Wisconsin Gold Star List – Ashland County

Liberty Bond

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Ashland County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

McGinnis, Dellivan – Obituary

Died-In Ashland, Wisconsin, July 13, 1920, Dellivan McGinnis, age 33 years, 6 months and 15 days. Dellivan McGinnis was the son of Mrs. Lillie Cross, of Union. He was born at Milton, Oregon, in 1887. He was married to Miss Rita Wilson, July 30, 1910. He enlisted in the U.S. Marines in May, 1918, and received a discharge March 4, 1919. He died at Ashland, Wisconsin, July 13, 1920. His body accompanied by his wife arrived in Union Tuesday morning, July 20. He is survived by his widow, his mother and step-father, two half-brothers and three half-sisters. Two half-bothers preceded … Read more

Biography of Robert L. Nourse, M. D.

Dr. Robert L. Nourse, a prominent citizen and leading physician of Hailey, was born at Cloverport, Kentucky, September 27, 1864. He descended from English ancestry, and his American progenitors were among the early settlers at Salem and Nashua, Massachusetts. History tells how Rebecca Nourse, a member of his family, was burned at the stake at Salem on a charge of witchcraft, and the story forms one of the darkest and most painful chapters of our American history. One of the sights of Salem is the monument erected to her memory by members of her family of a later generation, and … Read more

Chippewa Indians

Catlin, George - 334, Chippeway Village and Dog Feast at the Falls of St. Anthony; lodges build with birch-bark: Upper Mississippi

Chippewa Indians. The earliest accounts of the Chippewa associate them particularly with the region of Sault Sainte Marie, but they came in time to extend over the entire northern shore of Lake Huron and both shores of Lake Superior, besides well into the northern interior and as far west as the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota.