Biography of Clement Adams Bradbury

CLEMENT ADAMS BRADBURY. – Of all the romantic and adventurous ways in which the early settlers found their way to Oregon, this now venerable pioneer may perhaps claim a manner as exciting as any, – that of a world-wide career on the ocean, and, finally, shipwreck. He was born in York county, Maine, March 18, 1819. As a boy he learned to labor, belonging to one of those hardy New England families whose lot was cast in a forest country, and in hard times. But by this very discipline young Clement acquired strength of body and of mind, independence, self-reliance … Read more

Sinclair Genealogy of Bluehill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Edward Sinclair was born June 20, 1760, supposed at Beverly, where he died while on a visit May 19, 1827, aged sixty-seven years. He married Dec. 17, 1789, Mary Carleton, from Andover, a sister of David, Dudley, Edward and Moses Carleton. She was born Sept. 17, 1760, and died Jan. 1, 1841, aged 80 years and 4½ months. The family of Edward Sinclair, Sr. consisted of the following children: Maria, Edward, Nabby, Dudley, Ebenezer and William.

Business Men of Northern Maine

Winn Maine - Main Street looking East

The Northern Maine, its Points of Interest and its Representative Business Men manuscript provides historical sketches of the nine towns featured within it’s embrace, as well as biographical sketches of the businesses and the men and women who owned and ran those businesses found within the towns of Houlton, Presque Isle, Caribou, Ft. Fairfield, Danforth, Lincoln, Mattawamkeag, Winn, and Kingman.

Biography of Dan Feour

Among the sons of the Pine Tree state who have found homes in the northwest and whose history forms an integral part of the record of the development of the rich mining interests of southern Idaho is Dan Feour. He was born in Aroostook County, Maine, June 9, 1850, a son of William and Catherine Feour. His father was born in Ireland, and when a young man came to the United States. He died in the fiftyfourth year of his age, and his wife departed this life at the age of fortyfour years. They were the parents of five children, … Read more

Biography of C. K. Merriam, M.D.

C.K. MERRIAM, M.D. – Mr. Merriam was born June 29, 1848, in Houlton, Aroostook County, Maine, being the eighth child in a family of ten children, the third and fourth being girls. His father, Lewis Merriam, when a young man, went from New Salem, Massachusetts, to Maine, in 1832, and married and settled in Houlton in 1833. He is now eighty-two years old, and is coming West this summer. The parents were poor, and lived on a farm two miles from the village. In early childhood he was taught to pick wool, quill yarn, etc., as the wool of the … Read more

Allen, Norman “Norm” – Obituary

Norman “Norm” Allen, 86, of Baker City died Feb. 19, 2006, at Settler’s Park. At his request, there will be no service. In the spring his family will gather privately to celebrate his life and to scatter his ashes with his beloved wife’s. Norm was born on Jan. 26, 1920, at Smyrna Mills, Maine, to Thomas and Delia Allen. He was the 13th of 13 children. He attended school at Smyrna Mills and after graduating from high school enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in Idaho and Washington. While in Idaho he met his life’s partner, Yvonne … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Frank Allen

The subject of this sketch is among the early settlers of Riverside, and ranks as one of the successful horticulturists of the colony. Mr. Allen is a native of New England, dating his birth in Aroostook County, Maine, in 1844. His parents were John and Joanna (Ramsdell) Allen, both natives of that State. His father was one of the pioneers of that section and one of the wealthiest agriculturists in the county. He died in Riverside in 1886, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. Mr. Allen was reared to farm life and given the benefits of a common-school education. … Read more