Biography of Hugh J. Downey

HUGH J. DOWNEY – With enlarging zones of practice wherein Dr. Downey has made his abilities as a physician and his value as a citizen evident and welcome for the pact decade, he has likewise established a wide range of enduring friendships because of an optimistic personality and his advanced methods and usages of the profession, at his medical office and home in Pittsfield. He is a son of Hugh J. and Sarah (McCann) Downey. Hugh J. Downey was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, December 5, 1882, and the family removed to Adams, Berkshire County, during Mr. Downey’s childhood. He … Read more

Biography of Arthur Burdette Daniels

ARTHUR BURDETTE DANIELS, the distinguished president of the L. L. Brown Paper Company of Adams, stands among the leaders in his field of industrial progress in New England, and as a leading business executive of Western Massachusetts is affiliated with numerous important interests. He has reached his present outstanding position by the force of his own initiative and devotion to worthy purpose. Mr. Daniels is a son of Amos Dixon and Helen Lucretia (Cross) Daniels, his father was for many years a hotel proprietor and, during the later period of his life, active in association with the New Home Sewing … Read more

Biography of Augustus Keefer Boom, M.D.

AUGUSTUS KEEFER BOOM, M. D., holding a noteworthy position in Western Massachusetts, has done much both along private lines of practice and in the public service and as a leading physician of Adams he is considered one of the foremost men in his profession in this section. Giving to the world his highest endeavors, his progress governed by lofty ideals, and his ever forward looking attitude, Dr. Boom has made his influence strongly felt in various lines of current endeavor, as well as in his professional work. He is a member of an old and honored family of America, originally … Read more

Biography of William Edward Staples

WILLIAM EDWARD STAPLES – The same energetic characteristics that were the means of conquering all hardships that apparently stood in the path of Mr. Staples’ career during the earlier part of his life have proven the dominant feature of his activities, and have accompanied him throughout an interesting course both of service and of leadership in the business and the political world. He is conceded to be one of the Western Massachusetts captains of industry and of civic advancement, who, beginning life with but few advantages of a material kind, overcame all difficulties by sheer hard work, pluck, and native … Read more

Biography of Frank Whitman Roberts

FRANK WHITMAN ROBERTS – The surname Roberts is frequently encountered in the early records of New England. There were Revolutionary soldiers, farmers, business men, and seafaring men of that name, and their progeny is today scattered over the land, while many descendants of the older settlers of the name still adhere to the original soil. The seafaring men of generations past in New England were venturesome and enterprising persons, some of them whalers, others traders with the West Indies, whose islands then had even more glamorous and romantic atmospheres than they have today, although they are still glamorous and romantic. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Hathaway

(VI) Isaac (2), son or nephew of Isaac (1) Hathaway, was born October 28, 1955, in Rhode Island. He was one of the pioneers in Farmington, New York, and was doubtless with the settlers who went from Rhode Island to Adams, Massachusetts, and thence to central New York after the revolution. He married, in 1784, Jemima Comstock, born 1760, daughter of Nathan Comstock, born 1735, granddaughter of John, son of Samuel. Soon after their marriage his wife rode on horseback from Rhode Island, using a poplar sprout for a whip, and she planted it near the log house in which … Read more

Biography of Charles Fuller Mosher

CHARLES FULLER MOSHER, a leading business executive and engineer of Western Massachusetts, who holds a responsible position with the Turners Falls Power and Electric Company, and is prominently identified with worthy lines of useful and progressive activity, is a man of high achievement, whose work is his principal interest and whose attitude toward life and its responsibilities is that of the serious but ever forward looking spirit. He is a son of William D. and Lillian A. (Fuller) Mosher, both parents residents of North Adams for many years. Charles Fuller Mosher was born in North Adams, Massachusetts, October 16, 1879. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Noah Aldrich

(IV) Noah, son of Jacob (2) Aldrich, was born in Mendon about 1720. He deeded lands in Mendon in 1772. He appears to have moved soon afterward to New Salem, Massachusetts, of which he was a soldier in the revolution in 1775 in Captain John King’s company, Colonel Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge’s regiment. In 1790, according to the first federal census, he was living in Adams, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and had one son over sixteen and four females -in his family. He married Rachel.

Biographical Sketch of Willis Aldrich

(VI) Willis, son of Nathan Aldrich, was born in Adams or New Salem. He settled on a farm in Farmington, New York. He married Edna Smith and died in 1852. His wife died in 1857. Children: Urial, mentioned elsewhere; Esther; Reuben.

Samuel Todd of Waterbury CT

Samuel Todd4, (Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 6, 1716-17, died June 10, 1789, married Aug. 31, 1739, Mercy, daughter of Rev. Peter Evans, of Northfield (Mass.?). He graduated from Yale college in 1734; ordained May 7, 1740, as the first minister at Waterbury, Conn., Northbury Parish; dismissed Aug., 1764; installed pastor at Plymouth, 1766; removed to Lanesborough, Mass., remaining there two years; organized First Church at Adams, Mass. and remained there as pastor until 1778; Moved to Orford, N. H. where he died. “He possessed a mind of more than ordinary strength, and great decision of character. His religious sentiments … Read more

Evelyn Todd of Adams MA

Evelyn Todd6, (Solomon5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 5, 1812, died Jan., 1904, married Mercy Rice. He was a shoemaker and a good one. He lived in Adams, Mass. Children: 903. George. 904. Frederick Solomon, m. and had four children, all of whom d. young. 905. Eveline, m. Reuben Whipple.