Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Brumfield

CHARLES C. BRUMFIELD, one of Todd County’s enterprising young farmers, was born on March 11, 1856, in Christian County, Ky., and is the third of five children-three boys and two girls-born to Wiley N. and Pernecy (Wood) Brumfield, natives of Virginia, and Christian County, Ky., respectively, of English descent. Subject’s father was married twice, his first wife having been Margaret (Watwood) Brumfield, by whom he had six children-four boys and two girls–five now living, Subject was reared on a farm; his parents died when he was quite young, his mother on November 23, 1861, his father on February 11, 1863. Subject received a good common-school education and made his home with his half brother till he became of age, when he commenced the struggle of life for himself, farming and attending school. He attended school at Trenton, Todd County, for one year and a half. He taught school near Kirkmansville in 1879 and 1880; was census enumerator of Kirkmansville District in 1880. Subject married, January 14, 1880, Alice J. Brumfield, of Todd County, Ky., daughter of Edmond and Verdilla (Canon) Brumfield, natives of Virginia and Tennessee respectively, of English descent. Subject and wife’s people are among the first settlers of Todd County. This union is blessed with two children-Dennie and Vader. Subject’s grandfather was James Brumfield.



Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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