Biography of Adam Loch

Adam Loch. The rewards attainable through a life of industry are forcibly illustrated in the career of Adam Loch, one of the leading and successful business men of Chanute and vice president of the Fidelity State Bank. Since early youth he had depended wholly and solely upon his own resources, working out his own success and steadily advancing to success and position along the commercial and financial path. His career should be an incentive for renewed effort by the youth of today who are starting life without friends or fortune to aid them. Mr. Loch was born at Springfield, Illinois, … Read more

Haun, Mellie Dodd Mrs. – Obituary

Pioneer Teacher Dies At Hospital Mrs. Mellie Dodd Haun, first principal of the Lostine school, passed away at the Wallowa Memorial hospital here Friday, March 20, 1953 at the age of 88. Mellie Dodd was born on a farm near Auburn, Illinois on January 14, 1865, the daughter of James E. and Annis Dodd. She started teaching school in her home community in Illinois when she was 15 years of age and taught there for a number of years before coming to Wallowa county about 1900 to become principal of the Lostine school. She was married to James F. Haun, … Read more

Foster, Carrie Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Carrie Poley Foster died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Magill in Lostine, September 22, aged 71 years, nine months and six days. She was born near Auburn, Ill., and at the age of 16 years joined church and has been a faithful Christian ever since. She was married March 9, 1864, to B. O. Foster, who died and was buried at Ashland, Ore., 5 years ago. After a brief funeral service held at Lostine, the remains of Mrs. Foster were taken to Ashland and interred beside her husband. Frank Foster, a son, … Read more