Biography of Hon. E. D. Shattuck

HON. E.D. SHATTUCK, – Judge Shattuck has been prominently connected with the public affairs of our state for more than thirty years, and is so closely identified with our interests and society as to be a distinctively representative man among us. His mental strength and clearness, combined with remarkable accuracy and absence of personal bias, have made his services of the highest value. He has ever maintained a peculiar coolness of judgement, and neither has been swayed by popular excitement nor has resorted to sensational methods to advance his own views or interests. He has ever been above suspicion of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theophilus Potter

Theophilus Potter came from Bakersfield, in 1815, and located in the western part, where he followed the carpenter and joiner trade. Six of his twelve children are now living.

Biography of Erasmus D. Shattuck

Judge E. D. Shattuck was born in Bakersfield, Franklin County, Vermont, December 31, 1824. He spent his boyhood and youth on a farm and was prepared for a collegiate course at Bakersfield Academy. In 1844 he entered Vermont University, pursued the full classical course and graduated in 1848. While in college he was dependent upon his own resources for means to prosecute his studies, and during vacations and some part of term time he taught school in the country or had private classes in the village. Notwithstanding these disadvantages and interruptions he completed the college course in the prescribed time … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Amos K. Whittemore

Amos K. Whittemore, from Litchfield, N. H., located in Eden in 1802, and from there removed to this town, in 1835, and subsequently took up his residence in Bakersfield, where he died, in 1871, aged eighty-nine years. He reared a family of fourteen children, two of whom, Lewis and Robert D., now reside in the town, on road 17.