Biographical Sketch of William S. Blau

Blau, William S.; manufacturer; born in Austria, Sept. 7, 1875; son of Samuel and Katherine Blau; public school education, until 15 years of age; married, Cleveland, Oct. 20, 1892, Miss Sloss; issue, four children, Katherine, William, Jr., Sol, and Alan; three years with Cohn & Sampliner, dealers in wholesale notions; in 1883, started in business on Bank Street, with H. Friedman, in 1904, firm moved to East 37th and Perkins Avenue, incorporated as the Friedman-Blau-Farber Co., manufacturing a general line of fancy knit goods; employing over 400 people and shipping goods all over the United States; treas. the company; Republican, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rudolph C. Koblitz

Koblitz, Rudolph C.; merchant; born, Austria, May 15, 1863; son of Moses and Julis Miller Koblitz; educated in Tabor, Austria, and Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Jan. 16, 1888, Tillie B. Smitz; one son, born Oct. 21, 1888, after attending school for three months, the English language was so hard to master in proportion to his advancement, that he became discouraged, and left school to learn cigar making, when 14 years old, he started in business for himself, and later broadened out into other lines; vice pres. The Koblitz-Kohn Co., real estate holdings; treas. The Euclid-Prospect Investment Co.; receiver The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emanuel Lowith

Lowith, Emanuel; retired; born in Austria, 1841; educated, University of Prague; married, Newark, N. J., 1880, Marie Wilhemina Schnal; served in the Austrian Army before coming to Cleveland in 1883; late vice pres. The W. P. Southworth Co.; pres. The Highland Realty Co.; member Ezekiel Lodge, No. 90, I. O. B. B.; member Chamber of Commerce. Favorite recreation: Literature.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Carl Friend

Friend, Frank Carl; lawyer; born in Austria, Nov. 17, 1862; son of Anton and Petronila Friend; educated, public schools and Central High School; studied law in the office of the late E. K. Wilcox; admitted to the bar in 1884; married, Cleveland, Nov. 26, 1S90, Miss Lilly D. Davies; practiced law in Mr. Wilcox’s office until 1893, when the partnership of Wilcox & Friend was formed; this partnership was dissolved in 1904; member Cleveland Bar Ass’n; Republican; Chapter Mason; elected to the City Council in 1885; served two terms; member Board of Education, 18894890; member Board. of Health, 1906-1907; owner … Read more

Olbrich, John – Obituary

Pioneer Dies At Big Creek Home John Olbrich, 74 years of age and a pioneer of Union and Baker counties, died after an illness of several months at his home on Big creek Sunday evening. Funeral services and burial were at Baker Tuesday afternoon. Deceased was a native of Austria but had been a resident of this vicinity for the past forty-five years. The widow, four daughters, one son and eighteen grandchildren are the surviving relatives. North Powder News Saturday, November 20, 1920

Biography of Joseph Lister

Lord Lister

In a corner of the north transept of Westminster Abbey, almost lost among the colossal statues of our prime ministers, our judges, and our soldiers, will be found a small group of memorials preserving the illustrious names of Darwin, Lister, Stokes, Adams, and Watt, and reminding us of the great place which Science has taken in the progress of the last century. Watt, thanks partly to his successors, may be said to have changed the face of this earth more than any other inhabitant of our isles; but he is of the eighteenth century, and between those who developed his … Read more

Lopez, Dorothy I. “Dee” Burke Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Dorothy I. “Dee” Burke Lopez, 86, of La Pine, a former Baker City resident, died Jan. 8, 2006, at her home with her daughter and son-in-law by her side. Her memorial service will be at noon Feb. 13 at the Maywood Park Campus of Mount Hood Community College, 10100 N.E. Prescott St., in Portland. She was born on June 16, 1919, at Baker City to Henry and Isabelle Smith Burke. She founded the creative writing department at Mount Hood Community College in 1966 and taught there for 37 years. She also taught creative writing at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Charles Placak

Placak, Joseph Charles; physician; born, Cleveland, Feb. 22, 1882; son of Anthony and Jennie Goldstein Placak; educated, public schools, Cleveland, M. D.. Medical Department, Ohio Wesleyan University; post-graduate, University of Prague, Austria; married, Cleveland, March 20, 1907, Eunice S. Emde; two children; resident pathologist and resident physician, Cleveland. City Hospital, 1903-1905; medical supt., Cooley Farm’s, Warrensville, 1906-1910, in charge of tuberculosis work open air schools of Cleveland, public schools, 1911-1913; lecturer on internal medicine, Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1905-1911; visiting pathologist, Cleveland City Hospital, 1906-1907; physician in charge Tuberculosis Dispensary, Haymarket District; visiting pathologist, Eddy Road Hospital; member … Read more

Biography of Harry Degen

Harry Degen, deceased, was for more than a decade actively identified with mercantile interests in Bartlesville as the proprietor of a department store which is still being conducted by his widow and which is one of the best establishments of the kind in the city. He was born in Austria on the 11th of November, 1875, and when a lad of twelve years accompanied his parents on their emigration to the United States. He worked for his relatives in Kansas until twenty-seven years of age, when in association with his uncle he established the firm of Degen & Company for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adolph Kohn

Kohn, Adolph; scrap metal; born, Austria, Sept. 1, 1860; married, Cleveland, June 16, 1882, Rose Koblotz; in scrap metal business twenty-eight years, with the following companies: R. C. Koblitz & Co., Stone-Koblitz Co.; Pollock-Kohn Co., Koblitz & Kohn; Koblitz, Kohn & Co., the Koblitz-Kohn Co.; pres. of the latter company and pres. of the Euclid Prospect Investment Co.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph F. Prosser

Prosser, Joseph F.; mechanical engineer; born, Austria, March 17, 1872; son of Louis and Katerina Franck; educated, public schools in Austria; married, Cleveland, Feb. 11, 1899, Mary B. Peterka; six children, five sons and one daughter; in 1888, started to serve as machinist for C. D. Bartlett & Co.; 1892 to 1895, with Globe Iron Co.; 1895 to 1898, served in U. S. Army (Co. F, 15th U. S. Infantry), where he studied mechanical engineering in his spare time; 1898 to 1902, served at Lord & Bowler’s machine shop as mechanical engineer; 1902-1904, Macbeth Iron Co.; as erecting engineer; 1905-1906, … Read more

Biography of Henry Wickenburg

Henry Wickenburg was a native of Austria, born in that empire in 1820. In 1847 he came to New York. He went to San Francisco in 1853, and came to Arizona in 1862. He remained at Fort Yuma for a time, then went up the river to La Paz. At La Paz, he learned that a party of explorers had left there a few days before* to go through the country to Tucson. Henry took their trail and overtook them at what is now known as Peeples’ Valley, having travelled nearly two hundred miles alone through the Apache country. After … Read more

Biography of Bethina Angelina Owens-Adair

MRS. DR. OWENS-ADAIR. – Berthina Angelina, the second daughter of Thomas and Sarah Owens, was born February 7,1840, in Van Buren county, Missouri. She saw her fourth birthday in her father’s Western home on Clatsop Plains, Clatsop county, Oregon, her parents having made the then dangerous and tedious journey across the then dangerous and tedious journey across the plains with ox-teams in the summer and fall of 1843. At this time Berthina was a small child, delicate in stature for her age, and having a highly nervous and sensitive nature, but with a strong, vigorous constitution, thus early showing a … Read more

Biography of Frederik Gustave Bardenheier, M. D.

Dr. Frederik Gustave Adolph Bardenheier, who is well known in professional circles as a specialist in the treatment of diseases Of the ear, nose and throat, was born in St. Louis, April 13, 1881, and he has chosen to make the city of his nativity the scene of his professional labors and successes. His father, Philipp Bardenheier, came to the United States in the early ’50s and won success along commercial line. The mother, Mrs. Helen Bardenheier, arrived in this country from the Rhine region of Germany some time after her future husband crossed the Atlantic. Dr. Bardenheier was educated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Klein

Klein, Louis; cigar business; born Austria, Sept. 25, 1871; son of Benj. and Augusta Klein; attended public schools in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Aug. 14, 1894, Fanny G. Gottlieb; issue, Cecile Penrose, and Ruth Helen; with Halsey & Montgomery, cigar dealers; Excelsior Laundry Co., Cleveland Steam Laundry Co., nine years with J. R. Quinn, in the cigar business; in 1907, incorporated and pres. the Louis Klein Cigar Co., with nine retail stores in the city; also wholesale business; member Elks, H. B. S. U., and the Cleveland Independent Aid Ass’n.