Biography of William Horner Cocke

With various corporate interests William Horner Cocke has been closely associated, these various business enterprises benefiting by the stimulus of his industry, keen sagacity and capable management. He has made for himself a most creditable position in business circles and since 1908 has been president and general manager of the Commercial Acid Company which in 1918 became the Southern Acid & Sulphur Company of St. Louis, while with various other concerns he is also associated as stockholder or official. He was born in City Point, Virginia, September 12, 1874. His father, Henry Teller Cocke, was born in Prince George county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Durrett Simms

The subject of this sketch was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, January 6, 1880, his parents being James M. and Mary Durrett Simms. While a child his parents moved to Missouri and his education was received in the schools of that state. In September, 1900, he went to St. Louis, studied shorthand there, accepted a position in a law office in February, 1901, and took up the study of law, attending the lectures of the Benton College of Law at night. In June, 1902, he was admitted to the bar in the city of St. Louis. He resided in St. … Read more

Biography of the Hensley Brothers

Samuel and Benjamin Hensley were sons of an English family that settled on the Potomac River in Virginia, at an early date. Samuel married a Miss Landers, and they had Samuel, Jr., and William. His first wife died, and he was married again to Susan Taplett, by whom he had several children. William, son of Samuel, Jr., by his first wife, married Elizabeth Appleberry, of Virginia, and they had James, Benjamin, William, Jr., Thomas, Fleming, Judith, and Elizabeth. James, William, Jr., Thomas, and Fleming came to Montgomery County in 1826, and all except Thomas afterward married and settled in Jefferson … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gabriel Maupin

Gabriel Maupin, eldest son of Thomas Maupin, of Albemarle Co., Va., married Anna Spencer, by whom he had John, Thomas, Joel, Clifton, David, Arthur T., Susan, Nancy, Polly, Rosana, and Patsey. Arthur T. and Joel married and settled in Montgomery Co., Mo., in 1838.

Biography of Thomas B. Trower, M. D.

Thomas B. Trower, M. D., deceased, late of Charleston; was born in Albemarle Co., Va., Nov. 15, 1807, his parents removing to Kentucky a few years later; his father died in 1816, leaving a wife and nine children; he began the study of medicine when he was 19 years old, spending three years under the instruction of Drs. Beamiss and Merryfield, of Bloomfield, Ky., teaching school a portion of the time to obtain means to defray his expenses; he came to Illinois in 1830, and practiced medicine six years in Shelbyville; in 1836, he removed to Charleston and engaged in … Read more

Biography of John B. Goode

The readjustment of the national affairs after the civil war led to conditions under which the people of the north and the people of the south began to mingle, and became acquainted and ratified the feeling of mutual admiration which their prowess during the four years’ struggle had compelled for foemen who wore the gray and foemen who wore the blue. Men of the north took part in the southern business and politics; men of the south began to have a hand in the national and local affairs at the north. A paternal sentiment has resulted which has buried old … Read more

Biography of John O. Adams, Hon.

Hon. John O. Adams. Of the men who in recent years have come to the forefront in the business and official life of Ottawa County, few have accomplished such great and substantial results within so short a period of time as had John O. Adams. A resident of Delphos since 1901, this energetic and capable young man had worked his way to a substantial place in business circles, while in official affairs he had been equally energetic and successful, and in the spring of 1917 was elected mayor of the city. His record as a merchant and as a public … Read more

Biography of Isaac W. Pfost

The Virginians have given to nearly every state in the union much of the good blood and good citizenship, for, wherever his lot is cast, the Virginian is patriotic and does honor to his environments. Idaho has many well known citizens of Virginian birth, but not one who is more highly regarded for integrity and perseverance and all the other qualities which make for real success than Isaac W. Pfost, of Boise, who, having been born in Virginia prior to its division, is literally a native of the Old Dominion. Isaac W. Pfost, proprietor of the Bancroft Hotel, Boise, Idaho, … Read more

Biography of Edward Watts Saunders, M. D.

Dr. Edward Watts Saunders, who for forty-three years has engaged in the practice of medicine in St. Louis and who is now professor emeritus of pediatrics and clinical obstetrics in the medical department of Washington University, was born in Campbell county, Virginia, on the 15th of October, 1854, a son of Robert C. and Caryetta (Davis) Saunders. His father was a Civil war veteran, serving as captain of Company A of the Eleventh Virginia Infantry of the Confederate army and winning promotion to the rank of major. In the maternal line was Captain Eugene Davis under General J.E.B. Stuart. He … Read more

Biography of George Dabney Ellis

One of the founders of Boise City and one of the most active spirits in the upbuilding and progress of this thriving place during the past quarter of a century has been George D. Ellis, a pioneer of Idaho, whither he came in 1863. He is and has been the president of the Capital State Bank of Boise City for several years; is a stock-holder and general manager and treasurer of the electric street-car line of this place and is a stock-holder and a director of the Artesian Hot & Cold Water Company, besides having materially aided and fostered many … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Funkhouser, M. D.

Dr. Robert M. Funkhouser, a physician and surgeon of St. Louis who has also been connected with the educational activities of the profession and who is now largely concentrating his time and energies upon surgery, was born in St. Louis, December 10, 1850. His father, Robert M. Funkhouser, was a native of Illinois and of Swiss descent, the family being founded in America by John and Christopher Funkhouser, who came to the new world in 1698 and first settled in Fredericktown, Virginia. Among the ancestors of the family were five who participated in the Revolutionary war. The family is also … Read more

Biography of W. H. Puckett

The junior member of the well known law firm of Hawley & Puckett is the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this sketch. He is still a young man, but has attained a position of distinction at the bar that many an older practitioner might well envy. He was born at Herndon Place, Ballard County, Kentucky, on the 8th of August 1869. His father, W. J. Puckett, was a native of Jackson, Mississippi, and became one of the prominent lawyers of Kentucky, where he practiced successfully for a number of years. He is now living retired in Denver, Colorado. … Read more

Genealogy of Henry Austin, Jr.

Like father, like son, Henry Jr., son of Henry Austin, Sr. and Sarah Harrison, became a military man. At the age of seventeen he enlisted in the First Virginia Regiment as a drummer and fifer. He continued serving through November 1779 in the Tenth Virginia Regiment also as a drummer and fifer. After the war, he met Nancy Ann Watts, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Durrett Watts. Her father Jacob likewise served in the War of the Rebellion. Henry and Nancy were married 2 January 1788 in Albemarle County, Virginia. They had twelve children before Henry died in October or November … Read more

Genealogy of Willis Austin

The sixth child of Henry and Nancy Ann Austin was living in Madison County, Virginia by 1824. There he met Jane Malone and married her. Willis’ occupation to support her and the family was that of a carpenter and farmer. By 1850 the family had grown to nine members. They lived in Worf Town in 1850. They either remained in Virginia or moved to Missouri. 506 Willis Austin born circa 1796 Albemarle Co., Va. married 23 Aug 1823 Jane Malone born circa 1805 Virginia died 30 Sept. 1877 Mo. Children of Willis Austin and Jane Malone: 601 John H. Austin born circa … Read more

Genealogy of Henry Austin, Sr.

Henry Austin, Sr., son of Samuel Austin and Elizabeth Marshall. More records are existant on this Austin. In 1758 in Albemarle Co., Virginia, he married Sarah Harrison, probable relation to Richard Harrison. A few years after marriage, Henry received two hundred acres of land in Virginia for his services in Lord John Murray Dunmore’s War. He served as a sergeant in that war; for his services in the French and Indian War, he received another land parcel. In 1790 his neighbors were John Rodes and William Austin, his brother. During that year there were nine in Henry’s family; there were his dwelling … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Wesley Porter

John Wesley Porter, a successful young practitioner of law in Muskogee, where he has followed his profession through the past three years, was born in Henderson county, Kentucky, on the 1st of December, 1886, his parents being John Wesley and Lucy Jane (Moss) Porter, the former a tobacco merchant. In the acquirement of an education he attended public and private schools and also studied under a private tutor. His professional training was received in the law department of the Washington and Lee University at Lexington, Virginia, from which he was graduated in June, 1909. He first located for practice at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Travis Howard

Howard, William Travis; pathologist; born, Sans Souci, Statesburg, S. C.. March 13, 1867; son of John and Mary Catherine Macleod Howard; student University of Virginia, 1885-1887; M. D., University of Maryland, 1889; graduate student Johns Hopkins, 1889-1893; married at Watch Hill, R. I., Mary Cushing Williams, of Baltimore, Aug. 15, 1896; engaged in teaching and research in pathology since 1892; prof. pathology, Western Reserve University since 1894; pathologist to Lakeside, City, Charity and St. Alexis Hospitals; bacteriologist, Board of Health of Cleveland. Author of numerous papers in pathology and bacteriology; member Ass’n American Physicians, American Ass’n of Pathologists and Bacteriologists … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin Franklin Dowell

HON. B.F. DOWELL. – Benjamin Franklin Dowell was born in Albemarle county, Virginia, on the 31st of October, 1826. He was named for an uncle of his grandmother on his father’s side. She was a daughter of John Franklin and a niece of Benjamin Franklin, the statesman and philosopher. Mr. Dowell’s father and mother were natives of Virginia, and were born and brought up within one mile of each other. His mother’s maiden name was Fannie Dalton, a woman of rare culture and refinement. The Dowells were originally from England; the Daltons were from the Scottish Highlands. As a child, … Read more

Biography of James W. Miller

Was born near Staunton, Augusta county, Virginia, May 14, 1823, where he lived with his parents, George M. and Margaret A. Miller, until his fourteenth year. He received a common school education, having attended the early subscription schools of his native county. Leaving home in 1836, he went to Lexington, Rockbridge county, Virginia, where he was employed as a clerk in the store of Moore & McCue, remaining with them until 1840, when he was employed in the same capacity by Samuel B. Finley, of the same place. From Lexington he went to Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1842, and accepted a … Read more

Biography of Raymond C. Clapp, M. D.

Raymond C. Clapp, M. D. A young man who availed himself of the best of modern facilities and scientific advantages in preparing himself for his exacting profession, Doctor Clapp has won assured status as one of the representative physicians and surgeons engaged in practice in the City of Wichita, where his success has been on a parity with his unqualified personal popularity. Doctor Clapp was born at Lebanon, Virginia, on the 26th of September, 1880, and in the schools of his native place he continued his studies until his graduation in the high school. He then had the privilege of … Read more