Biography of Melvin Fenwick

A true pioneer, a man of exemplary standing and life, possessed of capabilities and qualities of worth, the estimable gentleman of whom we now speak, is entitled to representation in the volume of Harney county’s history. His parents, Alexander and Nancy (Long) Fenwick, were natives to Kentucky, and his father crossed the plains to California in 1849. He was a blacksmith and carried his tools on a pack horse and wrought at his trade, shoeing horses, and so forth, all the way. In 1851 he returned via Panama, and with his wife and seven children he came in 1852 to … Read more

Biography of Olney N. Morse

The subject of this sketch, who was one of the argonauts of 1849, was born in Westfield, Chautauqua county, New York, December 4, 1826, and is the son of William and Lydia Ford Morse. During his early years he resided on his father’s farm, and received his education at the common schools until the spring of 1849. In that year he organized a company with nine other young men to cross the plains to the gold fields of California. Being elected secretary and treasurer of the party, he was sent to St. Louis in advance, and purchased the outfit and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hosking

John Hosking, the son of James and Jane Hosking, is a native of Cornwall, England, born February 22, 1839, and there reared a miner. He immigrated to California in August 1867, coming by the way of the Isthmus of Panama. He first worked in the mines in Tuolumne County, then in Amador County mines. In 1870 he was appointed foreman of the original Amador mines. In 1873 the Sierra Buttes Gold Mining Company appointed him foreman of the Plumas Eureka Mines. In 1883 he was appointed superintendent of the said mines, which position he now holds. He was married to … Read more

Glidden, Frances Octavia McLachlin Mrs. – Obituary

Frances Octavia McLachlin Glidden, 91, a former Baker City resident, died May 6, 2008, at River Pines, Calif. There will be a private graveside service at Cherokee Memorial Park. Frances was born on May 23, 1916, at Memphis, Tenn. She spent her early years living in parts of Texas and later in New Mexico, where her father was engineer and superintendent of the Otis Gin and Warehouse Co., a cotton-processing plant. Her mother was an accomplished artist and pianist. Frances attended Texas Tech College at Lubbock, Texas. She majored in business administration and minored in history, a lifelong pursuit that … Read more

Smith, Dora D. Mrs. – Obituary

Dora D. Smith, 73, of Ione, Calif., died Sept. 13, 2001, at Lodi, Calif. Her graveside funeral will be at 1 p.m. Sept. 23 at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Smith was born on Dec. 19, 1927, at Driggs, Idaho. She had lived at Ione for the past 10 years. She had been employed as a room service chef at Harrah’s Casino at Lake Tahoe. Survivors include her daughters, Shellan B. Mora of Ione, Calif., and Cheryl M. Huppler of Water Town, S.D.; a son, Mark L. Searles of Boise; many brothers and sisters; and 13 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The … Read more

Amador County, California Cemetery Records

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Access Genealogy Shakley Ridge Cemetery Cemeteries hosted at Amador County CAGenWeb Project Cemeteries hosted at Amador County CAGenWeb Archives Amador City Cemetery Drytown Catholic Cemetery I.O.O.F. Cemetery Fiddletown Public Cemetery Cemeteries hosted at Amador County California USGenWeb Archives Aqueduct City Cemetery Clinton Catholic Church Cemtery Note Drytown City Cemetery Immaculate Conception Churchyard Cemetery Ione Catholic Cemetery Ione Public Cemetery Surname A-K Surname L-Z I. O. O. F. Cemetery of … Read more

Shakley Ridge Road Cemetery, Amador County, California

Located on Cuneo Ranch 8 miles above Sutter reek on Shakley Ridge Road. BEAN Abner, b. 1837, d. 1906. Native of Tennessee. Margaret, d. 10 Oct. 1880, ae. 76 yrs., 25 days. ELKINS Albert, b. 8 Sept. 1879, d. 4 Jan. 1886, ae. 7 yrs., 3 mos., 3 weeks. Gertrude, b. 4 Nov. 1880, d. 24 Apr. 1882, ae. 2 yrs., 5 mos., 21 days. FITZGERALD Martin P., b. 1884, d. 16 July 1909, ae. 25 yrs. FORBES A. P. Co. F. 7th Mo. S. M. Cav. HAMILTON Hanna, d. 4 June 1904, ae. 79 yrs. HENRY Amada J., b. … Read more

Hesner, Elton Ellis – Obituary

Elton Ellis Hesner, 77, a former Pleasant Valley and Sumpter resident died on Saturday, March 29, 2003, in Jackson, Calif. A graveside service was held on Friday, April 4, at 10:30 a.m. in the Garden of Valor at Sunset View Cemetery in Martell. Interment followed the service. Arrangements were handled by Daneri Mortuary in Jackson. Mr. Hesner was born on May 10, 1925, to Ellis and Alteeny Hesner at Pleasant Valley. Elton was a resident of Stockton for 33 years before he made Amador County his home 12 years ago. He worked as a truck driver for the Zellerbach Paper … Read more

Buena Vista Tribe

Buena Vista Indians (Spanish: pleasant view ). A descriptive name applied to one or more Shoshonean or Mariposan tribes living on Buena Vista lake, in the lower Kern River Drainage, California. By treaty of June 10, 1851, these tribes reserved a tract between Tejon Pass and Kern River, and ceded the remainder of their land to the United States.

History of the Buena Vista Tribe

casus oliver on reservation

The Me-Wuk Indians of the Buena Vista Rancheria are an integral part of California’s Native American history. They lived in and around what is now Amador County for thousands of years.