Biography of W. H. Puckett

The junior member of the well known law firm of Hawley & Puckett is the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this sketch. He is still a young man, but has attained a position of distinction at the bar that many an older practitioner might well envy. He was born at Herndon Place, Ballard County, Kentucky, on the 8th of August 1869. His father, W. J. Puckett, was a native of Jackson, Mississippi, and became one of the prominent lawyers of Kentucky, where he practiced successfully for a number of years. He is now living retired in Denver, Colorado. … Read more

Biography of J. M. Haworth

J. M. HAWORTH. The locality in which Forsyth is situated is indeed fortunate in having among its citizens such a man as Mr. Haworth is conceded to be, for his connection with the interests of the county, both as a minister of the Gospel, business man and agriculturist, has proven of much benefit and influence. He inherits much of his energy and push from his Irish ancestors, his grandfather having been a native of the Emerald Isle, and having emigrated to the United States at a period antedating the Revolutionary War, in which he served with distinction. He took up … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Hannah Davidson

Interviewer: K. Osthimer Person Interviewed: Hannah Davidson Location: Toledo, Ohio Place of Birth: Ballard County, Kentucky Date of Birth: 1852 Place of Residence: 533 Woodland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio Mrs. Hannah Davidson occupies two rooms in a home at 533 Woodland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Born on a plantation in Ballard County, Kentucky, in 1852, she is today a little, white haired old lady. Dark, flashing eyes peer through her spectacles. Always quick to learn, she has taught herself to read. She says, “I could always spell almost everything.” She has eagerly sought education. Much of her ability to read has been … Read more

Slave Narrative of America Morgan

Interviewer: Anna Pritchett Person Interviewed: America Morgan Location: Indiana Place of Birth: Ballard County, Kentucky Date of Birth: 1852 Place of Residence: 816 Camp Street Federal Writers’ Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. AMERICA MORGAN-EX-SLAVE 816 Camp Street America Morgan was born in a log house, daubed with dirt, in Ballard County, Kentucky, in 1852, the daughter of Manda and Jordon Rudd. She remembers very clearly the happenings of her early life. Her mother, Manda Rudd, was owned by Clark Rudd, and the “devil has sure got him.” Her father was … Read more

Buying and Selling Slaves

BALLARD CO. (J.R. Wilkerson) [HW: Ky 7] [Tinie Force and Elvira Lewis:] During the period of slavery in the Purchase Region, buying and selling slaves was carried on at irregular intervals. The trading usually took place at the home of the slave owner. The prices paid for slaves was dependent upon certain conditions. In case of a full grown, robust negro boy the price was sometimes as much as one thousand dollars. The prices paid was varied according to the age, the general health and other conditions of the individual. At times pathetic scenes prevailed in the selling of slaves; … Read more

Recreations of Slaves

Recreations of slaves: The following is an old fashion ballad that was sung during the period of slavery and which was very common throughout the Purchase Region: “Jeff Davis rode a big white horse, but Lincoln rode a mule-Jeff Davis was a fine, smart man, and Lincoln was a fool. Jeff Davis had a fine white; Lincoln only had a mule-Jeff Davis was a wonderful man and Lincoln was a fool”. Ring dancing was largely practiced during the slavery period. Especially was this participated in throughout the Purchase Region. This was a rather primative kind of dancing and was performed … Read more

Ballard County, Kentucky Census Records

1800 Ballard County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Ballard County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1810 U.S. Census Guide 1820 Ballard County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1820 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1820 Ballard County, Kentucky Census Images $ Hosted at Census Guide 1820 U.S. Census Guide 1830 Ballard County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1830 Census … Read more

Kentucky Vital Records, 1884-1928

This microfilm is a copy of the original records located at the Kentucky State Historical Society in Frankfort and microfilmed in 1975. It is an incomplete copy of the set of records for each county but can provide the information for the specific counties and years as denoted in the list.

Biography of William T. Reeves

William T. Reeves, a prominent lawyer of Idaho, residing at Pocatello, was born at Kinkleville, Kentucky, January 21, 1855, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, a combination which everywhere and always produces good citizens and has given to America many of her best and greatest men. George Reeves, Mr. Reeves paternal grandfather, emigrated from Ireland and brought his wife with him. They had four sons and three daughters. William Harrison Reeves, Mr. Reeves’ father, was born in Richmond, Virginia, and married Miss Penelope B. White, a native of Tennessee. While he was a mere boy his father removed with his family … Read more