Biography of R. P. Kelley

R. P. Kelley. While the law had been his profession and he had been a member of the Eureka Bar continuously since 1884, R. P. Kelley had found his time increasingly absorbed by his various business affairs and interests. Financial success had come to him in large measure, and he had property and business interests in diverse parts of the country. He had traveled considerably for recreation, had covered most of the states of the Union and Canada, and had well defined opinions on events and affairs outside of his immediate province. Mr. Kelley is a native of New England … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. Wilkes Moore

J. Wilkes Moore. Mr. Moore was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., and March 16, 1840. Received a collegiate education, graduating at Iowa State University. In 1861 he joined the First Regiment, Company G, Davenport, Iowa, and in August 1862, joined Company G, Twentieth Iowa. Was in the battles of Wilson’s Creek, Perry Grove, Vicksburg, Morgan and Mobile. Entered the service as a private and was promoted to the position of Captain. After the war he returned to Davenport, and became afterwards Marshal and Chief of Police of that city. In 1876 was a steel-blower for the Bessemer Steel Co. of Pittsburgh … Read more

Biography of Francis H. Cook

FRANCIS H. COOK, – Mr. Cook was born in Marietta, Ohio, in 1851. He went with his parents to Iowa at the age of twelve. His father was a farmer, and have his attention to agriculture and to sawmilling; but it was decided to make a printer of the boy. He was accordingly apprenticed to work at the cases in the office of the Harrison County Union, a paper owned and edited by Judge Henry Ford, who was also sitting on the bench of the northwest district of Iowa. The journal changed proprietors quite frequently, young Cook remaining through the … Read more

Biography of David T. Miller

In both the military and political service of his country David Truxton Miller has won distinction by his loyalty to the public good, his fidelity to the trust reposed in him. On southern battle-fields he has followed the stars and stripes to victory, and in the civic department of the nation’s service he has labored to promote the principles which underlie good government and form the foundation upon which all stable prosperity must rest. He has inscribed his name high on the roll of Boise’s distinguished citizens, and is now serving as deputy collector of internal revenue there. Born in … Read more

Biography of Robert Ward Olmsted

A good mental and physical equipment, unflagging energy, and temperate habits have been leading factors in the elevation of Robert Ward Olmsted, from a poor boy, dependent upon his own resources, to the honored position of judge of Rock Island County. Born on a farm in Edgington Township, Rock Island County, Illinois, May 6, 1868, he became almost, if not quite, self-supporting at the tender age of thirteen, and though employed early and late for the greater part of each succeeding year of his youth, he cultivated studious habits, and by close application to his books, both in and out … Read more

Biography of Mary Pierce Van Zile

Mary Pierce Van Zile. A very important member of the faculty of the Kansas State Agricultural College is Mrs. Mary Pierce Van Zile, dean of women and dean of the division of home economics. Her name is a household word in many widely separated homes, for each year Mrs. Van Zile has under her immediate care and instruction from 800 to 900 girls. They come from many environments and are mostly in the most receptive period of their lives, and the influence exerted by Dean Van Zile largely moulds their future. Mary Pierce Van Zile was born on her father’s … Read more