Biography of Charles W. Green

Charles W. Green, a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, since March, 1893, was born in Grcene County, New York, July 1, 1868, son of Charles and Avesta (Wright) Green. His father was a farmer and a veteran of the Union army. He was educated in public schools, in Greenville Academy and Eastman’s Business College. After some experience as a grocery clerk and in real estate and insurance lines he went west in 1891 to Colorado, was connected two years with a smelting company, and on coming to Argentine, now part of Kansas City, Kansas, had charge of the copper department … Read more

Biography of Oliver Wilson Fail

Oliver Wilson Fail. One of the most popular citizens of Cherokee County is O. W. Fail, recently clerk of the District Court at Columbus, and now engaged in the real estate business at Baxter Springs. Mr. Fail had had a varied and active career. He had been a hard worker, had associated with men who work with their hands as well as with their brains, and he long held a card of active membership in the ranks of that army connected with the operation of street and interurban electric lines. In all the relationships of his life he had shown … Read more