 1858, and is the son of J. B. and Elizebeth (Vannoy) Booth. Our subject was reared on the farm, and educated in the public schools. In 1879 he began the study of medicine, and graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1881. The same year he began practicing in his native county, but soon removed to Tullahoma, where he has since lived and succeeded in building up one of the best practices in the town. October 29, 1884, he was married … Read more

Biography of Charles T. Carpenter

Charles T. Carpenter is one of the pioneer bankers of Coffeyville, and for thirty years has been closely identified with what is now known as the Condon National Bank, being vice president of that institution. Mrs. Temple W. Carpenter, his wife, is one of the prominent women of Southern Kansas, has been a leader in religious, social and public affairs, and is president of the Carnegie Library of Coffeyville, and is the only woman who has ever been honored with a place on the school board of that city. The Carpenter family is a very old one in America, having … Read more

Biography of Hon. W.W. Gordon

Hon. W. W. Gordon was born in Winchester, Tennessee, May 20, 1848. His father, Dr. Amzi B. Gordon, was a native of the county of Bedford, moving to Franklin County in about the year 1841, where he began the practice of medicine, soon building up a large and lucrative practice. He was a zealous member of the Baptist Church and one of the founders of the celebrated Mary Sharp College, at Winchester. He died in 1855. His mother is a daughter of John March, a highly respected farmer of the county, and a sister of Hon. Hayden March, who represented … Read more