Roll Of Lieut. Thomas Collier’s Company

(Probably from Adams County) Served from July 28, until August 21, 1813. Lieut. Thomas Collier Sergt. Matthew Jones Sergt. William Green Corp. James Killing Privates Anderson, Nathaniel Black, Zechariah Burkitt, William Chambers, Elijah Collier, Daniel Daniels, Joseph Davis, John Freeland, Jesse Helterbrand, Daniel McCormick, James Osmon, John Peterson, Thomas Shoup, Henry Stuce, Jacob Thompson, James Trotter, Elijah Weaver, George Wilcoxen, John

Roll Of Capt. John Davidson’s Company

(Probably from Adams County) Served from July 19, until September 8, 1813. Capt. John Davidson Lieut. Andrew McIntire Ensign, Robert Glasgon Ensign, Absalom Kirkpatrick Ensign, James McIntire Ensign, Edward Scott Ensign, James Campbell Corp. James Stockwell Corp Hugh Montgomery Corp. Jacob Sebret Corp. John Wallis Drummer, Jacob Storms Pifer, Andrew Burns Wagoner, John Hayes Privates Beard, Samuel Cain, Jesse Cain, Stephen Campbell, William Campbell. George Drenan, David Dryden, William Elliott, Andrew Elliott, Robert Jr. Featherkille, Andrew Fenton, Samuel Goody. John Izzard, Eli Kemp, Richard Kirkpatrick, George Kirkpatrick, James Kirkpatrick, Samuel Lockart, Moses Marshall, David McCheney, Alexander McIntire, William Montgomery, Adam … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Thomas Lewis’ Company

(Probably from Adams County) Served from July 28, until September 1, 1813. Capt. Thomas Lewis Lieut. Samuel Bradford Ensign, George Sample Cornet, Isaac Foster Sergt. Nathan Rogers Sergt. William Stout Sergt. Jacob Shults Privates Badridge, Samuel Baigs, Thomas Bratton, Jacob Brigintine, John Carr, Daniel Collins, Elijah Hanna, William Little, Thomas Lockhart, Samuel Markland, Jesse McDermott, John McHenry, Alexander McMilligan, J. D Milligin, James Moore, Aaron Moore, John Paull, James Pennington, Obediah Raulston, Robert Rowland, William Russell, John, Sr. Sanders, Francis Stockard, Thomas Warner, Peter Williamson, Samuel

Biography of F. E. Thurman

F. E. Thurman, engaged in the general insurance, surety bond and loan business at Bartlesville, Oklahoma, under the firm style of F. E. Thurman Company, was born at West Union, Ohio, March 9, 1872, a son of J. M. and Mary Elizabeth (McCormick) Thurman, both natives of that state. J. M. Thurman, during the greater part of his active life, was engaged in the banking business at West Union, Ohio, and for a long period served as treasurer of Adams county, that state. The father passed away October 4, 1915, in West Union, while the mother died when her son, … Read more

Indian Mounds throughout North America

Great Serpent Mound Postcard

Charlevoix and Tantiboth speak of Indians who inhabited the region of country around Lake Michigan, who were well skilled in the art of erecting mounds and fortifications, Charlevoix also states that the Wyandots and the Six Nations disinterred their dead and took the bones from their graves where they had lain for several years and carried them to a large pit previously prepared, in which they deposited them, with the property of the deceased, filling up the pit with earth and erected a mound over it. A string of sleigh-bells much corroded, but still capable of tinkling, is said to have been found among the … Read more

Roll Of Capt. John Davidson’s Company

(Probably from Adams County) Served from July 19, until September 8, 1813. Capt. John Davidson Lieut. Andrew McIntire Ensign, Robert Glasgon Ensign, Absalom Kirkpatrick Ensign, James McIntire Ensign, Edward Scott Ensign, James Campbell Corp. James Stockwell Corp Hugh Montgomery Corp. Jacob Sebret Corp. John Wallis Drummer, Jacob Storms Pifer, Andrew Burns Wagoner, John Hayes Privates Beard, Samuel Cain, Jesse Cain, Stephen Campbell, William Campbell. George Drenan, David Dryden, William Elliott, Andrew Elliott, Robert Jr. Featherkille, Andrew Fenton, Samuel Goody. John Izzard, Eli Kemp, Richard Kirkpatrick, George Kirkpatrick, James Kirkpatrick, Samuel Lockart, Moses Marshall, David McCheney, Alexander McIntire, William Montgomery, Adam … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Seaman

John W. Seaman, farming and stock; P. O. Humbolt; was born in Adams Co., Ohio, May 28, 1837. He married Miss Mary Ann Ellison Feb. 15, 1859; she was born in the same place Sept. 1, 1840; they have ten children, viz., Emma J., James H., Franklin A., Fred J., Charlie, Harry, Lizzie S., Thomas E., Wm. E. and Maggie. He lived in Ohio until 1862; he was born on the farm and has always followed farming; in 1862, he came to Illinois and settled in North Okaw Tp., where he lived three years; he then moved to Humbolt Tp., … Read more

McComas, E. S. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon One of the largest funerals in the history of the town of Union marked the obsequies of the pioneer editor and politician, E. S. McComas. The funeral was held at Union, Wednesday afternoon, September 6 at 3 o’clock, and was attended by a great gathering of pioneers. The body was laid to rest beside his mother, brother, and son. The deceased leaves a widow, one daughter, an adopted son and three sisters, Mrs. Alice M. Bell of Enterprise, Mrs. Esther E. Pursel and Mrs. Mary R. Thomson of Union. Mrs. Bell received word of her brother’s … Read more

Rogers Family Cemetery Records, Adams County, Ohio

Adams County, Ohio (Loc. 8 Mi. SE Of West Union) BERRY G. W. Co. F. 81st. Ohio Inf. Civil War Stone. BRADFORD E. H., b, 18 Oct. 1901, d. 25 Mar. —-. 7th. Day Adv. Eady, d. Feb. 1903. 7th Day Adv. BURNSIDE J. M. Co. F. 1st. Ohio L A. Civil War Stone. COLDIRON (Infant), child of Jesse Aaron. Will Hen, d. 1963. DAVIS (Infant), b. 18 June 1903, d. 19 June 1903. Dessie, b. 10 May 1915, d. 5 Dec. 1915. Twin. Leslie, b. 10 May 1915, d. 15 Oct. 1915, Twin. Mary G., b. 26 Jan. 1850, … Read more

Arrasmsith Cemetery, Scott, Adams County, Ohio

(Loc. abt. 9 mi. WNW of PEEBLES and abt. 6 mi. NE of SEAMON in Scott two.) AROSMITH or ARRASMITH Charles, husb. of Sarah. Co. D. 4th Batt. Ohio Cav., Civil War. Sarah, d. 1 Oct. 1871, ae. abt. 25 yrs. Wife of Charles. CLARK Samantha, d. 30 May 1905, ae. 60 yrs., 3 mos., 11 days. Wife of Wesley. Wesley, d. 19 Feb. 1906, ae. 61 yrs., 7 mos., 24 days. Husb. of Samantha. CAPLINGER Ellen. DUTTON Altie Lee, son of L. 0. and A. A., d. 3 Dec. 1900, ae. 1 yr. 11 mos., 11 days. STERN Frederick, … Read more

Biography of H. H. Bowen

Among those who are doing effective work in connection with the development of the rich oil fields of northeastern Oklahoma is numbered H. H. Bowen, a successful operator residing at Ochelata, who is the possessor of considerable creative ability which he has utilized to good advantage in this field of activity. He was born in Adams County, Ohio, October 27, 1868, of the marriage of Reuben R. and Kate Bowen, the former a native of Virginia, while the latter was born in Ohio and was left an orphan when but an infant. The father devoted his attention to the buying … Read more

Biography of William Cochran Hall, M. D.

William Cochran Hall, M. D., has lived at Coffeyville nearly thirty years. As a physician and surgeon he has been successful, as is indicated by the numerous professional relations he has enjoyed as physician and surgeon to a large number of the railway companies and other industrial organizations of that section of the state. But Doctor Hall’s usefulness has not been confined entirely within the lines of his profession. He is one of the men who have made Coffeyville a city. He has helped bring many of its industries and organizations, and has aided in numerous worthy enterprises inaugurated for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Moore

John Moore, farming and stock; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in Adams Co., Ohio, Dec. 22, 1830. Be married Miss Eliza J. Grooms, July 11, 1852; she was born in Adams Co., Ohio, June 18, 1834. They had eleven children, eight living, viz., Alfred F., Almira F., Newton B., S. A. Douglas, Ella R., Ludora J., Ida I. and John E. He was born on his father’s farm, and lived there for twenty-seven years; he then came to Illinois and settled in Coles Co., on his present place; this was in 1857, and has lived … Read more

Biography of Daniel M. Sechler

Daniel M. Sechler, founder of the D. M. Sechler Carriage Company, of Moline, Illinois, was born March 4, 1818, at Danville, Pennsylvania, and died at his home in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 27, 1903. Mr. Sechler’s forefathers, in the days of the persecution of John Huss, were obliged to flee for refuge from Austria, taking up their abode in Holland, from which country, in 1685, Mr. Sechler’s great great grandfather emigrated to America, locating near William Penn’s town of Philadelphia. His grandson, John Sechler, a revolutionary soldier, founded the town of Danville, the birthplace not only of the subject of this … Read more

Biography of Thomas M. Sechler

Moline is a city of manufacturers, one of the most prominent of whom is the subject of this sketch, Thomas M. Sechler. He was born October 25, 1841, in Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, at which place his father, D. M. Sechler, at that time conducted a carriage factory. His father, Daniel Montgomery Sechler, was born at Danville, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1818, and his mother, Pamela (Mackey) Sechler, was born in Rutland Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1819. She is still living at her home in Cincinnati, Ohio. T. M. Sechler’s paternal great-great-great grandfather came from Holland in 1685, together … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Moore

George Moore, farming and stock; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in Adams Co., Ohio, June 17, 1828. He married Miss Rebecca Ann McKee Jan. 30, 1851; she was born in Adams Co., Ohio, Oct: 20, 1833; they had eight children, seven living, viz., Joseph N., Jennie, John C., George W., Oscar F., Stanley B. and Jessie; he was born on his father’s farm and lived there until he was 26 years of age, when he was elected Treasurer of Adams Co., Ohio, and moved to West Union, the county seat; he served in this position … Read more

McComas, E. S. – Obituary

One of the largest funerals in the history of the town of Union marked the obsequies of the pioneer editor and politician, E. S. McComas. The funeral was held at Union, Wednesday afternoon, September 6 at 3 o’clock, and was attended by a great gathering of pioneers. The body was laid to rest beside his mother, brother, and son. The deceased leaves a widow, one daughter, an adopted son and three sisters, Mrs. Alice M. Bell of Enterprise, Mrs. Esther E. Pursel and Mrs. Mary R. Thomson of Union. Mrs. Bell received word of her brother’s extermity Saturday afternoon and … Read more

Biography of Evans S. McComas

EVANS S. McCOMAS. – One of the earliest pioneers of what is now Union county, and intimately acquainted with all of eastern Oregon, having been a prominent figure here from the time of his advent into the region, the gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article, is to-day one of the leading representatives of Union county and has ever maintained a walk manifesting public spirit and an ardent interest in the welfare of all, while he has been instrumental in upbuilding the county by his own efforts in the business enterprises that he has fostered and consummated … Read more

Biography of Fred R. Long

Fred R. Long, general manager of the S. N. Long Warehouse of St. Louis, was born in Winchester, Ohio, April 16, 1879. His father, Samuel N. Long, was also a native of Ohio, born in 1848. He came to Missouri in 1885 and here engaged in the manufacture of syrup under the name of the S. N. Long Syrup Company, continuing active in that business for a period of twenty years. He later established the warehouse business which has been carried on under the name of the S. N. Long Warehouse. Through a period of thirty-five years he has been … Read more