Biography of Thomas O’Brien

Thomas O’Brien, farmer and stock raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in the city of Philadelphia Feb. 18, 1830; he is a son of John and Mary O’Brien; his father was born in Mt. Maleck, Queens Co., Ireland, in February, 1801; up to the age of 18 years, he worked in his father’s tailor-shop; he then went to London, Eng., and afterward to Leeds, spending seven years in the two cities; after paying a brief visit to his native place, he came to America at the age of 25; his first settlement was in Philadelphia, where he was married March … Read more

Biography of William F. Austin

William F. Austin, of the firm of Austin, Brown & Kimball, dealers in hardware, lumber, agricultural implements, furniture, etc.; P. O. Ashmore; is a native of Coles Co., being a son of John and Susan (Carter) Austin; his father was born near Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1809, and came with his father’s family to the county in about 1828 ;his father, William Austin, took up a farm, comprising the site of the present village of Ashmore. Mr. Austin was married Oct. 15, 1835, to Miss Susan Carter, a daughter of John and Mary Carter, both natives of East Tennessee; she … Read more

Biography of Capt. Charles D. Phelps

Capt. Charles D. Phelps, deceased, late of Ashmore Tp., one of the pioneers of Coles Co.; was born in Madison Co., Ky., Jan. 26, 1801; he was a son of Jarrot and Millie (Duncan) Phelps, both natives of Virginia. He was married March 3, 1825, to Miss Mary A. Coons, a daughter of John and Polly (Crosswhite) Coons; she was born in Fayette Co., Ky., about eight miles from Lexington, July 29, 1809. In 1830, he removed to Coles Co., and settled on the farm now occupied by his widow and youngest son; he purchased and entered about 300 acres … Read more

Biography of W. K. Payne

W. K. Payne, retired, Ashmore; although not an early settler of Coles Co., is one of the pioneers in the adjoining county of Edgar, where he was a prominent citizen for forty-six years. He was born in Shelby Co., Ky., May 17, 1807, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Wright) Payne, both natives of Kentucky and descendants of old Virginia families. His early education was limited to such as the schools of that region afforded. In 1822, his father removed with his family to Owen Co., Ind. In 1831, Mr. Payne came to Edgar Co., and engaged in … Read more

Biography of William S. Childress

William S. Childress, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Knox Co., East Tenn., April 11, 1827; he is a son of Richard and Rebecca Childress. In 1831, his father removed to Edgar Co., and settled just on the line between Illinois and Indiana. In 1848, Mr. Childress came to Coles Co., being the first of the family to settle here, his father following in the spring of 1849; his father died about 1862; his mother still survives, and now resides in Farmington, in Coles Co., at the age of 75 years. Mr. C. was married April 30, … Read more

Biography of Caleb Reed

Caleb Reed, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Spencer Co., Ky., Dec. 1, 1818, and was 11 years old when he came to Coles Co.; his father, Thomas Reed, was a native of Pennsylvania; removed to Kentucky with his parents when a boy, and there married Miss Anna Kirkham, a native of Kentucky, and the 18t of December, 1829, left that State with his family, consisting of a wife and five children, to found a new home in the wilderness of Illinois. They came with a five-horse team, the journey consuming nearly a month; arriving in Edgar … Read more

Biography of John H. Johnson

John H. Johnson (deceased), farmer and minister; born in Washington Co., Penn., Dec. 12, 1812, where he attended school in his youth-the last few years at the college at Waynesburg, Penn.; after which he was licensed as a minister of the C. P. Church, officiating as circuit preacher until his removal to Ohio, where he was settled as local preacher for three years, until his removal to Coles Co., Ill., about the year 1854, where he first settled as Pastor of the C. P. Church in Ashmore Tp. for several years; then in Morgan Tp. until 1868; at the above … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nelson R. Green

Nelson R. Green, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O.; was born in Miami Co., Ohio, Dec. 25, 1830; he is a son of James and Elizabeth (Heminway) Green, and accompanied his parents in their various removals given in their biography, and in 1850, came permanently to Coles Co.; he worked at various employments until 1854, when he was married on the 19th of January, to Miss Mary E. Brown, the eldest daughter of Jobe W. and Martha R. Brown, of Ashmore; she was born at the Walnut. Grove, in Edgar Co., 1834; they have nine children – Jonathan W., George A.. … Read more