Biography of Alonzo J. Tullock

Alonzo J. Tullock. The profession of civil engineering is one which offers great opportunities to those equipped by nature and study for this line of work. It demands, however, perhaps a more thorough technical knowledge of more subjects than almost any other vocation in which man may engage, but its rewards are commensurate with its difficulties and on the pages of history the names of civil engineers who have seemingly accomplished the impossible appear with those of other benefactors of the human race. The great western country, without these able, trained, accurate and daring men would today have been yet … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter Cain Ong

Ong, Walter Cain; lawyer; born, Jefferson County, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1848; son of Moses Harlan and Mary Cain Ong; educated in the district schools; High School at Mt. Pleasant, O., Richmond College; graduated in 1870, B. A, degree; law course, University of Michigan, LL. B., 1873; admitted to the bar, 1875; married Jefferson County, Ohio, April 8, 1875, Anna M. Mansfield; issue, four children, two living and two deceased; elected prosecuting attorney of Jefferson County, in 1875; served four years; practiced law at Steubenville, O., until June, 1882; came to Cleveland, and practiced until 1886; in 1893, elected to the … Read more

Biography of Professor David B. Sturges

Professor David B. Sturges is a classical scholar, educated in Michigan University, in which State he was born in 1839. In 1862, he went to Montana and there spent fourteen years, a portion of the time in teaching. He came to California in 1876, and has been engaged in educational work in the southern part of the state ever since. The courses of study in his academy and business college are being enlarged and improved each successive year, and a higher and broader standard of excellence in scholastic results is attained. Associated with him as instructors is an able corps … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Howard Brett

Brett, William Howard; librarian, Cleveland Public Library; born, Braceville, O., in 1846; son of Morgan Lewis and Jane Brokaw Brett; educated, public schools, Warren, O., studied Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; graduated from Hiram College, Hiram, O., degree A. M.; married, Cleveland, 1879, Alice L. Allen; issue, 6 children, 1 deceased; appointed to his present position in 1884; devoted to the cause of public libraries, and a student with a broad general knowledge; instrumental in forming the Ohio Library Ass’n, pres., 1895 and 1896; in 1897, pres. of the American Library Ass’n; chairman, in … Read more

Biography of Milton G. Cage

Among the practitioners at the Boise bar holding marked prestige among the members of the legal fraternity is Milton G. Cage. A native of Tennessee, he was born in Tipton County, near Covington, that state, January 26, 1862, and is descended on both sides from prominent old families of the south. His paternal ancestors came originally from Wales and established a home in America at an early period in our country’s history. His father, Gustavus Adolphus Cage, was born in Middleton, Tennessee, and married Miss Charlotte A. Green, a native of North Carolina. His father was formerly a planter and … Read more

Alfred Todd of Portland OR

Alfred Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 24, 1878, in Colon, Mich., married Oct. 10, 1907, Myrtle Biddleman, of Thornberg, Iowa. He graduated from the University of Michigan, June 20, 1906, after which he practised law in Lamar, Colo., for about six years. They moved later to Portland, Ore. Children: 2569. Oliver Elwyn, b. May 24, 1909. 2570. Rebecca Biddleman, b. April 29, 1911. 2571. Priscilla Fredericka, b. Jan. 6, 1913.

Biography of Frank L. Moore

The junior member of the prominent law firm of Forney, Smith & Moore, of Moscow, is Frank Latham Moore, who was born in Olmstead County, Minnesota, February 8, 1863, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. The family was early founded in Canada, the great-grandfather of our subject being its progenitor there. The grandfather, Chauncy Moore, was born in Canada, and when a young man removed with his family to Rochester, New York, where Reuben Billings Moore, father of our subject, was born in 1826. The grandfather removed from Rochester to Putnam County, Illinois, where he secured land from the government and … Read more

Biography of Hon. William McEniry

In considering the prominent legal firms in Rock Island County one’s mind instinctively turns to the firm of McEniry & McEniry, a firm composed of the two brothers, Hon. William McEniry and Matthew J. McEniry, having offices both in Rock Island and Moline. It is the life and character of the former of these two gentlemen that we pro-pose to depict in the sketch that is to follow. The life and character of Matthew J. McEniry will be found elsewhere in this work treated at length. William McEniry was born in Rock Island County, Illinois, May 9, 1860, his parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Henry Fiebach

Fiebach, Albert Henry; lawyer; born, Brownhelm, Lorain County, O., Aug. 28. 1876: son of Peter and Sarah Leuszler Fiebach; educated, district schools, Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College; studied two years in the University of Michigan; returned to Oberlin for senior year, graduating in 1899; received degree of A. B.; received LL. B. degree from Harvard in 1902; married, Shenandoah, Ia., Nov. 30, 1905, Miss Louise June Bogart; admitted to the bar in December of 1902; since that time engaged in general law practice in Cleveland; member Chamber of Commerce; member of the benevolence committee of the Chamber; member executive committee … Read more

Biography of William Thomas Rye

The bar of Craig county finds a prominent representative in William Thomas Rye, who since 1908 has followed his profession at Vinita, his ability being demonstrated by the large clientele accorded him. He was born near South Boston, in Halifax county, Virginia, September 2, 1879, and his parents were George J. and Susan (Dewberry) Rye, both natives of Virginia and representatives of old and highly respected families of that state. Prior to the Civil war the father had gone to Mississippi and after the out-break of hostilities he joined a regiment in that state, but after receiving his discharge from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Chellis Daoust

Daoust, Edward Chellis; attorney-at-law; born, Defiance, O., Oct. 19, 1887; son of Charles J. and Mary Hooker Daoust; his father was a banker at Defiance, and his mother was the daughter of Judge Hooker, of Illinois; educated, Defiance High School, graduating, special student University of Michigan, 1904-1905, special student Scientific School, Yale University, 1907-1908; graduated from Yale 1909, with degree LL. B. (Nov honors); married, Cleveland, April 24, 1912, Clara Louis Bunts, daughter of Dr. Frank E. Bunts; issue, one daughter, Frances Harriet, born Feb. 12, 1913; private Troop A, First Squadron, Ohio National Guard, since 1910; entered general practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Kelly

Frank H. Kelly, one of the younger members of the Rock Island County bar, is a native and a lifelong resident of the city in which he now practices his profession. He was born in Rock Island, February 8, 1870, the son of P. H. and Ellen Kelly. After completing a course in the public schools and then attending high school, he chose a career before the bar and began the study of law in the University of Michigan Law School, from which he graduated in 1891. The following year, February 1, 1892, he began practicing and has been actively … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Francis Brush

Brush, Charles Francis; scientist; born at Euclid, O., Mar. 17, 1849; son of Isaac Elbert and Delia Wisner (Phillips) Brush; M. E., University of Michigan, 1869; Ph. D., Western Reserve, 1880; (hon. M. S., University of Michigan. 1899; LL. D., Western Reserve, 1900; Kenyon, 1903); married Mary E. Morris, of Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1875; chem. expert, Cleveland, 1870-1873; iron and ore commn. mcht., 1873-1877; pioneer investigator of electric lighting and invented the Brush electric arc light, 1878, now in general use; also the storage battery (fundamental invention) and other devices essential to modern electrical engineering; founder the Brush Electric Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Henry Wilson

WILSON, George Henry; dentist; born, Painesville, O., March 3, 1855; son of Dr. David C. and Marion (Flanders) Wilson; educated, High School, Painesville, D. D. S., University of Michigan, 1878; married Kittie, daughter of Rev. Lathrop Cooley, of Cleverland, Jan. 1, 1880; practiced dentistry, Painesville, 1878-1891, Cleveland, 1891; prof. clinical prosthetic dentistry, Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery, 1891-1892; prof. prosthetic dentistry and metallurgy, Western Reserve University, 1892-1904; an editor Dentist’s Magazine, 1906-1909; member National Dental Ass’n; 1st pres., Cleveland Dental Library Ass’n; pres. Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n, 1887; Ohio State Dental Ass’n, 1893; Cleveland Dental Society, 1897; member Delta … Read more

Biography of Hon. James E. Hart

Faithfulness is the surest stepping-stone to success. Faithfulness in small things begets confidence in one’s ability to undertake more considerable tasks; and in business life, in professional life, in the church and in public affairs, faithfulness and thoroughness have carried thousands and are carrying thousands up from the day and place of small things to places of higher and still higher responsibility and honor. These thoughts have been suggested by a consideration of the successful career of the man whose name appears above. James E. Hart, clerk of the district court and ex-officio auditor and recorder of Bear Lake county, … Read more

Ernest C. Todd of Ann Arbor MI

Ernest C. Todd9, (Chestil O.8, Ora B.7, Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) was twice married, first, (???) Cook, of Panama, Chautauqua County, N. Y. Second, Tuno (???), of Pittsburg, Penn. He is an Undertaker and Funeral Director in Ann Arbor, Mich., where he lived in 1912, at 807 West Liberty St. Child by (???) Cook: 2760. Ernestine. Children by Tuno (???): 2761. Frances. 2762. Olive.

Biography of Matthew J. McEniry

It is said that the legal profession is one of the most difficult in which to achieve success. It is doubtless true that to be a truly successful attorney requires ability of a high order. We have spoken elsewhere in this work of; the success achieved by the legal firm of McEniry & McEniry, and one of the fruits of that success is a renown that is not merely local but that has spread throughout the northwest. In the article mentioned the life and character of one of the members of the firm, William McEniry, was taken up and discussed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Louis Day

Day, William Louis; judge, born, Canton, O., Aug. 13, 1876; son of William Rufus (q. v.) and Mary Elizabeth (Schaefer) Day; graduate Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1896; LL. B., University of Michigan, 1900; married Elizabeth E. McKay, of Caro, Mich., Sept. 10, 1902; admitted to bar, 1900, and practiced at Canton; city solicitor, 1906-1908; U. S. atty., Northern Dist. Ohio, 1908-1911; U. S. dist. judge, May 13, 1911-; Republican, Lutheran. Clubs : Hermit, Cleveland Athletic, Nisi Prins.

Biographical Sketch of C. G. Beckwith

Beckwith, C. G.; electrical engineer; born, Dowagiac, Mich., Apr. 19, 1870; son of Edwin Walter and Clara L. Sullivan Beckwith; educated, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; married, Cassapolis, Mich., Feb. 19, 1895, Belle M. Norton; adopted son, Raymon N. Ellis; operating and electrical foreman, 1888-1891; supt. of construction of lighting plants in various parts of Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, 1893-1895; supt. electrical engineering, Montpelier, O., Municipal Plant, 1895-1900; supt. and electrical engineer, Collinwood, O., Municipal Plant, 1900-1910; supt. and electrical engineer City of Cleveland Municipal Plant, 1910, to the present time; member American Institute Electrical Engineers, Cleveland Engineering Society, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cooper Blake

Blake, Samuel Cooper; attorney-at-law; born, Euclid, O., Dec. 29, 1855; son of John M. and Harriet L. Cooper Blake; educated, public schools, Shaw Academy, preparatory dept. Oberlin College, and private school, law dept. University of Michigan, LL. B.; married, Euclid, O., June, 1889, Mary A. Camp; two children, Anna H. and Allan B. Blake; clerk of Euclid School Board for two terms, and township clerk two terms; taught in the Euclid schools for two years, admitted to the Ohio Bar, at Columbus, in 1883; practised in Cleveland since admission to the Bar; director and member financial committee, The Garfield Savings … Read more