Balter, Alice Viola Beith – Obituary

Mrs. Alice Balter, aged pioneer of Wallowa County, passed quietly away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Mitchell, just before midnight, Tuesday September 6,1932. Mrs. Balter had been in poor health for some time and following an illness of flu in Montana last winter has been much worse. August 29 she was stricken with paralysis and never recovered complete consciousness before the end. Alice Beith was born Sept. 7,1856 in Batavia, Illinois and died Sept 6, 1932 at the age of 76 years. When she was a small child, the Beith family moved to Waseca, Minn., and at … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Richard Smith Miller

Mrs. R. S. Miller. The power and effectiveness of woman’s work in the community as well as in the home had been splendidly exemplified at El Dorado by Mrs. R. S. Miller. The dignity of woman becomes more than an empty phrase when considered in connection with her many varied activities and lines of useful influence. Her career is a fit subject for consideration in the history of Kansas, along with that of her honored husband, the late Dr. R. S. Miller, who gained the esteem of Butler County citizens by his many years of faithful service as a physician … Read more

Harriet D. Todd Sherman Thompson Winchel Whitehead of Batavia IL

SHERMAN THOMPSON WINCHEL WHITEHEAD, Harriet D. Todd7, (Sylvester H.6, Dan5, Charles4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 8, 1846, married first,(???)Sherman; second, Charles Thompson; third,(???)Winchell; fourth,(???)Whitehead. She was living in 1911 in Batavia, Ill. Children: I. (???). II. (???).