Kentucky Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Kentucky county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing.
Kentucky National Cemetery Information
Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)
Lexington National Cemetery (hosted at Interment)
Cave Hill National Cemetery (hosted at Interment)
- Surnames A-Be
- Surnames Bi-By
- Surnames C
- Surnames D-E
- Surnames F-G
- Surnames H
- Surnames I-K
- Surnames L-Ma
- Surnames Mc-My
- Surnames N-Q
- Surnames R-Sc
- Surnames Se-Sp
- Surnames St-V
- Surnames W-Z
Zachary Taylor National Cemetery (hosted at Interment)
- Surnames Aa-Ar
- Surnames As-Ba
- Surnames Be-Bi
- Surnames Bl-Bra
- Surnames Bre-Bur
- Surnames Bus-Ch
- Surnames Ci-Cov
- Surnames Cow-Dav
- Surnames Daw-Dul
- Surnames Dun-Fai
- Surnames Fal-Fre
- Surnames Fri-Gol
- Surnames Goo-Hai
- Surnames Hal-Haw
- Surnames Hay-Hoc
- Surnames Hod-Hy
- Surnames I-Jon
- Surnames Jor-Kj
- Surnames Kl-Lem
- Surnames Len-Map
- Surnames Mar-McG
- Surnames McH-Mi
- Surnames Mo-My
- Surnames N-O
- Surnames Pa-Pie
- Surnames Pig-Ra
- Surnames Re-Roe
- Surnames Rog-Sca
- Surnames Sch-Sh
- Surnames Si-Sn
- Surnames So-Sv
- Surnames Sw-Ti
- Surnames To-Wak
- Surnames Wal-Whe
- Surnames Whi-Wil
- Surnames Wim-Z
Camp Nelson National Cemetery (hosted at Interment)
- Surnames A
- Surnames Ba-Be
- Surnames Bi-Bo
- Surnames Br-By
- Surnames Ca-Cl
- Surnames Co-Cy
- Surnames D
- Surnames E-F
- Surnames G
- Surnames Ha-He
- Surnames Hi-I
- Surnames J
- Surnames K-Le
- Surnames Li-Ma
- Surnames Mo-N
- Surnames O-Pl
- Surnames P-Ri
- Surnames Ro-Se
- Surnames Sh-Sm
- Surnames Sn-Sz
- Surnames T
- Surnames U-We
- Surnames Wh-Wi
- Surnames Wo-Z
Lebanon National Cemetery (hosted at Interment)
- Surnames A-Br
- Surnames Bu-De
- Surnames Di-G
- Surnames H-I
- Surnames J-L
- Surnames M-N
- Surnames O-R
- Surnames S
- Surnames T-Z
Mill Springs National Cemetery (hosted at Interment)