Slave Narrative of Henrietta Jackson

Interviewer: Virginia Tulley Person Interviewed: Henrietta Jackson Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana Virginia Tulley District #2 Fort Wayne, Indiana EX-SLAVE OF ALLEN COUNTY [MRS. HENRIETTA JACKSON] References: A. Ft. Wayne News Sentinel November 21, 1931 B. Personal interview [TR: There are no ‘A’ and ‘B’ annotations in the interview.] Mrs. Henrietta Jackson, Fort Wayne resident, is distinguished for two reasons; she is a centennarian and an ex-slave. Residing with her daughter, Mrs. Jackson is very active and helps her daughter, who operates a restaurant, do some of the lighter work. At the time I called, an August afternoon of over 90 … Read more

Biography of Herman A. Hanser, M.D.

Dr. Herman A. Hanser, a St. Louis surgeon who has practiced continuously 1n this city since 1898, was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 22, 1877. His father, the late Rev. C. J. Otto Hanser, D. D., was a native of Bavaria and came to America in 1848, being forced to leave his native country on account of his political activity in opposition to monarchial rule he was a highly educated man, a graduate of one of the leading German universities and until he took up the study of theology had quite an adventurous life, being obliged to leave Bavaria … Read more

Biography of Hon. Elisha P. Ferry

HON. ELISHA P. FERRY. – Mr. Ferry was born at Monroe, Michigan, August 9, 1825. He studied law there and at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and was admitted to the bar in 1845 at the age of twenty years. In 1846 he removed to Waukegan, Illinois, where he engaged in the practice of his profession. He resided at Waukegan until July, 1869, when he removed to the territory of Washington. He was the first mayor of the city of Waukegan. In 1852 and in 1856 he was presidential elector for the district in which he resided. He was a member of … Read more

Biography of Clarence W. Winbigler, M. D.

Clarence W. Winbigler, M. D. It was nearly thirty-five years ago that Doctor Winbigler began practice at Harper, Kansas. That county was then well out toward the frontier, and with one other physician of Harper he shared the honors of pioneer practice. In early years Doctor Winbigler practiced when there were no telephones, when there were few good roads, and his work necessitated riding night and day through the bare prairies in all kinds of weather. As a physician and surgeon he ranks among the leaders of his profession in this section of the state. Doctor Winbigler was born at … Read more

Hoagland High School Yearbooks 1937-1968

1939 Ships log yearbook

The Hoagland High School yearbooks were published as the Ship’s log, starting with 1937 and continuing until the school was consolidated with the Monroeville High School and the new Heritage High School was created to principally serve the children of Hoagland, Monroeville, and Poe. This was during the year 1968. If the title and year is linked, then the yearbook is currently online for free reading and download.

Biography of William Studabecker

William Studabecker was born in Allen County, Indiana, in 1851; he is the son of David and Elizabeth (Wilt) Studabecker. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Maine. When Mr. Studabecker was two years of age his father moved the family to Van Wert County, Ohio, and there engaged in farming until his death in 1858. The subject of this sketch was reared to the labor attending a life upon a farm, and after the age of ten years was deprived of any schooling facilities; at twenty years of age he learned the shoemaker’s trade and … Read more

Fort Wayne Indiana Directories

These directories represent a large collection of Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana directories covering the years of 1858-1923 (not inclusive). These 15 volumes may provide the researcher with valuable data on their Fort Wayne ancestors such as specific address, occupation, business name. These directories are most valuable during the years of 1881-1899 as they can serve to supplement the missing 1890 census. 8 of the 24 directories which cover that specific period, with 6 of those in the 1890-1899 time span. One of the listings is a Bell Telephone Directory for Fort Wayne. As such, it will only contain a listing for those residences and business which had a telephone at the time.

Biography of Henry J. Rudisill

Henry J. Rudisill. Among the men who for years were prominently associated with the leading enterprises and industries that gave to Riverside that prominence in the history of Southern California that is unequaled, and spread before the people in the marts of the world, her unrivaled productions that induced immigration and brought an unceasing flow of wealth to the beautiful valley, none is more worthy of mention than the subject of this sketch. Mr. Rudisill came to Riverside in February 1875. In the same year the Riverside Land and Irrigating Company was organized and at once assumed control of the … Read more

History of Harlan Indiana, 1853-1953

Harlan Centennial, 1853-1953

The “Harlan Centennial, 1853-1953,” compiled by the Harlan Community Association, offers a comprehensive reflection on the history and development of Harlan, Indiana. This commemorative book was published in 1953 to mark the 100th anniversary of Harlan’s founding. The centennial celebration was a significant community effort, with extensive participation from local residents and detailed planning by various committees. The book includes messages from key figures, a detailed program of the centennial events, and historical narratives highlighting Harlan’s growth, notable personalities, and community milestones.